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  1. Am I the only one who thinks that an all-CoHer run of the New York raid when it's released to the live servers (not today, since they're still bugfixing it) would be very cool? We should do that.
  2. If it helps I just tried with firefox running adblock and noscript and the AVG anti-virus and it loaded fine.
  3. I know this is slightly belated, but was I the only one who saw the guy selling the working blasters and said "OMG, that's the ferengi from deep space nine!"

    Well, the first thing I said was "holy crap, I want a working blaster!" but the ferengi thing was a close second.
  4. That theme park sounds like it's gonna be the ****.
  5. Throwing my name in the hat for "give me a shout in coh-refugees" if you need a team and I'm online.

    I've got my Lumi Synner for high end stuff (she's a little... exuberant damage-wise for lower geared/skilled tanks and healers ) or my Templar DeeAy for mid-range stuff (circa Egypt) or my Dragon Dominique for lowbie stuff (she hasn't even left kingsmouth yet).

    Also: ye gods I wish they'd implement some kind of global handle system in TSW.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    So how many characters can you make total/per server and which is the most active PvP server?
    Three characters total, all servers for everything EXCEPT pvp are linked/interchangable, and to the best of my knowledge Grim is the server with the biggest PVP population.

    Templars are pretty much universally the pvp-dominant faction, meaning that for the smaller instanced pvp games (el dorado, stonehenge) you'll have long wait times. It also means that the persistent pvp zone (fusang) there'll usually be a huge horde.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    So... you're saying we should exchange business cards with the execs at NCSoft?
    That depends. What's the going rate on business cards made of C4?
  8. I proposed a dual pistols set back in mid-summer 2004. Only took seven years to get it implemented in some form.
  9. About what I did before Friday, around $25 a month above and beyond my 3 month sub block.
  10. I don't know her forum handle or have any screenshots of her, but @salsakitten of virtue is another of our fallen.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    You know what? **** it. Let's do it whether they like it or not.

    Anyone been playing Secret World? Is there like a friends recruitment program thing going on? Because I'd like to try it before I buy it, and if I can help someone earn some shiny baubles I'd like to.
    They've got a three day trial running, and if you do 30 missions in that 3 days (really not very hard) you get two more days and $10 worth of funcom points. Personally I play TSW and enjoy it tremendously.
  12. I know this is brief, but I do not have the words to express how much the last eight years have meant to me. Matt, Chris, Floyd, Melissa, everyone. The product you made and the people I met in it saved my life. Thank you.
  13. I still can't decide if you're awesome or absolutely insane, Steelclaw.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I don't play these kinds of games (although I did play a fun little card game called Gloom the other day)... how do deck-building games work?
    Generally speaking you get a couple of resource cards to start with that you use to buy cards from a big assortment of card types in the middle of the playing area. You shuffle the new cards you buy into your existing cards to expand your deck. When it's your turn you use cards from your deck to do stuff and earn points so you win.
  15. It really falls to pieces in the second set of episodes. The finale in particular is very... well. You'll see. I didn't care for it much at all.
  16. Having both Brute and Scrapper Titan Weapon characters, it's perfectly fun on either. Though honestly the titan criticals just make me smile in all sorts of naughty ways that fury doesn't quite match, but it's a very close second.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    So which one is this now? 5?

    I've honestly lost count...

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that Milla Jovovich found her niche. It's just, sorry to say, I stopped paying attention to these at around RE: Afterlife.
    Yes, five. To be fair though it's because her husband (Paul W.S. Anderson) keeps getting tapped to direct these that Milla keeps showing up in them. Her niche is starring in her husband's movies, which hey is good work if you can get it.
  18. Your failures of imagination are hardly failures of the naming system.
  19. They show up in one of the villainous SSA 1 missions as well. The 4th one, I think.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    It's also not a Star Wars Rip Off. It's a Hero's Arc, out of order.
    Well considering that Star Wars is a quintessential Hero's Journey story at its core, it doesn't have to be one or the other.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl
    It's not possible to spend too much on shopping
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Yes, it is... unless you are a spoiled child or ridiculously wealthy.
    Consider the source, Thirty.
  22. Not a bad idea, but the Penny Arcade guys (the ones who set up Child's Play) have specifically requested that anything involving child's play be for child's play alone. They did that after the "Fix the Mass Effect 3 Ending" people raised $75k for Child's Play. The reason was that they (the PA guys) were getting emails, calls, etc. asking when the ending would be fixed, and stuff like that. Since they weren't affiliated with the fix ME 3 ending group, they asked everyone to not use child's play as a prop for their own fundraising/politicking/etc. and keep it purely about the charity.
  23. There used to be an Airsoft group up in either northern California or Oregon that'd do this kind of thing as a three day weekend event with a resident evil theme around Halloween. Can't recall the name of the group offhand, but it always sounded like fun, aside from y'know, spending three days in the woods for a city boy like me.