Redside Heroics




Does anyone here play redside characters who, in the RP sense, are proper heroes? I have one that I rolled partially as a joke (playing off of all the wannabe villains you saw before CoV came out), but I'm finding that it doesn't take much effort to justify in character.

This is just a curiosity. I'm not (currently) looking to join any RP groups or anything like that.



I've tried! Believe me!

But somehow the Villain-ness just keeps seeping back in.

Multiple 50s hero-side (earned the old-fashioned way), but am STILL unable to get a Vill past level 18 or so.

Just too much of a goody-two-shoes IRL, I guess.



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
Does anyone here play redside characters who, in the RP sense, are proper heroes? I have one that I rolled partially as a joke (playing off of all the wannabe villains you saw before CoV came out), but I'm finding that it doesn't take much effort to justify in character.

This is just a curiosity. I'm not (currently) looking to join any RP groups or anything like that.
Almost all of my "Villain" characters are heroes who have either gone to the Isles to fight crime and send criminals out of the country where they can be properly tried (The Etoille has no extradition treaties) or were born in the Isles and got tired of seeing rampant crime.

The handful of exceptions include a thief who doesn't like to -hurt- people, much less kill them, and an Arachnos Soldier who, while loyal to Arachnos, acts more like a Cop than a psycopath and works for the Arbiters to bring enemies of the state in for trial.




Yeah, I've got an undercover hero infiltrating the Isles so he can cozy up to Recluse and the Patrons and take them out when they least expect it. Rad/Rad 'corruptor.' Once GR hits, he'll be coming back home to Paragon.

That mission early on where you kidnap hapless citizens for the Vahzilok? Those weren't actually hapless citizens. More like Longbow agents and fellow heroes sent by his handlers to help out when he called the mission details in to them.

That's the way I play him, anyway. Everything is part of building his cover.

Final Straw, DM/Regen Scrapper
Solari, Fire/Fire Blaster
Real Americana, MA/SR Scrapper
Task Force Timmy, Grav/Rad Controller
Astral Paragon, Spines/Regen Scrapper
Mr Drama King, Katana/Regen Scrapper
Psi-Stunner, Psi/Mental Blaster



I have a villain that thinks he's a hero, but his actions have generally dictated otherwise.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
an Arachnos Soldier who, while loyal to Arachnos, acts more like a Cop than a psycopath and works for the Arbiters to bring enemies of the state in for trial.
But what if the state is being run by psychopaths?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
I've tried! Believe me!

But somehow the Villain-ness just keeps seeping back in.

Multiple 50s hero-side (earned the old-fashioned way), but am STILL unable to get a Vill past level 18 or so.

Just too much of a goody-two-shoes IRL, I guess.

This. Except I got a villain to 50 by essentially PLing and forming my own full teams of villains to run random newspaper missions with. Was pretty damn effective actually. Nobody over there likes to lead, so I was able to form and control my teams quite easily and always had a ready supply of teammates.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But what if the state is being run by psychopaths?
You mean like Hitler?

*run out of the thread*

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Originally Posted by Niklarus View Post
That's the way I play him, anyway. Everything is part of building his cover.
I looked at it like this at first; what amused me was that I normally find it unnecessary to even go this far. I missed that Vahz mission entirely, and the rest of my time is being spent saving Cap from the Bat'Zul, defeating the captain of the Sky Raiders, busting the mafia, stopping break-ins, and saving Sharkhead from the Leviathan. At higher levels I'll be rescuing Hard Luck's brother, fighting aliens and Nazis, and even beating on Recluse and the Arachnos patrons. "Steal" newspaper missions aren't hard to justify when the targets are dangerous villain groups, and "kidnap" missions never have had much in the way of kidnapping going on.



Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
You mean like Hitler?
I was thinking more of Recluse and his lackies - to them, "enemies of the state" are quite possibly good people

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
I looked at it like this at first; what amused me was that I normally find it unnecessary to even go this far. I missed that Vahz mission entirely, and the rest of my time is being spent saving Cap from the Bat'Zul, defeating the captain of the Sky Raiders, busting the mafia, stopping break-ins, and saving Sharkhead from the Leviathan. At higher levels I'll be rescuing Hard Luck's brother, fighting aliens and Nazis, and even beating on Recluse and the Arachnos patrons. "Steal" newspaper missions aren't hard to justify when the targets are dangerous villain groups, and "kidnap" missions never have had much in the way of kidnapping going on.
...then.... you meet Winston Phippps....

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But what if the state is being run by psychopaths?
Well then the "Trial" involves a trial by combat against guys wearing outrageous suits of armor that Arbiter Fabulous refuses to call "Arachnos uniforms" and forbids even images of in his presence? >.>




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I was thinking more of Recluse and his lackies - to them, "enemies of the state" are quite possibly good people
OH! That?!

"I'm sorry, sir, but the heroes beat us up. According to Article 222 paragraph C subsection M They are free to go, aren't they, sir? You wouldn't want to go against Recluse's main and only law... Would you... Sir?"




Daimyo Shi is techincally a hero seeking to undermind Archnos from the Inside. Of course he has slide into darkness on the way and dragged much of his Clan the Koga in as well. He has much in common with Scirocco even as he betrays him he fails to see it.

Shi No Oni is becoming a Hero, he is my Villain 50 but his efforts in Vanguard and the Midnighters have atleast instilled a certien affection of Humans in him [He is a Japanese Oni [Demon]. He begining to Identify with Humanity is ways that he hasn't before.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



My SG on redside (I have my own personal one-man SGs on both sides) is called something like "Rogue Isles Heroes". I just like the redside ATs, I have little or no interest in playing a "bad guy".

Most of my redside toons are openly heroes in RP. One of them is just a kid, raised by zombies, ghouls, and ghosts, who is so innocent and naive he thinks everyone he teams with over there is a hero. That one's fun to play

I have one toon who's actually trying to take over the world, but even he's not really cruel or mean or nasty in any way. He's honestly trying to make the world a better place... He just thinks he needs to run it to fix it



Amir al-Muminin, my ninja/poison MM, is a man of faith. His mission is to do the will of his god on earth, and to spread the true law of the prophet among the decadent infidels of the Rogue Isles. If blood must be spilt, it is for a holy cause.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
I've tried! Believe me!

But somehow the Villain-ness just keeps seeping back in.

Multiple 50s hero-side (earned the old-fashioned way), but am STILL unable to get a Vill past level 18 or so.

Just too much of a goody-two-shoes IRL, I guess.
I'm so goody-two-shoes in real life that playing a villain is a huge relief.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Well then the "Trial" involves a trial by combat against guys wearing outrageous suits of armor that Arbiter Fabulous refuses to call "Arachnos uniforms" and forbids even images of in his presence? >.>
That reminds me - is there actually any sort of justice system/courts mentioned in CoV at all? Or do the various Arachnos officals just make their own on the spot judgements when dealing with threats to Recluse?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My two brutes are both effectively fallen heroes, though ironically, one was actually more villainous before he fell, he basically came from an organization of Knight Templar and fled when he learned too much, figuring that his organization will make a big noise looking for him in the Isles.

Another two are from other dimensions and ended up in the isles by mistake, they're really nice people, though one is horribly hammy. (I almost want to make a dominator version just so he can be called "Hammy Dom")

Then there's my Arachnos Soldier, he's amazingly nice and amicable who is a formerly retired Arbiter who came back and is working his way back up the ranks to "Show the young ones how its done..."
The truth is that while he honestly is personable and friendly, he's using this to his advantage so that as he works his way up the ranks of Arachnos soldiers, they'll develop a sense of loyalty to him, from that, he plans to usurp Lord Recluse (he's been with Arachnos since before LR took over) and feels that Lord Recluse is a failure who's Social Darwinist outlook has driven the Arachnos Organization into the ground.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That reminds me - is there actually any sort of justice system/courts mentioned in CoV at all? Or do the various Arachnos officals just make their own on the spot judgements when dealing with threats to Recluse?
Well, there's the Rogue Isles Police, and presumably Arachnos as the ruling government have a "justice" system of their own. Likely run by the Arbiters, similar to Stalin's Commissars. And I'm not trying to open up a can of worms here. Recluse's Rogue Isles really is modelled after a cross between a communist and a fascist state.

As to playing villains who are secretly heroes - no, I don't. It's a cop out in my eyes, as there's a whole other city for them. Getting over my moral high ground and making a villain who is both clearly evil and still cool as an antagonist is something of a challenge to my writing skill.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My most recent character, built to try out Dual Pistols, is a sort of vigilante/anarchist. She got tired of being preyed upon by the numerous villain factions in Rogue Isles, and is sick of Lord Recluse's promises of protection while he simultaneously sucks them dry. As such she has a personal vendetta against the whole damn island, and is detests any sort of authority (Longbow included.)

One day she decided enough is enough, picked up some pistols, and simply didn't put them down. She also stole some serum that gave her kinetics powers (At the time Mids didn't have DP ready yet, and I didn't feel like screwing around with the other sets, so I picked Kin because I was most familiar with it and has a high probability of working with everything.).

Pretty much the only thing that's out of character for her is kidnapping (oh no, I can't do kidnapping missions!?) as she pretty much fights for the civilians, and shoots everyone else.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
My most recent character, built to try out Dual Pistols, is a sort of vigilante/anarchist. She got tired of being preyed upon by the numerous villain factions in Rogue Isles, and is sick of Lord Recluse's promises of protection while he simultaneously sucks them dry. As such she has a personal vendetta against the whole damn island, and is detests any sort of authority (Longbow included.)

One day she decided enough is enough, picked up some pistols, and simply didn't put them down. She also stole some serum that gave her kinetics powers (At the time Mids didn't have DP ready yet, and I didn't feel like screwing around with the other sets, so I picked Kin because I was most familiar with it and has a high probability of working with everything.).

Pretty much the only thing that's out of character for her is kidnapping (oh no, I can't do kidnapping missions!?) as she pretty much fights for the civilians, and shoots everyone else.
Kidnapping is just another way of saying rescuing.

Well for the paper missions at least.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



yeah, most of my vills are closer to anti-villains, though always flawed enough to jsutify the nastiness of some of the contact missions. My main, violet tendencies is a resident of the rogue isles who grew up poor, saw how the poor were treated, and basically became a robin-hood style cat burgler, and after crey turned her into a human with devouring earth plant control abilities, well, she still robs from the rich and gives to the forgotten, but now does it in the big leagues. she doesnt kill, as part of her religious beleifs, and works with heroes, but her people are in the isles, and switching would elave them unprotected, so its her place. plus the longbow really cheese her off. killing you know who in the end of the destined one arc caused her to go into a near breakdown and only fighting hero one and seeing his glimpse of humanity got her to snap out of it and keep fighting the good fight.

as for dire worg, he is a hero in exile, having lost a hostage during a early rescue mission because he was showboating, he's a bit unhinged, but only fights villains, seeing himself as a kind of a hunter among prey in the rogue isles, he smashes the cancer at its source, and if longbow get in the way, they have the mediporters, and the beating will toughen them up. as mentioned, he is bat-nuts crazy, and somewhat emo, but his goal is still heroic, even if his methods would make the punisher slightly ill.

my other guys are less defined, but only my crab could be actually considered evil(basically, she is paris hilton with a robotic claw backpack and a acute business acumen), most others tend to be symptoms of some form of social breakdown.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As to playing villains who are secretly heroes - no, I don't. It's a cop out in my eyes, as there's a whole other city for them. Getting over my moral high ground and making a villain who is both clearly evil and still cool as an antagonist is something of a challenge to my writing skill.
Pretty much this.

I've yet to come across a single 'I R REELY HERO' villain who does it convincingly - the swath of them who insist you can't identify who they are because they're wearing a slightly different mask is beyond irritating. Similar with 'I R REELY VEELUN' characters Blue side. I don't know about you, but being known for the murder of an entire PPD division only to get training from Ms.Liberty is pretty ******* stupid.



My DP/Dark corruptor is a Punisher type vigilante. In his eyes he's a hero, but the PPD and Freedom Corps see it differently, probably because he doesn't hesitate to kill wrongdoers. The cold-blooded murder of hundreds of gang members seems to have an adverse effect on your public image, oddly enough.

He will probably cross over and stop at Vigilante, but there's no way he would ever become a true hero because he doesn't believe in the justice system. His theory is, if you kill them, there's no trial to fix, we don't spend money feeding them in jail, and they will never hurt anyone again.

He was a beat cop in Kings Row who got tired of seeing the same gangbangers back on the street days after he arrested them, so he started "accidentally" shooting them in the head. It didn't take long for his superiors to catch on and throw him in jail. While in there he sold his soul to a demon in exchange for the power to escape prison and continue to bring villains to "justice".

Now he's pretty much screwed, but he's deluded himself into thinking it doesn't matter because he's doing the right thing.

His name is .40 Caliber Cure, named after the caliber of bullets his guns fire and the fact that he views crime as a disease that he is the cure for.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.