Replace Wormhole in Gravity Control
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!
I love Wormhole, I'd never want to see it dumped. If anything was replaced, get rid of Dimension Shift.
Oh, and also, Cottage Rule.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!
I love Wormhole, I'd never want to see it dumped. If anything was replaced, get rid of Dimension Shift. Oh, and also, Cottage Rule. |
dimension shift is a useless power and should be replaced by something (anything is better than it currently lol, intangibility is one of the most useless types of mez)

this, absolutely do not get rid of wormhole
dimension shift is a useless power and should be replaced by something (anything is better than it currently lol, intangibility is one of the most useless types of mez) |
Really, the OP wants an AoE slow/-rech power? Pick up Crushing Field and slot it with Pace of the Turtle: Chance of -Rech proc.

I use Wormhole all the time it is hands down a vary useful power in all sorts of situations.
Need to pull a small group of mobs around a corner? Wormhole can do that... and knock them on there butts.
Got a tank of AoE death and want to get more mobs on him? Wormhole can do that.
Need to combine to mob groups? Wormhole.
Soloing and need to scatter some mobs that are on top of you? Wormhole.
Want to piss off the scrapper that ran ahead to a different set of mobs then the tank went for? Wormhole ... and giggle.
I use it on my Grav/Kin in almost every mission.
AoE Stun >>> AoE Slow
I mean, really? Wormhole stuns targets, and gives you almost absolute control over where those targets will be when you kill them.
As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?
Sorry bud, it's probably just not to your taste but I use it all the time on my Grav/Emp troller (I use dimension shift too but only in emergencies - oh, and I used to use DS in base raids to cheese off enemies who were trying to take out the generator)
You can have my Wormhole when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?
Wormhole is a fabulous power.
Just the one and it's no thanks.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Adding my voice to the list of...
The day you convince the developers that dropping Wormhole from Grav is a good idea is the day after I'm obliterated into component particles.
As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?
Thought 2: Cottage rule. The devs *will not* replace a power with one that does something completely different. (They've done so exactly once, just after game release - in Gravity, as it happens to be, getting rid of Fold Space (a team recall power) and, IIRC, shuffling things to add Singularity.... yes, 5/11/2004, "Changed Gravity Control/Fold Space to Singularity (and moved it to the end as the last power in the set): "You can create a very powerful Gravitational Singularity. The Singularity will engage your foes, assaulting them with various gravity powers. Any foes that attempt to approach the Singularity will be violently hurls away. The Singularity cannot be healed, but is highly resistant to all forms of damage and nearly impervious to Controlling type powers.")
Wormhole's exceptionally effective - not to mention fun. *launches enemy across the map.* Plus, "heavy gravity?" Have you read the description of "Crushing field" and "Gravity Distortion?" If that's not enough, roll a Grav/Kin and use Siphon Speed liberally.

This text is just here to get around the anti-capslock feature.
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I think my reaction/thoughts have already been stated by others, although I am mildly interested in OP's reasoning for choosing Wormhole as the power in Gravity to be replaced over others.
OP - I know you got a lot of strong reactions here, but you might have gotten more discussion for your Suggestion if you had provided a bit more background and reasoning in support of it - just my suggestion to you for the next time.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?
The problem I have with it is that it takes 3 seconds to cast and all of its effects have a delay of 2.6 or 2.7 seconds before they affect the target. Frequently mobs will have enough time after you start casting to shoot or even run up and slug you before it takes effect. Other similar area stun powers (Flashfire from Fire Control) don't have this delay.
The delay can sometimes be finessed by casting the power from around a corner (another reason why this is a great power), but the range is often not far enough to make this easy. And if you're on a huge outdoor map there is often no terrain to hide behind and avoid taking an alpha strike.
Thus, it can take a long time to do the setup for this power to use it to maximum effect, and if you're running on a team it's not reasonable to expect them to wait while you fiddle around.
The delay on the effect is likely there because the devs believed that it was such a fabulous power it needed some downside. It should work like the other area stuns and (if it hits the target), they should be affected without a chance to blast the caster, like Flashfire. The delay is not warranted because Gravity is in general weaker than the other control sets. In particular:
- While Wormhole is a great power, it's very difficult to coordinate its use with teams.
- You can put mobs anywhere you want, but since they get KBed with mag 14.5 KB it's not as easy as you'd like. You need a good wall or a corner to avoid scatter, and many maps don't provide them. Thus, while you can use Flashfire anywhere, anytime, Wormhole's range of usefulness is drastically more limited.
- Gravity in general is weaker than, say, Fire: what damage it does is smashing.
- The other signature power in the set (Propel) is also ridiculously slow to activate, and does smashing damage. If you're on a team with blasters you might as well not even bother to use Propel because the blasters will have killed your target three times by the time it fires off.
- The presence of Dimension Shift makes the set on the whole much weaker -- a single-target intangibility is bad enough, but an AoE intangible is almost unconscionable.
- The pet, while useful enough, is arguably the weakest of all the controller pets.
I'd actually prefer to eliminate the KB from Wormhole, but it goes against the conceit of the power (punching someone through a hole in space squirts them out the other end), and I think it's important to keep some color in the powers. All in all, eliminating the effect delay would be the least damaging change to Wormhole.
Agreed on Propel, there =/
The problem I have with it is that it takes 3 seconds to cast and all of its effects have a delay of 2.6 or 2.7 seconds before they affect the target. Frequently mobs will have enough time after you start casting to shoot or even run up and slug you before it takes effect. Other similar area stun powers (Flashfire from Fire Control) don't have this delay |
I'd be in favour of upping the AOE to 20, and increasing the range you can cast it from but I love the non-LOS aspect of it.
Dimension Shift should be refactored into a short duration Intangiblilty and a long duration stun though IMO.
Ok you guys are right bad idea. Thanks for the thoughts.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
There are things I'd change about WH to make it a much better power in actual use, but as it stands it is pretty awesome.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?