Outleveling Story Arcs, Contact Completion, and Flashbacks
If you think your going to out level a contact before you finish their story arcs you can always turn off earning xp under options.
Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".
If you think your going to out level a contact before you finish their story arcs you can always turn off earning xp under options.
Is there no way to finish out the out-leveled arcs without using the Flashback System?
What about exemplaring down to a lower level?
I don't think you can, because you don't actually own the mission so you won't get credit for mission completion.
Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".
Hiya! You are not the only player that is upset by incomplete contact meters. My first contact on the first toon I made seven years ago, was incomplete, and I've been all "grrry" about it since.
And then they gave us a way to turn off exp. So, that, combined with my alta-holism, has left me with dozens of toons frozen at levels 14, 19, 24, and 29 across all the servers.
Sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease.
And, sorry, no, you cannot fill in the contact's meter once they go inactive.
Happy Gaming Anyway,
"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin
Now I'm too high leveled to talk to him about missions, and he's gone to inactive. This is NOT the first time this has happened to me in the middle of an arc, and it is rather annoying.
Of course, many contacts offer one-off missions in addition to their story arc. They will not offer you any more of those individual missions if you've outleveled them. And if you outlevel them before you start their story arc, you've out of luck. But you should never be prevented from completing a story arc once you've started it.
If you're not sure if you're working on a contact's story arc v.s. a one-off mission, look for the book symbol next to the contact's name in the contact window. If you see a book, you've begun their arc and can finish it at any level.
Also important to note is that the mission level does not exceed the level of the contact, so while you can continue an outleveled arc, you may find yourself fighting enemies below your level, possibly to the point where the mission is too easy or even stops rewarding xp for kills. Fortunately, you can compensate for this (for a few levels at least) by temporarily upping your difficulty setting.
/macro XP optiontoggle noxp
This will create a button labeled "XP" that you can click to turn XP earning on and off, rather than digging through the options menu.
First, you're certainly not the only person that is bothered by outleveling things. It frequently bothers me, too.
As has been said, you can always turn off XP for stretches, as needed.
You can also adjust the difficulty down. While this might make it too easy to be fun/interesting/challenging, it also makes it award less XP. If you can find the low diff sweet spot just barely challenging enough to be interesting, but minimal XP gains, that also helps slow the rate at which you advance, without having to turn XP off altogether. I prefer turnig it off totally, myself, because then I can turn the Diff up and get more enemies, for more drops, and more challenge, without making the outleveling problem worse. And, as some of those levels, the extra drops are really nicely in demand, since people do tend to fly past some of those points.
Either way, sadly, once you pass something you're pretty much out of luck, except via ouroboros.
Hiya! You are not the only player that is upset by incomplete contact meters. My first contact on the first toon I made seven years ago, was incomplete, and I've been all "grrry" about it since.
![]() Sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease. ![]() Happy Gaming Anyway, Red |
And there are some contacts that will also stop giving you missions in the middle of an arc, not that I can remember which right now, but if they move to inactive with a book image on them this can prevent you from getting missions later in life if you have too many of them floating around undone.
The only other thing that bothers me is contacts cluttering up my active list when they will no longer talk to me... "Hey Max! Go away already!"
/macro XP optiontoggle noxp
This will create a button labeled "XP" that you can click to turn XP earning on and off, rather than digging through the options menu. |
First, you're certainly not the only person that is bothered by outleveling things. It frequently bothers me, too.
As has been said, you can always turn off XP for stretches, as needed. |
So I turned XP back on and headed off to hook up with Twinshot to do the second part of the Shining Stars story. I'll turn XP off again at level 12, and when I finish SS part 2, I'll head back to Julius to finish his stuff, turning on XP again only as necessary. In any case, I'll shut it off again at level 14, because the next stop after The Hollows is Skyway City, where I want to clean out the level 10-14 contacts, and then the 15-19 contacts.
You can also adjust the difficulty down. While this might make it too easy to be fun/interesting/challenging, it also makes it award less XP. |
My understanding is that whatever you set the level bar on the difficulty slider, (-, 0, 1, etc, up to +4) will get ya an even mix of that level and the next higher level, and that this is intentional, and WAI. The exception is that +4 I don't believe even spawns any +5s.
Not sure why this is the case, and it does seem slightly counter-intuitive, but I suspect it is in part a relic from the older difficult system.
My understanding is that whatever you set the level bar on the difficulty slider, (-, 0, 1, etc, up to +4) will get ya an even mix of that level and the next higher level, and that this is intentional, and WAI. The exception is that +4 I don't believe even spawns any +5s.
Not sure why this is the case, and it does seem slightly counter-intuitive, but I suspect it is in part a relic from the older difficult system. |
My understanding is that whatever you set the level bar on the difficulty slider, (-, 0, 1, etc, up to +4) will get ya an even mix of that level and the next higher level, and that this is intentional, and WAI. The exception is that +4 I don't believe even spawns any +5s.
Not sure why this is the case, and it does seem slightly counter-intuitive, but I suspect it is in part a relic from the older difficult system. |
There are also some mishes where mobs spawn at set levels - generally they will be grey though except where you shouldn't be able to reach them. This could skew the results.
(The lvl 50 LB in the Zig breakout can be reached and attacked and will attack if you get over the fence with a pretty obvious conclusion, however getting there is a bug).
Other mishes scale up as you progress - Atta being one example - the level range on that is about 5 levels iirc.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
This is going to sound weird, I think, but this has been bothering me for a while, since I started playing again last week.
I feel like I'm leveling too fast. Just tonight, I was in the middle of Cho Ge mission and leveled up to level 22. I was bout halfway though the progress bar on his contact status window thing. Now I'm too high leveled to talk to him about missions, and he's gone to inactive. This is NOT the first time this has happened to me in the middle of an arc, and it is rather annoying. It happened with the Hollows, too.
If I go back and do this arc in Flashback, I'll have to start from scratch.
I realize you can complete such missions in the Flashback system, but that is less than satisfying. For one, you still gain XP in the Flashback system, so use it enough and you're going to out level MORE contacts. Two, it doesn't update the contact progress bar, so it looks like you never finished the contact's story arc.
I've completely missed 4 or 5 contacts at this point because I out leveled them due to dying a lot and having to re-run certain missions over and over. This really annoys me since I was really interested in running them, and even if I run them in Flashback, they'll be listed as Inactive, Incomplete contacts forever.
Does this bother anyone else? Does anyone have any ideas on how I can not level so fast?