98 Sketches!




...whoa! Agge looks great! I love her "see my pointy-stick chucker?!" pose. XD

And Overspeed really does look like he's running!

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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



You know what, I hate to grab two off of ya in this thread, but I thought you may enjoy Malfaz, so why not...
Oh, and thanks once again for all the great work, Alex!


Malfaz is a tortured soul. Born a victim of his own naturally occurring psychic powers, that produce debilitating migraines and induce insanity upon himself as well as those around him (Completely out of his control)...
He also became a victim of a foul scientific experimentation after he was placed into Federal custody and kept within the clutches of a team of dark-minded psychiatrists and brain surgeons under the reign of major pharmaceutical tycoon, Richard West III President and CEO of WestCare Pharmaceuticals.

When their surgical experiments (meant to analyze and harness Malfaz's latent powers) backfired and instead gave him control of his now intensely amplified psychic powers...
Malfaz went on a murderous rage... After siphoning all of their minds, memories and knowledge.

Filled with multiple personalities, both self-created and from siphoning the minds of many of his victims, Malfaz has a broad range of knowledge and skills that are all twisted asunder by his reigning psychotic mind. He seems to believe that the societal definition of “sanity” is actually the prison that cages true freedom, which, according to his beliefs, society has named “insanity”.

This twisted viewpoint of psychology is the basis of his major criminal personality and, thus far, none of his other personalities seem to have opposed or rebelled against these core beliefs.

Malfaz now embraces his own mental illness and seeks to unleash this psychic maelstrom upon the rest of regular society.

Malfaz is a criminally insane villain who uses deadly psychic powers to wreak havoc and misery upon the rest of the world.

Perpetually grinning or grimacing... Likely both, Malfaz just might appear as insane as he truly is.
Malfaz's appearance gradually became more grotesque as his own powers took hold of his ill body.
Certain medications he was on to combat his chronic illnesses from childhood, combined with these powers to mutate his appearance into a sickly and scary monstrosity.

Losing all pigmentation, he turned pale white. The skin upon his face stretched thin and has left his head to look like little more than a skull.
His lips receded and left his teeth exposed in a permanent smile or grimace.
His eyeballs shrank and withered into useless black balls that fell backwards deeper into his skull.
His teeth grew stronger and larger and are in a constant state of grinding and mashing together.
This constant grinding utterly weakened his jawbones, so that he had to have a metal support structure surgically placed to hold it together.

His wiry, thin hair turned colorless.

And his body has been left weakened and close to physically useless... He is near to an invalid being propelled by pure psychic rage.

Malfaz's VirtueVerse Page (Unfinished)

Malfaz: Full Body (Operating Room Mayhem)

Malfaz: Profile


Malfaz: Unleashing Psychic Maelstrom

Malfaz Collage

Malfaz Performing Surgical Repairs

Malfaz: Crash Course In Brain Surgery

Malfaz Encounters The Electric-Knight (My Paragon Universe Forum Avatar, hehe)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



cool little sprint there Alex ... some really nice stuff in there

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



The Cobalt Constable!

Character Concept/Origin Story
Late 20's Constable at Court running the Rhode Island Circuit is responsible for a Once Convicted defendant charged with grand theft auto. As Bond is paid she is to walk him back to the courthouse. He breaks loose of the Firey Redhead's grip and bolts down an alley. She gives chase only to witness him in the commission of a hijacking. Without thinking she rips the door off the car and drags the felon out.

It's only after that when she realizes that she has superstrength, and moments later that she learns she lacks Invulnerability. A few months later she gets a friend to create a pair of inertial dampening gloves for her, and a solid impervium shield.

Character Description
Athletic, strong, smiling. Fair skin, long red hair tucked under her helmet. Clean lines on a simple uniform, modified Motorcycle officer's garb. Reinforced Kevlar Vest under a Blue leather jacket, PPD Badge proudly displayed on her chest. Flashy and Shiny shield meant to draw the eye. A Mask under her helmet, not to keep her (publically known) identity a secret, but to hold her hair up and protect her throat with a hidden gorget.




Hmmmmm...who to snatch up...? Ah, got it. I never did manage to get a full body shot of Jade Blackwind, so if you'd like to go for that, I'd certainly appreciate it. Long story short, he's a Mountain Dragon that fell under the Robocop curse. There's more to it, but the story's right in the link, and...oh, who am I kidding, I can't keep my mouth shut on these things.

He's a 400-year-old Dragon-turned-machine from a world upon which Judgment Day has come and gone, leaving little more than ashes, ruins, and bones scattered across the decrepit wasteland that was once a beautiful, luscious planet full of light and life. Whether you want to call him a survivor or not is up to you, the ripped-up remains of his original body having long since decayed, just like the rest of his world, across whose lands now prowl solely the mechanical nightmares whose original purpose was to protect the very people they so relentlessly slaughtered. Few pockets of survivors remain, the machines having hunted nearly all sentient organics to extinction, asserting dominion of cold iron over a burning world.

Dang, that almost ran away again. Anyway, the important part for a sketch is just that his head still looks like it used to before he got sliced up, while the rest of his body is now just cold metal. Don't get me wrong now, he's not a cyborg. Hair, skin, it's all synthetic, it just looks like it's still flesh. I did manage to sneak a head shot a while back, but like I said a full one is what I'd be most thankful for. I'll of course appreciate anything, so no worries if that's not what you'd like. Oh, and before I forget again, he sometimes wears a full helm when he wants to hide what he is, like in the small picture in the first link. Up to you which way you prefer, though.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi






Oathbound is a case of "He thinks, therefore he is." Though he doesn't know it, he was killed accidentally by an immensely powerful Illusion/Empathy controller (I don't have a name for him). Stricken with grief over this, the controller created an illusion and embedded it with as much of the young man's fleeting consciousness as possible, effectively resurrecting him, though there was significant gaps in Oathy's memory.
Eventually when the controller died, he imbued his illusion with the entirety of his psychic energy, prolonging Oathbound's life indefinitely. Oathbound fights crime and injustice, mostly because it's all that he can really remember ever doing.

As far as his appearance goes, there are a few things that can't be depicted in game. He's kind of an amalgamation of a Judeo-Christian Seraphim and a Hindu diety, in that he has six arms and six wings.

Seraphim wiki

Notes about Oathy's personality...
He's outwardly very reserved and somewhat aloof, sometimes to the point of seeming cold, or apathetic. He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, and rarely actually laughs at things he finds amusing or humorous, tending only a slight, sly smile.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



First off, really impressive work on the mass sketches. The characters all still feel very unique, even bunched together like that.

While I'm here, I can't resist tossing Timestepper into the ring. She's a steampunk version of Dr. Aeon, a time traveler who got herself stranded in the Rogue Isles. Personality wise, she's usually very polite and proper, but she's still a mad scientist, given to moments of insane laughter and doing incredibly dangerous things FOR SCIENCE!!!

In Action



1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28, 29, 30-31, 32-33, 34, 35,
36-37, 38-39, 40-41, 42-43, 44, 45

46. Yuzune Proud member of Irradiation Nation
47. Unstable Fiend
48. Flame Enchantress
49. Savannah Nightwolf
50. Stonewall Jake
51. Smashmouth
52. Commander Canuck
53. Archmage Nezumi-Ko
54. Starslicer
55. Rajani Isa
56. The Grower
57. American Anthem
58. Aggelakis
59. Overspeed

All Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



YAY I'm on the list for the awesome drawings!

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Grats on all the sketches, Alex.

I've been watching the thread for weeks. I'm kinda sad that it's done since I've enjoyed each of your postings.


Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels



*squeeeeeeeeals!* AWESOME!

*does the dance of happy Rachel!* You rock, Alex!




1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28, 29, 30-31, 32-33, 34, 35,
36-37, 38-39, 40-41, 42-43, 44, 45

46. Yuzune Proud member of Irradiation Nation
47. Unstable Fiend
48. Flame Enchantress
49. Savannah Nightwolf
50. Stonewall Jake
51. Smashmouth
52. Commander Canuck
53. Archmage Nezumi-Ko
54. Starslicer
55. Rajani Isa
56. The Grower
57. American Anthem
58. Aggelakis
59. Overspeed

All Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

ALEX! OMG! Thank you sooo much!! Kaijah looks so good thank you very much! May I crop Kaijah from the sketch? I wan't to see her on solo. Again, thank you and more power to you.



*squeeeeeeeeals!* AWESOME!

*does the dance of happy Rachel!* You rock, Alex!


[/ QUOTE ]

He does indeed.

Easy to work with, too.



*Squeezes into her 'Alex Fangirl' shirt, and cheers!*

An excellent series! Though fairly exhausting, I'm sure. That's a looot of work.



OMG awesome! Thaks Alex u totally captured the bad-assness of Succulent Abyss! Sad to see it over already but awesome work!



aah very cool way to wrap it all up bro. Looks great as always and gratz on reaching 98!



Thanks everyone!

Kaijah, sure crop away! I see Succulent_Abyss has already did that for her avatar

Glad this is over, kinda sad that it took soooo long!

I want to do another big group pic, but that's gonna have to wait!