98 Sketches!
Woot! I'll take one! Gimme a sec to get screenshots and bio.
Okay, screenshots at http://www.zazaza.net/cohuploads/TavaFullBodyFront.jpg and http://www.zazaza.net/cohuploads/TavaCloseUp.jpg
"Theoretical physicist and gadgeteer, Sorina "Tava" Tavarisch is one of the new generation of scientists and superheroes taking part in the cooperative efforts of the United States and Russia. (Her older brother, Stefan, currently serves as Molotov Svobody, aka Freedom's Hammer, one of the Valiant Defenders, based in Moscow.) After Vanguard was formed, Sorina joined when she proved talented at field-adapting Rikti technology. Later, when the Freedom Corps branch known as Star Patrol was formed, she was recruited by Agent Joelle Wright to further their mission as a more 'hands-on' division.
Sorina serves as a Commander in the Star Patrol, and is their Vanguard liaison. As she is bilingual in English and Russian (with what she jokingly calls 'a minor in Rikti'), the others tease her by alling her "Comrade" instead of "Agent," as her name (Tavarisch) closely resembles the Russian word "tovarich" (comrade).
Sorina is currently seeing Dr. Raymond Keyes, aka Positron."
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Happy Birthday to Alex's Grampa! May he live to 99 and longer!
Here's Dewgirl, ice/rad controller, if you'd like to give her a whirl. Taker yer pick on her costume but I like her main green one or her Pepsiman tribute look
Laura Morris was a happy citizen. Did her job as a Crey Industries researcher, enjoyed her life, and cared less about what the company did. Her life would change while assisting some Crey scientists on a classified project, several heroes stormed the lab. After most of the Crey personnel were taken down, only Laura and a handful of confused assistants were left conscious. Outraged they demanded to know the reason for the attack from the heroes, namely one that Laura had recognized as the one called "Pepsiman." After being told the facts on what they were working on, Laura slowly had doubts about Crey and subtly tried to quit her job. Fearing her knowledge, Crey personnel thought it best to subdue her using her favorite soft drink. But Crey's plan of spiking her usual can of Dew with a new untested lethal drug backfired. Laura suddenly found she could provide the same cold refreshing energy boosts her Dew always gave her. She then decided to use the very powers Crey had given her against them.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Congrats to your grandpa!
and i love your art so heres my request
Ninja Bee shes is a Ninja/Dark MM
background: She is more of the Queen bee she doesn't really fight she just gives orders and tells her minions what to do. she only fights if her hive (team) is endanger other wise she just sits back and tells her pets what to do.
(note thats not really how i play my MM just her backsotry )
[url="http://teenage-kid.deviantart.com/"]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!
Birthday? Reverse-Turkey demands cake!
I demand nothing. But I do wish your grandpa a happy birthday. Such awesomeness he must have experienced in his lifetime.
EDIT: Oh yeah, the bio. It's on the link, but here it is anyways:
Reverse-Turkey claims to come from the future bearing a dire message. The world will soon fall into chaos, and it's all the fault of one individual...Turkey Lurkey. He's come back in time to stop Turkey Lurkey from "destroying" the future...by any means necessary. Reverse-Turkey wears the Ancient Chain Link Harness of Ultimate Revengitude, which gives it's wearer stealth from those he would exact revenge upon. He has trained dilligently in the dark arts to to give him an edge against Turkey Lurkey's martial arts skills. He also founded the Turkey Revenge Squad, whom he hopes will further his agenda against Turkey Lurkey.
He's really quite insane.
Hey well happy birth day to your grandpa.
i would love it if you could do my Dark/dark Corr Xyi
no real back sotry to her shes half human half bug i would think she spends most of her time in the forest out at night.
Congrats Grandpa!!
You did Tanks, so here's Ms. Frost.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Happy Birthday to your grandpa!! What a great age to reach.
Hmm how about someone a little different: Ma'a-seru-at
And now that I've retrieved her bio:
From a distant planet, Ma'a-seru-at's small ship crashed on Earth during the Rikti invasion. At first mistaken for one of the invading forces, she soon proved herself a hero when she saved several children from a collapsed school building. A shaman-priestess and ambassador on her own planet, Ma'a-seru-at is used to being a part of the elite. Her bizarre appearance on Earth, however, has ranked her in a place where she feels very alone. While she hopes for rescue, she has still worked to learn the language and culture of her new, if temporary, home.
"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.
Happy birthday to your granddad! That is amazing. He's seen so many astounding events and changes in that time. He must have some stories to tell.
If you are still looking for subjects, I'll toss a hat in the ring for one of my newer gals, Victory Gardener. An Army Air Force widow who was doing her part on the homefront during WWII, Vicky mixed up some bizarre concoctions that really gave her victory garden some va-va-voom. So she joined Allied Force and with her large and somewhat cranky vine, Bessie, brought her own brand of green-thumbed justice to the world.
Thanks Alex, hope the family had some good partyin'!
Busting heads since 1938
Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic
Would love to see something done of Jess, my EM/invuln brute. Either costume's fine, up to you which one, if you decide to give her a try
Eh, her backstory isn't exactly too fleshed out at the moment, but basically she was born already a mutant with some minor super strength and energy manipulation. She then became addicted to dyne when some one slipped it in her drink in pocket D. Somehow, the dyne never effected her brain, so she's still quite intelligent. The wings are kinda just... there.
So, wait. You're trying to tell me that Brutes and Scrappers arn't the only AT in the game?
A happy 98th birthday to your grandpa! Just two more years to triple digits!!
For the sketch, my main Blaster and namesake: Major Tom.
Short backstory:
During a routine spcae walk on the International Space Station, Major Thomas Bowie was caught in the middle of a deep space meteor strike. One of the meteors severed his line holding him to the station. As a second meteor stuck his suit and sent him hurdling towards Earth, the cosmic forces stored within the meteor transferred to his entire body, replacing it with pure energy. Fortunately for him, Tom was field testing a prototype suit fabricated from an Impervium alloy and it was able to withstand the intense heat of reentry, and took the brunt force of the impact.
After recovering, he had discovered that he had landed in Paragon City, Rhode Island upon seeing its massive War Walls. Now with his newfound power Major Tom works under government comission for the USAF as their latest weapons project. Within his suit he is able to focus this incredible energy into destructive short ranged blasts and devastating melee attacks.
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on [Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage |
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle
A Happy birthday to Alex's grandfather! He must have a ton of experiences/stories to tell about.
For the sketch, Seraphimel can always use another good art piece. His In-game Bio is here
Global - @El D
Servers - Protector
Happy birthday to Alex's grandfather!
Don't think I've hopped into an Alex queue for a bit. Here's Kizimwi, nin/TA MM.
Short bio -
Some lands grow a personality, a spirit. In an ancient African land, one patch - fought over for centuries, site of unmatched brutality, eventually came to be considered cursed. None would stay there - yet the location was still a commanding one. The continuing bloodshed gave rise to a spirit who fed on the misery there, gaining power and sentience. That spirit enslaved the spirits of the most powerful of the warriors who fell there, binding them to his will as he gained form, eventually growing strong enough to leave that place.
(Kizimwi and his minions are all named for Swahili spirits.)
Happy birthday to your granddad! That is amazing. He's seen so many astounding events and changes in that time. He must have some stories to tell.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well said!
Not sure if this is what you looking for, but here goes, Poltergyst.
Bastien Green's story began the day his brother became a casualty in a turf battle between members of The Family. His brother's death shatter not only his world but his family. Worst of all, the perpetrators spent less than 2 months behind bars.
Full of anger and supremely dissatisfied in the justice system, he joined up with Longbow in the hopes of making a difference. After his admission, his superiors felt he was unsuited for fieldwork and set him in logistics. While relocating an old warehouse of theirs he found a crate labeled "Project Ghost". Upon opening the crate and seeing the high tech equipment he finally realized his destiny and his means of justice.
Inside was a suit equipped with stealth generators which supplied power to negative energy converters in the gloves. The gloves created a negative energy field around the wearers fists, and when streamed allowed them to fly. After turning in his resignation, he donned the suit and took the name "Poltergyst", determined to see justice met as it should be.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
wow this is awesome...would love to see something done with Shinobi Commander
"Shinobi Commander was, at the height of his career, considered to be the greatest stalker alive. He was a master of ninjutsu. His ninjustu allowed him to preserve his life for several hundred years, allowing him to collect the components he would use to assassinate his enemies. Eventually he was able to build the legendary Assassins Fists, making him an indestructible force. He almost took control of the Rogue Isles, before being betrayed by his ally Robotics Commander"
Happy B-day to your G-pa
Name: Jack A' Lantern
Martial Arts/Will power stalker
Back http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...Untitled-4.jpg
side http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...Untitled-1.jpg
Front http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...Untitled-2.jpg
up close http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...haryu/face.jpg
Well Jack A' Lantern was a former skull along with his brother they were doing some Halloween mishaps vandalizing and such. Jack A' Lantern was one of the up ups a Lieutenant so he had his followers. One Halloween night a Fir' Blog killed his brother. The cowardly skulls ran and wouldn't help get revenge. He never knew that the skulls were scared of pumpkins outraged he left the skulls, painting his face up like a pumpkin thinking if the skulls were scared of them pumpkins they are going to be terrified by this one. He snuck into one of the skulls basses that very night destroying everything quietly or as quiet as possible. Finally he got to the crew of this batch assassin striking the leader killing him. At first the Skulls started to attack then Jack A' Lantern dissappears into the shadows creeping along. Saying are you guys not scared of pumpkins. I'll tell you what you join me and help me kill the Fir' Blog or ill pick you off one by one. There was a few that denied but they were easily killed. The rest gave up and joined Jack A' Lantern so they took over that base everyone painting there faces like Jack O' Lanterns and they called themselves The Jack O' Lanterns. There they sought to take over the rest of the skulls and kill all the Fir' Blogs
HEYYY it's Blake! Here are the links to my 3 screenshots:
Front: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...21-41-09-1.jpg
Side: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...21-14-00-1.jpg
Back: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...21-13-42-1.jpg
"My name is Rylie Grey, AKA MEntal Crisis. I have been through a lot in my life, and I have discovered so many things ever since I realized that I obtained supernatural abilities. I didn't discover my powers until I was 15 years-old. It all started with horrible migraines, once I got a migraine I couldn't control my abilities. I could hear everyone's thoughts uncontrollably and everything around me would lift up into the air as if there was no gravity. One day when I was walking home from school a man came up to me and informed me that my family had died due to the rikti invasion. I was so angry and sad that psychic energy exploded out of me, wiping out half of the block. The man I was talking to had formed a forcefield around himself, blocking him from the explosion. The man offered to train me so that I could control my powers and use them for the greater good. Ever since that day I have dedicated my life to destroy the rikti and bring peace back to Paragon City and to my family."
Can't wait to see how you draw them!! Let me know when your done!
98?! Best wishes to him. May he have many more birthdays to come.
Zero Phantom
Jonathan Terint is a former 'thief' and was given such nicknames as: The Phantom Thief, Zero, and just Phantom. Never giving himself an alias he melded the names into a moniker for himself. Using his Illusionary abilities and natural ability to throw his voice to deceive his targets he stole back what was rightfully his or others. In many ways he was a modern day Robin Hood. Sadly, such things never go unnoticed by those that are targeted by such a man and things preceded to go quickly to pot. His daughter was held ransom and he and his wife (and partner in 'crime') had to give themselves up to save her from the mad man that wanted revenge. Luckily for both him and his wife Nara, their daughter was persistent and managed to liberate them from their terrible imprisonment. Soon after, John Terint, using his previous name, formed the group 'Phantom' in order to preserve peace and protect himself, his family and anyone that needed aid from villains.
Happy Birthday to your grandpa!
Lets see, FireBrandi , is a mutant. Thats it, no big story of how she got her powers.
Of course, when you got a 4' 6" impulsive, fearless woman who likes to be in the thick of things,(and is easily bored) and can incinerate large areas, you're gonna have some fun. And when that woman is also a blaster, not a tanker, you are also gonna get a lot of trips to the hospital.
FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha
My DA page
damn alex, that's some serious flood gates you've opened...
congrats to your gramps, give him a nice plate of lo mein for long life from me!
Ooh! How about... Thermal Kinetic?
Juli Scott was always a sick girl, but a giftedly bright one. Getting together some parts over the years, the ten-year-old mechanics prodigy managed to cobble-together a friend. But that wasn't really enough for her. She wanted to see the world outside her room! Experience things that she wasn't able to.
So she made a VR unit, and hooked it up to her robotic friend. Now she can see and hear everything as if she were there herself. Programming her new friend with a heroic personality built up off the comic books that used to keep her company, and sent her off to live out her own fantasies of being a hero. Of being complete.
Thermal Kinetic has done a lot of good for the city so far, though some people wonder about her child-like sensibilities.
EDIT: Whoops. Forgot to mention - Getting to 98 is awesome! Here's to hoping he gets many more. Stuff like that is always fairly heartwarming to me, for some reason..
Happy Birthday, Alex's grandpa!! what a milestone.
If you'd like, here's Soul Train's Peacebringer aspect, known as PeaceTrain... she actually harbored the Kheldian for years in a form of stasis, until they'd both recovered from the accident that had merged them, and a Tantric meditative exercise brought Soul's awareness to a cusp that revealed the "Other" within her.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
98 is amazing. My grandma recently turned 94; still drives herself to play canasta with the girls. (Many of them her high school classmates, amazingly enough.)
In honor of grandparents everywhere, I'd like to submit my oldest character, John Bull.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
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My Grandpa just turned 98 today!
So to celebrate I'm going to do 98 sketches!
Post a screenshot or two, and a short bio.
ONE submission per month! I'm thinking a couple of months to get through this queue...