New Boardgame: Heroes of Metro City




What is Heroes of Metro City? It's an upcoming superhero-based card game that I figured would appeal to some folks here... You start with a basic deck of cards, which represents your hero, and as you play the game you increase your deck (increasing the power of your hero) in order to defeat enemies, which builds up your hero, etc... However, as you're defeating enemies, they're destroying Metro City (the card 'stock'), so it's a race.

There's a really sparse 1-page website at but for a better look at the game, you can check out the short video here:

There's also a much longer (12-minute) gameplay example video here:

The creators of the game are demoing in GenCon this weekend, so if you want to check it out in person and you happen to be there, they'll be in Sagamore 6/7.

You can also find more information on their Kickstarter page:

If you have questions about the game, you can ask them via a link at the bottom of the Kickstarter page (this will require that you set up a Kickstarter account), or you can ask them via the email posted on their homepage. Or you can ask in this thread, and I'll do my best to answer (or get an answer).

By the by, since I've pointed you at a Kickstarter page, I need to say something - Kickstarter is not a pre-order system. Kickstarter is NOT a pre-order system. It may look like a pre-order system. It may often behave like a pre-order system. But Kickstarter is not a pre-order system. If you want to know more about Kickstarter, I refer you to their FAQs

Full disclosure: I'm a backer of the Kickstarter project, but not otherwise affiliated with the game or its creators.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I don't play these kinds of games (although I did play a fun little card game called Gloom the other day)... how do deck-building games work?
Generally speaking you get a couple of resource cards to start with that you use to buy cards from a big assortment of card types in the middle of the playing area. You shuffle the new cards you buy into your existing cards to expand your deck. When it's your turn you use cards from your deck to do stuff and earn points so you win.

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Originally Posted by Riley_Delacroix View Post
Generally speaking you get a couple of resource cards to start with that you use to buy cards from a big assortment of card types in the middle of the playing area. You shuffle the new cards you buy into your existing cards to expand your deck. When it's your turn you use cards from your deck to do stuff and earn points so you win.
Yep - that's how this one works as well. You start with a deck that is pretty much the same as everyone else's, then as you play the game, your deck becomes more personalized by selecting stuff from the piles in the middle.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
So you keep some cards permanently and some you play as needed?
In the case of this game, additions to your deck are permanent (until the next game).

The general flow of gameplay is:

1) You deal yourself a hand of five cards from your personal deck
2) You play cards from your hand - this may allow you to draw additional cards from the deck
3) Based on the results of step 2, you add cards from the central stockpile to your discard pile (improving your deck)
4) All the cards from your hand, played and unplayed, are put in your discard pile (there's an exception for energy sources, which stay played.)
5) Go to step 1 (when your personal deck runs out, you shuffle your discard pile and keep drawing from it)



Sounds like an Ascension-type card game.



Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
Sounds like an Ascension-type card game.
Yes, at a high level, the game play is quite similar. There are some significant differences in the details, for example, Heroes has you managing three resources (plot, energy, damage) vs Ascension's two (power, runes), and Heroes has a timing system built in (cards are removed by enemies) which makes it possible for everyone to lose.



Just an update - the Metro City team has signed up their sixth artist, Alayna Lemmer. For anyone keeping track, that's six so far - here's who they are and links to some of their work. As always, you can go to the Kickstarter page ( for more details.

Ryan Gutierrez
Jason Cheeseman-Meyer
Chris Miscik
Michael Manuel
Steve Copter
Alayna Lemmer



Well, hello again, Noble Savage!

Big news - our very own David Nakayama has signed up to be one of the artists for the game!

Umm. <shifty eyes> He wasn't exclusive, right?

Also some additional artists have been signed up, and there's now a way that your own art could be featured in the game. (Hit the link and scroll down to Update #18). Now you can all throw down (artistically speaking) with one of Paragon's finest! (Not me, my talent tops out at "recognizable stick figure.")