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  1. GrinningSpade

    EU MA Superteam

    I cant get on sundays afternoon but you have fun mind you
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I teamed with orion!! yay!!!!

    Think the question is though, when you visiting us next Av? We didnt bite too hard! [well apart from my very unusual long loading times hehe]
    And me and me (I am the one with the glowie glasses) you are so lucky Damz to be in a team with so many legends.


    And your loading time.... Erm lets say. I could set up my pets, equip and upgrade them, toggle 4 temps then go have a bio break and drink a cup of coffee while we were waiting for you. That much coffee is bad for my health
  3. I kind of wish Steelclaw would get a temp job at NCSoft. Starting at April 1 and well you know how jobs are going freem at that particular day. But at least we would have a fun daylong event.
  4. Had a blast as one of Avatea's bodyguards with the Austin Grossman arc. Thankfully we got Noobbuster with us to take all the blame (after he finally showed up).

    That little lady got charm, I mean for a hero that is. We didn't even faceplant that often when we danced our own waltz on the music of the night.
  5. I am with Samuel Tow here but less caps

    I am not to happy about the whole localisation thing and I hope that NC Soft will stop doing that asap.
  6. GrinningSpade

    EU MA Superteam

    What time do you have in mind Tangler? I still got lots of hardly used toons at the EU side and might like to hop over now and then.
  7. THe chance to play with the noobbuster and Miss Avatea? Sounds like a nice idea. 2 hours and 45 minutes to go.
  8. Just tried this arc and first off. Excellent writing and some good ideas here. Though you have a tendency to be over descriptive and you sue a lot of words like lamentable, sanguine in almost every two sentences. It made me want to grasp my thesaurus and frankly it distracted me to much from the story.

    I quit the game in mission 2. I dislike big outdoors maps, I dislike glowie hunting, especially in big outdoors maps using very subtle and small glowies. Not to mention a lot of false glowies. Half of the glowies I had to find with aid of my hearing only because they were near invisible.

    It was only the writing, the excellent detailing and my curiosity that I looked for as long as i did. But I didn't have the stomach to hunt for glowies all over the same map a third time.
  9. Nice.

    3 new Guest Authors and hopefully 3 great stories. Considering what these people have written before, I think I will enjoy these ones.

    Ps. Austin Grossman wrote a book that introduced the Malign Hypercognition Disorder ("evil genius" syndrome) that I as Supervillain do not suffer from, honest I don't.
  10. I would love to see a feature like that. It is a pain to find arcs that are good for lower level characters and just saying my level doesn't help much.

    /signed, stamped and sealed
  11. That poster REALLY makes me want to play this! If I get a chance tonight I'll give it a whirl!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I am pretty sure that the primary mission of Portal Corp is to make contact with civilized dimensions. It is possible that seeking unpopulated earths for resource acquisition is primary, but making allies is at least a secondary mission.
    Allies against whom? What common enemy do we have that requires allies from another dimension? Fact is we made more enemies then friends out there. the smart thing to do is NOT use the Portals and especially stay out of civilized troublespots.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Hope this thread is still running-ish, really looking for some feedback on this;

    Crown of Iron, Heart of Steel Part 1
    ID - 236933.
    When I played this one the first that came to my mind was. How stupid must you be to use portal technology to try to contact civilized dimensions? Think the Rikti, think Praetoria, think any of those other nasty places and you want to take the chance of giving these people the opportunity to learn about portals and pay us a visit in the future?

    Exactly that happened here. We investigate a new world and instead of tiptoeing out. We declare war on the ruler of said world and Alert him of our presence. You can bet that we can expect trouble in the future. That was a problem I had with this arc.

    However, you did great with bringing that world to live. The enemy was well chosen and our allies had some funny and nice twists. When we met the black gentleman, he was appreciated that much that people declared to up their rating just because of him. And best of all. We had Nemesis and loads of them, but and this was so refreshing. NO NEMESIS PLOT. Not even the worst critics can complain about that.

    I was less happy with the maps you used. Sure, the maps in mission 1-4 were appropriate and to the point. But all outdoor maps with a lot of stuff to look for that's a lot of work here. The map were we met Herald we all disagreed was a mistake. Should have been caves or a lower tech facility. The croatoa map was not right for it. All in all, despite the maps and the problem I had with the story I enjoyed the arc and can recommend it.
  14. I have played this arc tonight with the MA super team. A big problem we faced was that while people seem to like the custom fraction and find it well designed, in our team the custom group did not translate so well. I don't dare to recall how often I went facedown. Splattered all over the place by bosses doing build up, Kersplash say hi to the nurse for me. Mind you, I was playing a Brute. Granted, we were comparatively lowbies and most of us did not have IO sets but at 0/0 without AV's you don't expect to get so much trouble as we had.

    Mechanically everything was fine but storywise I at least was not that happy. I think Sister Twelve said it better then I ever could. I really think that most of your effort should be focused on that story. To make it more logical. I gave you some ideas about that in your other thread. One hint, a few of the players found it difficult to identify with the story because the introduction of the enemy fraction assumed that you had played the prequel and I alone had done that.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    When i tried the US servers last year, losing your vet rewards was really an eye opener. It startled me at how much i actually use them in the early levels!
    Oh yes, that was and is bad. I hated having to give up my vet awards.

    Problem I got now is that everybody is back doing MA farms again. Sigh. Granted, radio missions are not that hot either but farming? At Freedom I find it hard nowadays to find a normal team.
  16. The only way is to open a new US account and start again from scratch. I would have preferred otherwise and yes the grass on Virtue is not as green as you might believe.

    At times that I play there are hardly more people then on the EU servers. In the evening there are a bit more players then we have here though.
  17. Voted. I added my two cents I guess. If it even helps to bring one gamer to this game then it was well worth our time.
  18. Well deserved Dev choice. This is a great arc. Favorite part for me being the dream sequence where you hunt for the clues of the Clockworks kings past.

    Frija did something similar but less elaborate in her arc Mercytown where you read diaries about an old cult. I loved that part and this one went way beyond that.
  19. This topic has been derailed badly. The answer is. If and whenever the devs decides that merging is the only solution. I do not expect that moment to happen until GR is out for at least 6 months and fails to bring the expected new customers.

    If it was me, merging would happen tonight though. But I know that I am a minority on the forum with this view.
  20. Its to early for april's fools. Else I would say: Freeemmm!
  21. Just played this arc. I didn't rate it yet because I think that there is room for improvement. Now I could talk about adding more objectives, more dialogue and basically more things to do which is all true. However I will warn you that to many of your customs have the really annoying web grenade power.

    But before spending much time on polishing, I think that it would be better on making the story more solid.


    An alien threat from outer space is interesting but I would think such a thing would cause a major alert and scramble all the big guns of heroism. The Rikti has taught us well in that regard. Maybe if prominent diviners tell us that the threat is at most minor compared to the mess we are already in then it would make sense to use a minor official. I know you did mention something like this in the briefing but it wouldn't hurt to emphasize. Perhaps with a line that Vanguard has its hands full of Rikti and they would appreciate a little help in taking out the raid leader.

    In the second mission, not only do I have an enemy shuttle, I can understand what they are saying, I know how to fly the thing and I can access their computers in their own spaceship. You really should explain how I am able to do this. The information about this race could be in the databases of captured Rikti files for example (you even can do a mission to obtain this information). With it could be a warning that the race commonly uses the scorched earth tactic when an invasion probe fails. And perhaps some well placed bombs would explain why they didn't simply reset their computers and try again.

    Just my two cents.
  22. GrinningSpade


    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    What makes me shake my head in wonder is when people who are knowingly pushing the limits of the naming rules act surprised when someone gets offended and petitions them.

    Speaking for myself, the name the OP used wouldn't have raised a blip on my radar, but I know there are people out there that might be bothered by it.

    The length of time a player has the name is not relevant. This game is constantly getting new players and it's impossible to meet everyone. So It's not impossible for a person to have a name for years before someone files a petition.

    Every time we choose to be cute, edgy, or funny we take the risk that someone may not like it. I had a dark/dark scrapper named Phart the Dispersing get genericed a while back. It was a silly name, no reason to get mad. I just laughed at the idea the word Phart offended somebody.
    To be honest I wasn't aware of the fact (before this thread) that names of drugs were forbidden. One thing I can say though. I see far more genericed players on the US side then on the EU side. For example my Forum Handle in combination with my Avatar caused some unrest when the forums were fused. I had had the same combination for a long time on the EU forums and nobody mentioned a thing. Things seem a lot more touchy over here.

    And oh dear, Phart offensive?
  23. Played 5 years and never noticed anyone ERP or MRT'ing so I doubt that it is much of an issue or that people are discreet. But I have to agree with previous posters that since you cannot be sure that the person on the other side of the screen is not a minor that doing either of those activities in this game is inappropriate.
  24. GrinningSpade


    Personally? I shake my head in wonder.

    In this game, we can beat up, shoot, kill, steal, judge and execute those around us and people take offense with a name like roll me another J?

    These censorship rules keep amazing me.