Discussion: Play New Guest Author Missions with Dr. Aeon and the Community Team!




Hey everyone!

I wanted to let the people from Liberty and Freedom know that I had a blast playing through the Guest Author arcs with them!

Here is screenshot of my team from Freedom, whom I've dubbed ULTRA DREAM TEAM AEON (UDTA). Sorry Virtue, but all of the people on this team promised to help me fight against Television on the forums.

However! The people from Liberty have earned the name SUPER ULTRA DREAM TEAM AEON (SUDTA) for not only promising to help me fight against Television on the forums, but for also insulting Television at every possible turn during our story arc. Here is a picture of the SUDTA from Liberty!

Thanks again to everyone who participated, and remember!

Keep fighting Television!

Follow me on my blog or on twitter:
Dr. Aeon's Blog

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I was Proud to be a member of SUPER ULTRA DREAM TEAM AEON and shocked to discover that our parents wqere right- Television ROTS our brains!!!

Seriously.. I had a BLAST teaming with the good doctor!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Out of curiosity, what AT and powers did Dr. Aeon have? Was he built like a standard character or did he have access to impossible power combos, like how Blue Steel is a MA/SD/War Mace Scrapper?



when he was running with the SUDTA (ok, I admit, I love saying it) he was a straight Energy/Energy Blaster from what I looked at, didn't seem to have anything out of the ordinary. My first guess was that he just picked a version of the bajillion Aeons you fight in the STF.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



As a member of Freedom's UDTA I'd like to thank the good Doctor for sharing the experience of the new Guest Author arcs with us. It was a load of fun with critters flying in every direction.

As for Television, well, we all know it's our grandfathers' technology, I mean really, only TWO dimensions for the image? I much prefer the 4D Surround of Dr. Aeon's holographic projection systems, now with more FREEM!

Edit: I'm the big robot on the right.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



I was part of Ultra Dream team Aeon too right new to The_Killbot the ninja in blue and white in the bring it stance. Had a blast, blasted a television afterwards all in all it was a good night.

Now remember kids Television is what your grandparents watched, it's old outdated and no one uses it anymore and just a waste of space. Who would want a Television when they could have Arcitect Entertainment and a computer.



w00t proud member of Team SUDTA, had a blast running with Aeon, only one more person would of made me more excited and that would of had to be Lord Recluse.

P.s I am still kind of mad that I was on a hero and not a villain

Hatter: "Have I gone Mad?"
(Alice checks Hatter's temperature)
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers, nutter, crazy, But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Alice in Wonderland (2010)



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Keep fighting Television!
If you keep this up Professor Echo is going to get jealous!

As a member of the Liberty team I wasn't prepared for the young hip looking Dr. Aeon as he ditched his lab coat for a fierce leather jacket although you could tell he had his combat armor on underneath which is probably why he was that rarest of all things, a blaster who didn't face plant even once. He also disdained the use of a Magic Fortune buff because it wasn't scientific enough for him. A gutsy move for a glass cannon, no? Of course we had more bubbles than you could count or see through as you can tell from the photo.

The choice of AT was appropriate cause the event was truly a blast. Thanks for hosting it your evilness. By the way, is it true that NutriPaste is people?