Roll me another J could mean (I don't know the song) Roll me another Joint.
Says in the EULA that names including drug references aren't allowed thus you got generic'd.
J does not stand for joint however J is directly related to drugs, however I honestly dont see how its offensive.. I could just have ment the letter J.
@Psycho Jas
J does not stand for joint however J is directly related to drugs, however I honestly dont see how its offensive.. I could just have ment the letter J.
And "Roll me another <letter> J" doesn't honestly make any form of sense whatsoever if you ask me.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

And yet your character "Suckin' on a doob" is still ok...go figure.
All seriousness aside, it's a judgement call on the GM's behalf. If you're concerned about it, you can ask for it to be escalated to a supervisor for review, but that's pretty much all you can do.
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[QUOTE=Crazy_Dragon;2521283]When I first read the name, I did connect it to the word 'joint' as well, QUOTE]
the strangest thing is I had that name on my EU account for a good 2-3 years sitting @ lvl 50 and not once did it even cross my mind that its 'offensive' now go figure I make it on freedom and it gets generic'd.. I honestly belive it was through that one out of spite petition.
@Psycho Jas
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
the strangest thing is I had that name on my EU account for a good 2-3 years sitting @ lvl 50 and not once did it even cross my mind that its 'offensive' now go figure I make it on freedom and it gets generic'd.. I honestly belive it was through that one out of spite petition.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
git wrek baddo
the strangest thing is I had that name on my EU account for a good 2-3 years sitting @ lvl 50 and not once did it even cross my mind that its 'offensive' now go figure I make it on freedom and it gets generic'd.. I honestly belive it was through that one out of spite petition.
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
I doubt it was out of spite, although I don't think the motive matters when someone reports a TOS violation. If you violate the TOS and get dinged for it, it's your own fault. It's a waste of time to try to analyze why someone reported you. After all, a spiteful report that's wrong probably won't get very far.
you underestimate how much soul touch annoys people in arena chat.
But it doesn't really matter if it was done out of spite or because someone felt the name violated the TOS and needed to be changed, because ultimately the name violated the TOS and needed to be changed.
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
If it counts for anything, I didn't have a clue what "J" could have meant until I read further down in this thread.

If it counts for anything, I didn't have a clue what "J" could have meant until I read further down in this thread.
mmmmmm, jelly rolls....
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J does not stand for joint however J is directly related to drugs, however I honestly dont see how its offensive.. I could just have ment the letter J.
And, forgive me... but what other drug could "roll me another J" be referencing, if not a joint? All my life, a "J" was a joint. PM me, if this would be deemed inappropriate to the thread.

Thank you, Champion.
Since searching for alternate meanings all google can offer is weed pictures and jokes I'm going with "Roll me another J" means "roll me another joint".
Personally? I shake my head in wonder.
In this game, we can beat up, shoot, kill, steal, judge and execute those around us and people take offense with a name like roll me another J?
These censorship rules keep amazing me.
Personally? I shake my head in wonder.
In this game, we can beat up, shoot, kill, steal, judge and execute those around us and people take offense with a name like roll me another J? These censorship rules keep amazing me. |
What makes me shake my head in wonder is when people who are knowingly pushing the limits of the naming rules act surprised when someone gets offended and petitions them.
Speaking for myself, the name the OP used wouldn't have raised a blip on my radar, but I know there are people out there that might be bothered by it.
The length of time a player has the name is not relevant. This game is constantly getting new players and it's impossible to meet everyone. So It's not impossible for a person to have a name for years before someone files a petition.
Every time we choose to be cute, edgy, or funny we take the risk that someone may not like it. I had a dark/dark scrapper named Phart the Dispersing get genericed a while back. It was a silly name, no reason to get mad. I just laughed at the idea the word Phart offended somebody.
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J does not stand for joint however J is directly related to drugs, however I honestly dont see how its offensive.. I could just have ment the letter J.
So it doesn't even matter if it's offensive. Every single player in the game could look at a handle that's a drug reference, say it's totally OK, and it would still be an actionable offense in the eyes of the GMs. The policy is spelled out very clearly in the EULA, and even if you've never bothered to read that, you shouldn't be surprised at that specific restriction.
GW2 - Melchior.2135
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Dub Step sounds like a much cooler name.
Wish I coulda thought of something like that. If I had any character slots I hadn't used/reserved, that is >_>
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
you underestimate how much soul touch annoys people in arena chat.
As for everyone else, thank you for replying and I understand that seeing as my name was directly linked to drugs which is against the rules it deserves to get generic'd.
@Psycho Jas
What makes me shake my head in wonder is when people who are knowingly pushing the limits of the naming rules act surprised when someone gets offended and petitions them.
Speaking for myself, the name the OP used wouldn't have raised a blip on my radar, but I know there are people out there that might be bothered by it. The length of time a player has the name is not relevant. This game is constantly getting new players and it's impossible to meet everyone. So It's not impossible for a person to have a name for years before someone files a petition. Every time we choose to be cute, edgy, or funny we take the risk that someone may not like it. I had a dark/dark scrapper named Phart the Dispersing get genericed a while back. It was a silly name, no reason to get mad. I just laughed at the idea the word Phart offended somebody. |
And oh dear, Phart offensive?
you don't realise how much forum post stalking you do to me as of late, and the above post is particularly pequiliar as i've been on your ignore for the past 2 weeks, for asking you on AC how comes you took incinerate on your mind/fire dominator, if this is annoying you SO much you really do have a mental disability.
As for everyone else, thank you for replying and I understand that seeing as my name was directly linked to drugs which is against the rules it deserves to get generic'd. |
Let me quickly start off by saying that I'm not here to try and find a work around a generic'd name, I've got a name change token I used on the toon and I'm fine with the new name, Im just wondering what your thoughts on the matter is...
So during a couple of radio missions with a few friends my elec/therm corr got her name generic'd.. It was "Roll me another J"
This is just a shout out in a song called Eastern Jam, now usually I'd understand the devs genericing offensive names but I honestly fail to see how this name is offensive? Anyway if I did get my old name back i'd be happier but I don't mind sticking with her new name "Dub Step"
For the record the corr was lvl 41 - which made it even more strange. And the person who petitioned me, and admitted it was doing it out of spite. lol.
Message history:
[Arena] <Person who petitioned>-: yes it worked!
[Arena] <Random guy in AC>: WTB 5 Karmas on villside plz
[Arena] <Person who petitioned>-: i thought the devs would ignore that petition
perhaps im wrong and you all do find it offensive, which is why im posting it on here..
@Psycho Jas