687 -
thanks for the answer!
Makes total sense now.
Quote:We tracked how long you were engaged in the trial (in case you joined midway, for instance) and if you were active.
If you were marked as "not active", you got the 10 threads table. This calculation was the source of much controversy outside of the studio, but Baryonyx and Positron worked tirelessly to ensure fairness - it was very heavily weighted in the player's favor and made substantial accounting for all ATs. (This isn't to say we never had any bugs with it, but that was the design intention as I recall).
The calculations for stages engaged in the trial were crafted for each trial individually, and we did see some strange results on occasion - the system was resilient to disconnects but esp. in the early days of I20 when the TUT could accidentally send you to someone else's mission map it proved to be not *that* resilient. This did have an effect on what mix of rarities were in your reward pool at the end of the IT - and at least for a brief period if you were only in for say, a very short time, it could give you 10 threads as well, but I am hazy on that point.
At the end, if you were "active", you got to roll in a pool based upon stages engaged - this looked something like 40% Common, 30% Uncommon, 25% Rare, 5% Very Rare if you were there for the whole time. Partial time looked like 60% Common, 30% Uncommon, 10% Rare.
AAH but it was completely broken when it came to Masterminds. They did not calculate Pet involvement. My husband ran a Merc/FF MM during Itrials and if he wasn't constantly spamming bubbles he got the "Thanks for coming" Table. Even if he was actively managing his pets and not guarding and charging. -
I've signed up and am running. I'm hoping we can become the #1 on the Extra Life board. Let's show them what Heroes can do!!!!!
Go Dragon! Chaos Theory is fun! Nor can you go wrong with the initiation >.>
That off center monument in front of Portal Corp.
Quote:hey troll, My husband and I have been playing this game for 7 straight years, I had my own account for at least 4 of those if not 5.You know, I'm not VIP and I don't really mind them not just handing it out. Just because I play and love the game, show up for as many in-game rally's I can and support the game whole-heartedly outside of the game with the plethora of petitions, emails, letters, etc., doesn't mean I deserve the VIP status. Let the real VIP's have their last go without a bunch of 'VIP noobs' stomping around. There is much more to the game than I can do in the allotted time left already. I am content with that.
WE stopped paying because 1: He was going on a foreign exercise with the military for a month or so...with no access to the internet.
*I* stopped mine because finances were getting tight, and if it were up to me, and if we DID NOT have kids, we would have scaled back to ramen and KD every night. But no, two growing kids cannot really deal with that kind of diet and thrive. Oh yeah and school supplies, and school clothes, you get the idea. BOTH of us were gonna reup on Sept 1st after we were able to see where I was at with my pay.. But guess what, NCSoft decided to pull the plug.
So yeah we aren't NOOBS ******** and moaning for a free handout. We are veteran players, that had to cancel our VIP for a bit due to life. LIFE HAPPENS.
Enjoy your cookie, troll...that's about as much as I'm feeding you today. -
Thanks Bill. And yeah, The Alpha's aren't VIP. We bought a box, and got "code has expired" So *sigh* (stares at greyed out incarnate stuff) sadface..
Even on Test where my Elec/Kin Corr is all IO'd out and all those IO's were boosted up to +3 where possible and tweeked to the gills...she can't reach her full potential due to not being VIP and not able to use her incarnate stuff.
*cries on shoulder* Only you can realize the true beauty of taking down +4 mobs as a squishy...and I miss that. -
Quote:SuperSpeed CustomizationThat's actually (theoretically) doable with existing tech. It involves swapping in a different animation for the in water state. The only caveat is that it has to be tied to a toggle power.
One option to NOT run on water
One option TO.
We used to run the RSF in under 30mins from start to finish. Batty was 15, The Treespec, 15.
Quote:+1 Reason why I unsubbed: Needed to trim a little bit of extra during a dry time, I got a job, was gonna re-up after I got a good firm grasp of how much I would be bringing in every pay...was gonna re up on Sept 1 but guess what...*yoink*A lot of us aren't crying because we want to be VIP for free. We're crying because for one reason or another, we were unsubbed and not GIVEN the opportunity to resub prior to the announcement and stoppage of billing. Personally, I unsubbed for the first time in over 6 years in June because I was off on a multi-national exercise for the summer and wouldn't be able to play. Do I regret doing that? Damn right I do. But I'm pissed that I can't access all my characters and incarnate powers and NCSoft won't even let me give them money to give me that access. Stopping all billing on the day of the announcement without giving vets an opportunity to resub for the sunset was the biggest kick in the pants for me.
Alpha and I are going there if/when NCSoft pulls the trigger. We have our serial numbers ready to go.
The Mr was subbed for 7 years, I've been playing for 6 before having to cancel our VIP.
WHY did we cancel? Well if it were JUST us, we would have started scaling down on food and whatnot...but we have these two beings called children that need to eat a little more than Ramen and KD on a daily basis. They also need clothes (Even consignment isn't cheap) and school supplies, hence why we had to stop "Paying" We still play the game as premiums.
Sometimes life gets in the way of fantasy. I had a job, I lost the job...We WERE gonna re-up our VIP right before the closedown announcement. "Hey let's get in some stipend points before Issue 24 hits" Was gonna re-up on the 1st to be honest, but on the 31st...everything went to well you know.
So yeah, We're loyal, but not to the point of starving our children loyal. Sorry. -
Bill: Re the MWO beta, You really should do it. It's a very small company...and it's a great franchise to support. Seriously it's not a "Nickel and dime" you to death game
the devs for that game act with integrity and creativity. If they find something game breaking they TELL the community and say "Sorry we'll patch that ASAP" and they do it.
MWO is NOT an MMO. It's a PVP Mech Simulation. I mean..dude..it is SO CLOSE to MW3 or 4 with gorgeous graphics.
That's all I'm gonna say about that. -
I mean if we get the governors reprieve from execution...the devs should code "Troy Hickman's Pants" gm. Also renaming another model would be cool too. Dunno what model would work. hmm..
I think they should make a GM called "Troy Hickman's Pants" Running around Kings Row on a very random and long respawn timer.
Virtue is Queued up, Head on over to Freedom. Fill that server up too!
You make me want to roll a toon with a red/white striped tights and a hat and glasses...
12 full instances of AP on Virtue. Better hurry before the server greys out and you have queue
You don't want to see Arcana perturbed...trust me. She makes a rabbid Squirrelgirl look tame.
*gnaw on Gold name*
Wasn't gold before.
*breaks toof*