Vidiotmaps & Badge-Hunter down?




Can anyone comfirm if Vidiotmaps & are down or blocked from access? A few days ago my Norton Anti-virus blocked their site stating that was considered a "mass-injection website." But I can find no information on the Internet to confirm this.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



If it helps I just tried with firefox running adblock and noscript and the AVG anti-virus and it loaded fine.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

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In contrast I just tried with Firefox running Adblock Plus and got the same error from Norton as Acroyear2. I wonder why Norton and Avast are blocking it but AVG is not?

Update: Strange. When I went to first, then use the dropdown menu to Vidiotmaps (which goes to the same thing as my bookmark which was blocked a few minutes ago) I can browse fine.



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
In contrast I just tried with Firefox running Adblock Plus and got the same error from Norton as Acroyear2. I wonder why Norton and Avast are blocking it but AVG is not?

Update: Strange. When I went to first, then use the dropdown menu to Vidiotmaps (which goes to the same thing as my bookmark which was blocked a few minutes ago) I can browse fine.
AVG is now fighting with too

This is what I'm getting.

If B-H is using a hidden iframe, even for a legit purpose, that's probably what is causing the issue.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I went there unprotected after having become extremely 'at odds' with McAfee(even before
he did some sort of 'er...uhhh..." in Belize). Anyway, several programs tried to redirect my browser and several programs attempted to install on to my system, 'arcade something',
my Firewall was brought down, and my System said the sight was reported as UNSAFE.

I have since chosen to install Microsoft Systems Security, because, really, my main Hard-
Drive is going to die soon due to the damage that McAfee caused to it, so, even if Micro-
softs program sucks horribly(it could or could not) it won't make much of a difference compared to the dying HD AND all that Malware that tried to load on my system from Vidiot

Can only guess that the owner of the sight has abandonned it and hackers(prolly working for NCSoft) decided to have their way with it. So, SERIOUSLY, beware the sight, currently!

"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin