Trilogy: Someone explain this to me *Spoilers*

Agent White



Trilogy, on the face of it the contact looks like it has an interesting story. Be a character in a story, things are wackily out of order to make you piece the real story together, yadda yadda.

But when I played it, I felt like I was playing a one-star AE arc that just ripped off Star Wars. The most bare-bones of plot, absolutely no connection to the wider canon, no effort put into mission objectives, stale dialogue, and worst of all... NO SOUVENIR AT THE END.

Does anyone understand what the bleeping bleep is up with this 'story' arc? Why does it even exist? Why was time wasted on a product so substandard it makes i0 low level arcs masterpieces of story-telling in comparison?

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Originally Posted by Khellendrosiic View Post
Trilogy, on the face of it the contact looks like it has an interesting story. Be a character in a story, things are wackily out of order to make you piece the real story together, yadda yadda.

But when I played it, I felt like I was playing a one-star AE arc that just ripped off Star Wars. The most bare-bones of plot, absolutely no connection to the wider canon, no effort put into mission objectives, stale dialogue, and worst of all... NO SOUVENIR AT THE END.

Does anyone understand what the bleeping bleep is up with this 'story' arc? Why does it even exist? Why was time wasted on a product so substandard it makes i0 low level arcs masterpieces of story-telling in comparison?
It's a concept piece: Telling the basic plot line of basic fantasy adventure using Archetypal characters. And it's done out of order for interest, otherwise, it would be way too linear and obvious and uninteresting.

Whether it succeeds is in the eye of the beholder. I can't remember anyone in Beta beholding it as good. At best, 'meh.' At worst, words that can't be used in the forum.

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It makes a little more sense if you've run Praetorian Montague's arc (2nd Night Ward arc) first. The Animus Arcanae have only been sentient for a little while; with the except of Ward and Clarity, most of them are still, emotionally, children.

When you're playing Trilogy's arc, you're babysitting an infant spellbook, playing along with his fantasy of what it must be like to be a superhero. Being a little kid, he tells the story in the order it occurs to him, most exciting parts first, filler story second. It's kind of endearing; even more so, that he lets you decide how much of a good guy the main character is and whether or not the bad guy repents at the end.



Complete failure of an arc. With no badge and not even a Souvenir, I'll never run it again. The only NW contact more pointless than Trilogy is Fireball (there's not even a story there).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Complete failure of an arc. With no badge and not even a Souvenir, I'll never run it again. The only NW contact more pointless than Trilogy is Fireball (there's not even a story there).
Is Fireball even an arc? it seems more like newspaper missions.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Is Fireball even an arc? it seems more like newspaper missions.
Newspaper missions are endless, Fireball has a finite number of missions.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He's a sphere - the clue's in the name.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Complete failure of an arc. With no badge and not even a Souvenir, I'll never run it again. The only NW contact more pointless than Trilogy is Fireball (there's not even a story there).
I dunno, I was able to enjoy fireball since he helped give some decent background exposition. I mean yeah it's kind of pointless and a throwback to issue 1 style contacts, but at the same time it was a little fascinating to find out the inner workings of the Animus.

Now the truly pointless is the Drudge repeatable and the Black Knight repeatable..

No real story there just: "these guys have @#$%ed with our @#$% for the last time."

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Newspaper missions are endless, Fireball has a finite number of missions.
True, I meant it seemslike them in the "Hey, go do this" "Oh, beat up that guy". That is, no story, just random missions.

Honestly, for two contacts whose 'arcs' can range 30 to 50, Fireball and Trilogy are pretty weak as arcs go, compared to the really well done lowbie arcs added last issue to Steel Canyon and Cap.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Now the truly pointless is the Drudge repeatable and the Black Knight repeatable..

No real story there just: "these guys have @#$%ed with our @#$% for the last time."
But that's the entire point of repeatable contacts...

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I found Trilogy rather endearing to be honest. He's a kid telling a glorified fantasy story about a make-believe hero. I thought it was cute.



It's also not a Star Wars Rip Off. It's a Hero's Arc, out of order.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
It's also not a Star Wars Rip Off. It's a Hero's Arc, out of order.
Well considering that Star Wars is a quintessential Hero's Journey story at its core, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

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