111 -
Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.
Yep, lots of others have had the same problem occur, myself included, several times actually.
Most often the cure is to log out of the game to the desktop, then come back. That usually makes the Beam Rifle Set return to use. Petitioning will eventually work too. Good luck.
Happy Gaming,
Red -
Father Xmas rules! I will miss your helpful posts(which are all of them). You helped make this game's community awesome.
Happy Holidays,
Red -
Apparently there is a Devs break room in the web maze under Grandville, somewhere's.
Also, there is a Tiny(I mean really really small) Plaque with the name of Grandville's Designer
on one of the skyscraper buildings in Grandville. The one with the multiple flanges at the top of it. The name is the same as one of the Arbiters in Grandville. Apone? Apoch?Allawiscious?
Happy Gaming,
Red -
Hello. I am not an expert, but, I believe that Sorcery is available on the BETA Server only.
It was going to be available on LIVE Servers, soon, perhaps by Christmas-time, when they
were going to make BIO Armor and Psy-melee available.
Anyway, Happy Holidays.
Happy Gaming,
red -
I heard that Marvel MMO is a Diablo 3 clone. Which makes it a Gauntlet Clone. Which means
it's just an arcade game with a Paypal Slot where the Quarter/Token slot should be... -
Btw: Scarlet Shocker, good pun...got cannned...
I went there unprotected after having become extremely 'at odds' with McAfee(even before
he did some sort of 'er...uhhh..." in Belize). Anyway, several programs tried to redirect my browser and several programs attempted to install on to my system, 'arcade something',
my Firewall was brought down, and my System said the sight was reported as UNSAFE.
I have since chosen to install Microsoft Systems Security, because, really, my main Hard-
Drive is going to die soon due to the damage that McAfee caused to it, so, even if Micro-
softs program sucks horribly(it could or could not) it won't make much of a difference compared to the dying HD AND all that Malware that tried to load on my system from Vidiot
Can only guess that the owner of the sight has abandonned it and hackers(prolly working for NCSoft) decided to have their way with it. So, SERIOUSLY, beware the sight, currently! -
I love you mousedroid, but, would like to point out the fresh irony in your name...
Hello. I am sorry for the tardiness of this answer: Yes the GM's will fix your "Rent Paid but no Power" base glitches. They did this for me last week. Good Luck. Happy Gaming. I hope to see you in the next one whichever that might be.
Happy Holidays,
@Sheyherazad -
Dear Hyperstrike,
Thank you for your response. I spent yesterday doing your suggested
repair attempts. I was able to successfully install the game after. Though,
at this time my game still glitches and crashes. Also, some of the powers
and costume sets I bought from Paragon Points show as Locked still, even
though I have made characters with those powers and costume parts.
My hard drive is most likely going bad. I have another HD on my system
though. It is a TB HD from Western Digital. I am looking into getting
Windows 7 OS DVD. My worry is: will installing a new OS onto that
spare drive require wiping the drive clean first? If so, can it be avoided
with partitioning?
My system is a 3.4 GHz Pentium 4 with 3 Gig Ram(XP only recognizes 2),
32 bit. Would Win7 operate well enough to game under those restrictions?
I have a nVidia 9600 graphics card.
Everything was working fine until my Firefox updated to v. 16.1(or so).
FF16.1 had a security hole in it that caused my McAfee to have a kiniption
fit. I had to reformat my drive in order to escape the damage that
McAfee caused to my system. The first thing McAfee did was erase all my
System Restore Points. Not, delete the scripts that would allow me
to get to them, but actually erase them from the system.
I actually thought I got virused, but, during my 4th formatting of my drive
McAfee left a signature behind 'mscjsres.dll' finally identifying itself as
the culprit behind the terrible damages to my system. I looked up the
effects and fixes for this...McAfee and I are no longer friends.
Anyway, damage has been done to my system HD and I do have the
other HD on the system. But my TB HD has 200Gig of files on it. Mostly,
City of Heroes Screeniez. If I have to wipe that drive to get an
operating system on it, I don't think I could do that. I would need to
purchase another HD and have that be my OS HD I think.
Again, thank you Hyperstrike for helping myself and all the others
that play this wonderful game with your computer expertise. You
helped make this community as awesome as it is.
aka@Sheyherazad(global) -
I can't find the technical issues thread anymore so I am asking here.
After the maintenance downtime yesterday, when I tried to log in the
NCSoft Launcher failed and indicated that I was missing a file. I tried
32 times(seriously) to Repair/patch my game. Then I uninstalled it in an
attempt to Reinstall the game fresh. The repairing and the reinstalling both
lead to the same error over and over, Error Code: 58 and 57, continuously.
I tried Installing from the Going Rogue DVD and It won't launch the game.
When I click on the NCSoft Launcher it wants to Install the game still even
though Going Rogue is in the folder it wants to install to. The Install fails
after it downloads the first 768 MB. It goes to a 4300 MB file and it won't
continue after the first section of 1/120 files. It just fails time after time.
Previously, when playing this game it would crash a lot after they stopped
supporting it starting in September. I would constantly have to Repair it and
it would sometimes repair sometimes not, always with an Error 58 + 57.
But, if I kept trying to Repair it. Eventually it would go through and work.
It required multiple-Repair attempts to make it go through. Now, it just
won't get past the first of 1/120 files on the 4Gig+ part of the download.
Losing this game was going to hurt 21 days from now. Losing it today is
unbearable. I really wanted to be there until the end, but, this looks like
it is the end for me. I don't have any hope that this can be repaired.
I use WinXp and my system is just old. I currently can't move ahead in
tech my financial situation won't allow it. -
Hiya! You are not the only player that is upset by incomplete contact meters. My first contact on the first toon I made seven years ago, was incomplete, and I've been all "grrry" about it since.
And then they gave us a way to turn off exp. So, that, combined with my alta-holism, has left me with dozens of toons frozen at levels 14, 19, 24, and 29 across all the servers.
Sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease.
And, sorry, no, you cannot fill in the contact's meter once they go inactive.
Happy Gaming Anyway,
Red -
Hiya! This looks great! I am very interested. May I suggest "HeroWeb", with the "hero" in blue and the"web" in red, as an alternate name for your app? Web for Arachnos and red for villains, blue for heroes. And, perhaps, changing the "reticle o" to a spider web looking "o"? World Wide "Web"
Doh! You already changed the"o" to a Statesmen "Star". Nice choice. Good luck with the app. -
Comming out of them James Earl Jones. Honorable Mention to Mark Hamill for his voice acting of the Joker in Batman Animations.
Going into them PETER CUSHING<-----!
OP purposes, Independence Day. -
I have had similar problems. It happens with click powers that were used outside the mission entrance and to toggles. Loooonnnnggg recharges.
Ditto-ish. City of ... love it. Great game.
Quote:Yeah, this is the biggest failure of City of Villans. The crab helmet eyes works for 1000s of [NPC] Crab Spiders of varying sizes and for players who got the helmets from the pre-order(which I would have but my pre-order code sheet was one of the ones that had been over-heated in transit to the store so the code area melted and stuck together rendering some of the codes numbers illegible). The fact that this has still NEVER been fixed is a shameful embarrassment. BABs' statement was for 2009. It STILL can't be fixed. Seriously?!?http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=198358
Not a bug as indicated by BAB at the above link. -
Please, only make one after the Art Dept. creates the Head-Pants costume piece. Then that costume piece will be mandatory for all petless MM's.
Go to The Chive: http://thechive.com/
Go to Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/
Go to Fark: http://www.fark.com/
Go to Unleashed: http://unleashed.philotix.net/index.php
Enjoy life -
Oh, you want the Classics for driving?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGBDWER-wUI Ride m(-.-)m
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFlI3...eature=related Flight -(||()||*)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEllLECo4OM Fortunata ;-) CHECK OUT the time! O.O!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEsKB...eature=related Ranger
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8d9xH9cXu8&feature=fvst Overture
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OloXRhesab0 Barber :-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DNGM...ture=fvwp&NR=1 Toreadores @.@
Looney Alternates
And something from Sylvester Stallone?!?
They hired that guy who was the pre-frosh in PCU and well...
To own his each gobby. I would have enjoyed it.
In-game ads for In-game stuffs then? An interactive billboard for the Golden Giza that gives you another shot at a certain machines' arc(as long as you meet the requirements)even if you outleveled it. An El Super Mexicano billboard that gives you a token that you can take to an El Super Mexicano location for a breakfast taco Inspiration.
I would love it if the Clanket Ad gave your toon a "Clanket" emote even for just a short time; with Lost trying to lower each other down to it so they can click on the ad too, or Trolls trying to form a pyramid to get access to it. That's just pure fun right there.
But NOOOOO!!!! Gaming is Srs Bsns...apparently.
I'll be In-game enjoying it as-is reguardless of easily offended awful attitudes. All pretendy-funtime goodness. -
I love this advert. It really brightened my day when I first saw it and keeps brightening my gaming experience as I witness it further. Lots of good lolz. :-)
The Devs and the IRL Ad companies missed an opportunity to make In-Game Ads work for each other and the players.
How it should have worked was that the Billboards would have been interactive-clickable. Think about the Jeter Clutch tennis shoe ad. Had that ad been interactive-clickable and offered a 5% movement boost for an hour or for 20 minutes, like getting a Mystic Fortune/Secondary Mutation buff, even with a 1/toon/day, it would have been way more successful. They could have also included in the click either a popup window or chat pannel text with a coupon code to the online shoe manufacturer-sales-dealer. The ad company could have tracked the clicks/day and turned in a report about how much market presence the In-Game ad had, and the manufacturer-seller-dealers could have used the coupon code's usage to gauge the success of the campaign.
The Tony Hawk N-Gage ad could have provided toons with an temporary In-Game N-gage with which to contact their contacts sooner(kinda mootish now-but still...). And a coupon code to Nokia's webpage that would help a player procure their own N-Gage IRL. AND on top of that, the purchase of the N-Gage could have had a GAME CODE that unlocked the In-game N-Gage series of animations and emotes, such that: the player's Police Radio/Newspaper contacts could(optionally) have the toon pull out their In-game N-Gage and use that for getting those missions, and when the player calls a contact, out comes the In-Game N-Gage. And maybe even applying the N-Gage GAME CODE would allow toons to fill contact bars of pre-maturely Inactive Contacts(because, sheesh, something should) how awesome would that have been!?!
Think about Reese's candy company. What if they had an interactive-clickable In-Game ad that gave the clicker a Reese's Pieces Inspiration. The popup/chat text could have read: Reese's Pieces is honored to provide super powered Inspirations to this Cities super powered citizens, and then asked weather the character would like to accept a Reese's Piece Inspiration and warned the player that the character has to have an open space in their inspirations tray. The Reese's Inspiration(In-game appearence just like the candy) could have done anything and been random with random effects or be specific, like the dark brown ones could have been a RECHARGE inspiration that boosted the toons recharge by 5% for a minute, the orange ones could be resistance inspirations with the same effects or anything else as a temporary inspiring boost. Also, with a coupon code that could be used online at Reese's store to obtain a printable coupon for a free bag of Reese's Pieces or $0.50 off. Anything could have been possible with this kind of advert. And it could have been very successful.{Alternately M&Ms(with the Peanut M&Ms being bigger Inspirations) or even Skittles}
Actual OUTBACK Steakhouse Billboards with a interactive/clickable that gives a Bloomin' Onion Temporary Power that acts as a one use AoE sleep/stun(16 targets max) that makes the enemies wander, jauntily sporting their new Bloomin' Onion Auras, out of the mission door with word bubbles over their heads that say: No Rules. Just Right, and have that count as defeats for drops and rewards. Again, with coupon codes to Outback Steakhouse for a good deal on a good meal. All trackable by all parties involved in the campaign.
This could have been very successful and enjoyable In-game advertising from real world companies. I get a "High jump with low ceiling" feeling about how it was done/not done.
Coulda shoulda woulda.
The player made billboards are lots of fun and all very creative. They show some of the potential I talked about above.
/em Clanket ?!!
/signed -
People may be taking this 'unpowered' NPC thing too seriously or just not thinking things through enough. Go look at the City Rep closely. Now, think, where in your comic lore you might have seen her before(using all media as a source). The Devs who created her and others did very well with their paeans to comic lore. Mostly Unneeded Hint: At any given moment of need she could either start spinning very fast and become...and/or she could
_ _ _ _ out and become...? If you are still stuck in 'unpowered NPC' mode or lost with the references, go watch the movie Sky High. Go watch Sky High anyway, if for nothing else than it has Bruce Campbell in it(Hail to the King, Baby).
Azuria, NEVER, seemed like an unpowered NPC to me, even years before her powerful reveal in later Arcs and TFs. The info you can get about her from other NPCs throughout the game all mention her abilities.
Prince Kiros Nandelu, with merely hightened senses, seems to me like someone who would have a very close, perhaps even worshipful, relationship with cats, especially of the large darkly-furred predatory type, and a Prince will one day be a King of ... some nation or other...
Seriously, inability to romanticize in a super hero game comes across as mindbogglingly obtuse.
Edited to correct some grammatical mistakes pointed out by SilverAgeFan.