1734 -
I gives it tree paws up for humor value, yarr.
I have to wonder if the flu isn't net communicable, as I've recently come down with it myself (I assume it's the standard strain, though - I'm pumping my immune system just to be on the safe side, though).
Been staying awake in 4 hour cycles as a result, or however long I need to in order to get the day's designated tasks done (a few weeks before Halloween, and I get sick. :|). I gotta figure out how to get the new walkway laid and the patio cleared off now, with everyone but me busy. -
Had my coffee, and I'm PUMPED! Mostly because the adrenaline is running on overdrive thanks to watching nothing but horror-ish stuff the last few days, and catching Zombieland yesterday. Have a horror/survival thing I'm writing, and I need the extra inspiration. :3
Friends are finding it hilarious - I have an extreme low bar for suspense/horror, and I'm writing this stuff.
...It's contributing to my general lack of sleep and love for coffee, actually. -
Glad I didn't see this earlier. >.> The urge to pounce would have been daunting.
But, I'm glad to hear it was a hit, Eddy, though I can't say I'm exactly surprised. :3 -
Definately refreshing to see some familiar names every now and then.
I'm still lurking. >.> Not sure if I've ever been memorable, though. Me and Eeyore. -
Voting for Shia this month!
Would post a more explationy thing, but I'm running on little sleep and grumpiness today. :/
Definately looking forward to the final rounds coming up, though! -
Some very awesome pieces so far. :O
And, I definately prefer the second one Shia (though the first was great). Much more emotion in it, and it looks gorgeous! -
<-- Vulpes vulpes.
And, after a lengthy examination, I am either a female or very confused and lacking a few bits. -
Avast, ye salty sea dogs and scurvy wenches.
We be havin' a pirate shortage! I be weighin' anchor to rectify this grievous situation. Prepare t'be boarded! Arrrr.
And by boarded, I mean pounced and/or napped upon with t'ferocity o' Davey Jones 'imself. Depends on how much pouncin' I gots ter to do t'day.
Yo ho. -
>_> You know I was mostly teasing about that, right? Though, it gave me a smile.
It looks like you really had a lot of fun with this one, Ed-man. The little added details here and there through shading are pretty awesome (especially on the belt), and the light off the claws is a very nice touch. The only thing I can see immediately is that I think the claw-shadows on the leg are a bit off - given the approximate angle of the lighting in the picture (High back left [my left, not Logan's]), I think the shadows would be a bit closer together and somewhat distorted given the angle that they're sitting at (in a straight line), and maybe a bit lower on the leg. But, I can't tell for sure (I suck with that sort of thing myself). And maybe a little thinner up on the hand (though not by much - again, I'm approximating).
Other then that, things look pretty spot on, except maybe one or two particulates near the top needing a little bit of light shading (unless they're catching reflections off the claws, anyway). I do like some of the little added touches, though. :3
Another very ace job, sir. -
>> I was perfectly fine until the 'manikini' got mentioned.
And now, I go find a flamethrower to cleanse my mind with fire. -
I actually liked the technique used for the lips, to be honest. I thought it was a nice touch, especially with similarly lighter lines used on the rest of the facial features (or just the nose - I'm sort of trashed at the moment and can't make a fully clear judgement). It looks like a lot of the 'inner' detail features on Shanna were made in a brown-ish color instead of a black, which I think gives a better impression of 'definition' (IE: shadow less intense on things closer to the viewer, or farther away but not quite far enough to fade into complete darkness).
Though, I'll agree that the ridges along the back/tail could have used some additional shadowy love. All in all, I think it's a great job to a very sexy and stylish piece of work, Eddy. :3 Though, you really gotta stop picking stuff that distracts me this much. Takes me ages to get my brain focused after something like that!
...You did warn me this time, however, so I can't complain. -
Real late to the party with a point I was going to make, like. Pages ago, that I'm still gonna make because I'm me. And some stuff is just worth saying!
If I ever make a comment, when I'm being serious (which is more often then I let one, honestly), I usually mean it. If I comment on something art-related, I'm probably being serious (at least for part of it - I try to make it more obvious when I'm just goofing off here then I do other places). However, as often happens, I sometimes find that I lack the words to properly express my feelings on a matter, and will likely struggle for awhile actually trying to find something to try and get my point across accurately... fail horribly, slam my head into my desk, and then just state something in the general ballpark instead. Until I've had time to come back and actually say something.
Sadly, I'm also one of those weird people that has a very broad level of acceptance for darn near everything that has to do with creative expression no matter what medium it's in. Doing even moderately well in art (writing, music, photography, dancing, whatever) requires a certain amount of talent and dedication that, honestly, I feel is worth respecting. I enjoy seeing people advance and grow in the area of their chosen hobby (and/or profession) if it makes them happy, and I try to at least stay positive when making comments in stuff that I see. Unfortunately, as this discussion has continued on, I've noticed that some people have mistaken what is likely positive criticism or reinforcement as 'praise'... when they're not exactly the same thing.
Probably going to be awhile before I resume actually commenting on art here again. Not only am I busy, but now I've got a few more things to think about...
In the mean time, I brought nachos! -
I've actually been thinking about this subject a lot lately, myself. It's part of why I've been rather quiet here the past few weeks, as I don't really feel all that right posting things if I'm not entirely sure if I personally feel I'm doing what fits my ethical and moral guidelines. It's almost certainly the former then it is the latter, as if that was in question, I'd probably never post here again (I don't tend to question my morals. There aren't that many of them, after all!).
Essentially, is it beneficial to not only the artist but to furthering conversation and discussion for me to post only generally positive remarks? Or should I try to be more objective in things, and leave my personal opinions and feelings at the door? Is it right for me, as a non-artist, to point out when I see some stuff that could be improved in a piece, or should I let the artist find and develop their own style without my input whatsoever? And is it right for me to post general approval only?
Currently, I'm trying to be a bit more helpful when I do post here (or, at least, that's the intent). If I see something that seems a little off/odd, I'm going to be honest about it. Because after much review, I don't really mind when people point out flaws in my writing (one of the few things I take pride in - feel free to laugh at my work on dA, what little I actually have there) if they do it in a respectful fashion. And I don't think I've ever been disrespectful to people here, unless I for some crazy reason felt it was called for. If I have, heck. I'd love to hear about it, and either explain my case or apologize.
I'll continue to treat people, 'professionals' or not, the way I, myself, would like to be treated. I don't think it should really matter, in the long run... and, infact, feel that the layman has probably the most valuable thing to offer the professional in terms of opinion: A point of view unclouded by one's personal artistic preferences and style. The problem I've often found when conversing primarily with writers, is that most of the suggestions would be how their style dictates something should have been done. While I valued the input I've recieved, it rarely resulted in preventing me from advancing my personal writing.
The humble reader, who cannot write, but can and does appreciate a solid piece of literary work, almost always had better questions and insights about my writing. And usually brought up things I never would have thought about, and nobody else had bothered to point out before that upon review made a bit of sense.
Or maybe that's just my personal ethics coming out. Every opinion, to me, is valid and of equal importance to consider. When sought, or when stumbled upon.
...I'm going to stop rambling now and probably go find something to eat. >_> -
Quote:...I'm a fox and I approve this message.Mostly, I mean NPCs, 'cos that's somewhat verifiable and a common point for all players, as opposed to player characters who could be out harvesting the baby fields for fresh blood to feed to their lackeys, but really only means anything to the people who know who they are.
See, I'd like to do a piece that examines the very genesis of this evil. I want to pinpoint the exact second that turn is made, the straw breaking the camel's back, and commit that to an image of such unrivalled, heart-rending sorrow that it leaves you all feeling hollowed out.
(Also, look into Mako's backstory. He was just a poor mutant that got so fed up with everyone calling him a monster, he just gave up and became one. The biggest, baddest monster he could. I may be a fangirl.) -
I'm going to go completely off-script and say absolutely nothing with a double-entendre whatsoever!
Very awesome piece, Eddy.The colors are very well done, and while there's a few tiny issues (mouth, blending at stitching edges, cutlass length), it's an ace job, mang. It has a real solid, emotional feel to it.
...that makes me wanna not stand in front of her if I can possibly help it. -
Makes me wish it was Thanksgiving. :3