Upwards Over the Mountain (Arctic Sun News)
Ill just say this real fast.
On Friday, you wont be bound to the company anymore. Give us some story teasers? Pleeeeeeaaase?
(real goodbye post coming soon)
Jesse, I'm going to miss you. When you post or PM, your enthusiasm for the whole Co* universe shows in your words. I'm going to miss that. But I do wish you luck in all you endevours. And please, don't be a stranger. Even if you have to a take a non-redname like someone else. It's ok. Just hang with the folks. At least, once in a while.
Just like everyone else who's worked on CoX and gone onto other ventures, you'll be missed but not forgotten. Nothing but the best for you in whatever comes down the road, Jesse.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Dang, this sucks and is awesome all in one. I am truly happy for you - sounds like the new gig will be awesome. I wish you the best of luck. But you will be missed. You've been great to have around, and I for one am sad to see you go. Take care of yourself.
You will be missed...
Good luck with the new gig, and drop in to say hi once in a while, will ya!
Replying for MistformSquirrel who's having account difficulties (want to beat up some CS for him?)
Just tell em "mistformsquirrel says goodbye <;_;> And thanks for everything!"
He's the one who gave me the confidence to keep playing Yumii when I was at one point going absolutely freaking paranoid that by creating her in CoH, I'd never be able to use her in my novels. Even calmly exchanged a few PMs with me on the subject <~,~>; very helpful. Not to mention he's just an awesome guy in general.
[/ QUOTE ]
Copy&paste job from elsewhere.
G'luck J.S. Enjoy TIFF in the future while there.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
Be well, man. Enjoyed your work.
Be well, people of CoH.

I will find you!
bye arctic

Bye and good luck! May everything work out well for you!
Be safe and good luck.
good luck, bro, you'll be missed.
Congrats on the new position AS. Shame about the hockey team in the city you're moving to though.
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
Bye J.S.! You were great!
This is really doom.
Ironically, when I saw this on the Community Digest, I read the subtitle as (Arctic Sun Leaves), which actually wasn't the name of the thread, but ended up being the news anyhow :/
Damn Jesse, it's going to be weird without you popping into the forums now and then with the new write-up or backgrounder.
Thanks for everything you've done for the game and community for the past two years. I think most of us have really enjoyed the body of work you've put out for us since you became part of the Co* team.
Good luck at your new place of employ, and best wishes on your continued success. I'll be dedicating my next machinima to you
Many happy returns Jesse, aka Arctic Sun!
Can I have your stuff? You won't have to fill out a green customs tag..
srsly though, good luck have fun, and GG...
Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
As a person who recently moved on from another job... I am all to well familiar with the bittersweet of it. Enjoy your new position, and thanks for bein' here for us, AS!
Take care, and keep the shiny side up!
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Thanks for all the hard work you've put into CoH and CoV, Jesse.
Good luck with the new writing gig and the great white north.
Canada's a pretty cool place, eh? Hope you enjoy it.
Just wanted to say that you have done a great job on CoH/V. I remember losing Gilgamesh and knowing that he wouldn't be replaced. Well, he wasn't, but you stepped in and gave us just as much, but with your own different style. Thanks for everything, and I wish you the best.
Good luck, Jesse. We expect to hear more great things from you.
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
I don't buy it, I think you're going to work here!
I demand a going away party! Demand it I say! DEEEM- ohwaitimsupposedtobegone...
Either way, good luck with being up North, Jesse, hope to see you around, and everyone expects great things from you. And if we don't get great things, we'll beat yo- I mean, cheer you on.
loledits: I can't speel.
Another great up and leaving us.
At least this one lives close and I can stal... er umm, follow your successes.. yes, that's what I meant.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
) In the meantime, please feel free to check out my newfangled web page / blog: www.jscoble.com
I have news. News always sounds a bit like weather to me, as in were having some weather. Stormy, though not necessarily bad. Bittersweet perhaps (now Im mixing metaphors but bear with me).
So, yes, I have news I am moving on. Ive been offered a position as a Senior Writer at a company in Toronto, and I think its going to be an excellent challenge and opportunity for me. My last day on City of is this Friday.
As you may or may not know, Ive been with City of Heroes since just before the launch of City of Villains, or just shy of two years. In that time Ive worked with the amazing CuppaJo, learned from Aura and Gilgamesh, and had too brief a time working with Cricket, Alexa and the awesome (and incorrigible) Awry and welcomed Lighthouse and Ex Libris into the fold.
and on the Cryptic side, its been a real pleasure to work with Sean (Manticore), Brian (Constellation), and the newest content writer, Joe (Hero 1), not to mention Melissa (War Witch), and Thomas Foss (Archon Voss). And of course Jack (Statesman) and Matt (Positron) who guide the course from the highest levels.
Then theres the whole host of people you guys never see in Web and Creative Services and QA and the GMs and Marketing and Production, let alone the Cat Herders and Fire Swallowers and Whale Hosts (or is that my dream job in Vegas?). Anyway, suffice it to say its been a helluva fun job, and I have worked with a great team.
And in that time I have been constantly impressed and surprised by how awesome the community is. I was reminded of that several times this summer during the launch of Inventions (and the closed beta community), the Rikti event (I died like sooo many times!), and most especially at GenCon. You guys are just a big, warm, lovable bunch. Like a lot of Knuts though not necessarily as cute, Forum Cartel aside). Whether talking at the booth at GenCon, sharing a pizza and coffee in Austin, laughing over mini-burgers at the Indy meet&greet, blasting through missions at Brutal Speed, or asking deep content questions through email and PMs, you guys are terrific.
And creative, too. The amount of high-quality stories and art Ive seen and been able to use in the Top Cow Community Pages has been fantastic. The fanzine project Ive mentioned before is well on its way, and I think will be an even better venue for you to showcase your work. If you enjoy creating in the world of Paragon and the Rogue Isles, keep at it we want to see it all!
As to where Im going, I cant announce it yet, but I start very soon! (Which is a lot sooner than soon TM
Youll find I spend my time writing about game writing, exploring the Toronto indie-movie scene (from a burgeoning script-writers perspective), and hope to post more of my original fiction / projects as time goes on. Check it out and see what Im up to.
All and all it has been absolutely terrific being part of the City of team. I hope to be able to submit some of my own stories down the road, or pop in (Justice, Virtue, Champion) and finally get my brute to 50 (yeah, yeah, Im an altaholic, too). Im sure our paths will cross again. In fact, Lighthouse and Ex have my hotline # on speed-dial, so maybe James Stark will write another Paragon Times article or Ill get a shot to write-up that Wailers Backgrounder Ive always been meaning to, or maybe a Gawker-style expose: Whos Snaptooth Dating Now? well see what the future holds.
In the meantime, treat Lighthouse and Ex Libris well. They are good people, and capable of great things with and for the community.
Remember to keep your cape dry!
As Stan the Man would say:
Jesse Arctic Sun Scoble