Discussion: Play New Guest Author Missions with Dr. Aeon and the Community Team!




Hey All,

So it’s time to release new Guest Author Story Arc Missions and we want to play them with YOU! Dr. Aeon along with members of the Community Team will be jumping in game to try out the new content and thought it would be fun to invite you along. This batch of Guest Authors has been an absolute blast to work with (even Hickman), and we’re really looking forward to playing their work first hand. But because entertainment is best shared with friends, we’re taking you along for the ride!

So on with the details!

This round of Guest Author Missions were written by Mercedes Lackey (arc id: 369275), Troy Hickman (arc id:369271), and Austin Grossman (arc id:369272).

On Tuesday January 26th at 7pm Pacific (10pm EST) Dr. Aeon will be visiting his old stomping grounds on Virtue to give one of the Guest Author Arcs a play through. Meanwhile, at the same time the lovely Avatea will be doing the same and chumming it up on the Justice server.

We’ll keep the teaming goodness going on Wednesday the 27th, with Avatea leading the pack at 10am Pacific (8pm British, 9pm Central European) on the Union server. Then, at 5pm (8pm EST) Niviene will jump on Infinity for some fun in the evening. Dr. Aeon will return at 7pm (10pm EST) but this time on Freedom.

Finally on Thursday the 28th I’ll be logging on to the Champion server at 6pm Pacific (9pm EST) for good times, bacon, and possibly a quote pyramid or two. Dr. Aeon will make his final appearance this round with a trip to Liberty at 7pm (10pm EST).

Got all that? I didn’t think so. Here’s all the info listed out more clearly for you:

Tuesday, January 26th
7pm Pacific – Virtue – Dr. Aeon
7pm Pacific – Justice – Avatea

Wednesday, January 27th
10am Pacific – Union – Avatea
5pm Pacific – Infinitiy – Niviene
7pm Pacific – Freedom – Dr. Aeon

Thursday, January 28th
6pm Pacific – Champion – The Ocho
7pm Pacific – Liberty – Dr. Aeon

So if you get the urge, come join us in game! We’ll do our best to get you on one of our teams (we’ll be accepting appropriately leveled characters on a first come first serve basis). Even if we can’t, however, don’t forget to experience these Guest Author Missions on your own. I promise they are a blast!




What does "appropriately leveled" mean? Within the level range of the arcs? If so, what are those level ranges? With all the autoexemping/sidekicking stuff, it hardly seems to matter.

EDIT: FPAARN? Really? I think that's a first for me.

No level 1's. If you can't contribute to a team, then joining it would be inappropriate. -theOcho

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



no victory server? i would love to take part in this but i dont have any toons on the other servers worth playing (or that i like to play).

There are still free server transfers! Honestly we'd like to play on every server, but these were the ones that came out of the hat this time. -theOcho



What, no Victory? What are we, chopped liver?

And here I thought the mods liked us... Mod8 even silenced Hamster for us!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Why no Pinnacle either?

P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep

[url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217406&TabID=1833355"]PERC Site[/url]

"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny



I realize it lacks the prestige of partying it up with a red name, but I'm planning on being available to play my arc through with anyone who wants to do so, as time and my bleary eyes permit. I'll probably announce some times, or you can contact me through the boards and I'd be glad to make time if you're putting a group together (and you can always contact me at @CommonGrounds in the game).

I have plenty of characters on every server, so we should be good.

And really, what's more fun than watching the arc's creator be perpetually faceplanted?

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Just let me know if you hit Virtue and what time, and I'll bring one of my toons

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
And really, what's more fun than watching the arc's creator be perpetually faceplanted?
Hehe, so true!



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
But because entertainment is best shared with friends,
Unless, of course, the non team leaders want to actually READ the story that was written in the mission completed/return to contact text box.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Not Victory or Pinnacle? Those are the only 2 servers i kept active toons on - 34 of me on Each as a matter of fact.



This looks fun and what another poster asked, what zones are we suppose to meet in?



Are we meeting in Cap ? Nerva ? Sharkhead ? And is this for lvl 50's or what ? Sounds like a awesome time though ......



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post

So far . . . Triumph hasn't been tapped for any of the new events.
I feel your pain Cath. Even after Mod8 falling in love with our pantless ways. I thought we had a special bond....I guess not.



Hmm, so this is happening on the same day, but at a different time than whatever this is.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
no victory server? i would love to take part in this but i dont have any toons on the other servers worth playing (or that i like to play).

There are still free server transfers! Honestly we'd like to play on every server, but these were the ones that came out of the hat this time. -theOcho
Careful there Ocho - server transfers, while free for a bit longer, have severe in game consequences regarding Super Group membership.

Just pointing this out before someone accidentally transfers out of their group and is unable to get back into it....

PS: Triumph got left out - not cool!

Go Team Venture!



I've already called dibs for one spot on union! We CAN call dibs right?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Careful there Ocho - server transfers, while free for a bit longer, have severe in game consequences regarding Super Group membership.

Just pointing this out before someone accidentally transfers out of their group and is unable to get back into it....

PS: Triumph got left out - not cool!
i agree with him, im not transferin any villains because i dont want them to lose their vg, my vg is mostly self run meaning it is not super active and i usually have a hard time getting my own toons back into it because i cant invite my own toons if a freind is offline.



Had fun running with Avatea and the Justice crew tonight...6 Blasters, 1 Controller, and 1 Dom...yes, we brought wakies!

Had a good time playing Austin and Mercedes' arcs, Ava had to split before Troy's. Our team of 7 went thru it anyway and totally saved the day!!

Thanks for leading the way, Avatea, you earned that debt badge ;D

Looking forward to what's in store on Thursday...

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
So far . . . Triumph hasn't been tapped for any of the new events.
I doubt it'll make you feel any better but there is a Mission Architect SG on Triumph. I'm sure that those of us who didn't run with the community reps will be playing these over the weekend.



I want to thank Dr. Aeon for leading the Virtue group thru a romp thru the Hickman Arc last night...

I was impressed by Aeon's ability to stay totally in character throughout the whole event...This man may well have become an RP guru, villain or no.

I also loved the puns in the arc, and everyone's bouncing off them...if I was the quiet one, it was because behind the keyboard, I was laughing my backend off...! Which was why I didn't let people know when I hit a level during one of the missions...

Thanks for letting me into the group as well...I was the final one to find him, and I finally had to learn to think like a villain in order to find him....(yes, Magical Warrior Luna is a bluesider...). Loads of fun, and I look forward to seeing that screenshot of the whole group

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



THe chance to play with the noobbuster and Miss Avatea? Sounds like a nice idea. 2 hours and 45 minutes to go.