98 Sketches!




Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!

Here is Katnip, my dualblades/willpower brute.



Indeed, many happy returns to your grandfather!

Xer'Tul is, as always, in the signature.

As far as backstory goes:

Long ago, the mystic forces that governed the universe put into place a balance. One that would dictate the ultimate outcome of everything. After the balance was set, the beings responsible left the universe, as they presumed that the balance would forever be kept. Little did they know, the denizens of the universe would not keep to the Balance.

And so, an eternal struggle between the forces of the morally good and the morally corrupt began. Too late did the beings who created the universe realise that what had transpired could not be undone. If the balance were to somehow fall too far to one spectrum, the universe itself would enter absolute chaos.

It was up to the beings to find a solution - And so were born the Keepers of the Balance. Beings of pure energy, given physical form and a duty - To keep the Balance safe.
Xer'Tul was one of the ten born that day. With near limitless power, and the foresight to know what needed to be done, he and his cohorts set out to create order in what was now a mostly chaotic universe.

It can only be assumed that they succeeded, as the universe still exists this day.

The keepers of the Balance disbanded after their task was complete, each one governing over their own sector of the universe. It would seem obvious that Xer'Tul was tasked to maintain order in the quadrant that would eventually be home to Earth, as this is where he currently resides.

Unfortunately, he is not given the praise he deserves. As he has no true moral standings, he can make the choices that no one else can, to keep the balance safe. And so, neither villain nor hero truly understands him, nor do they welcome him.

Over the years living amongst the humans, Xer'Tul has developped a sense of understanding. He still lives a cold, distant life from the rest of the world, but ever so slowly, he seems to be gaining some humanity; OR WORSE. The beings who created him and govern over him and the other balance keepers may slowly be losing their control - And thus control over the balance of the universe!

EDIT: By the way.. I know you've done Xer'Tul before, and I'm really sorry I'm throwing him up here again, but... He's the only character I got. I have a serious case of the Anti-Altitis.



Very awesome set. Ninjabee is *precious*. So, so precious.

And I'd comment on Dewgirl, but my censorship department is giving me that 'You are SO NOT going to say what we know you're thinking' look again. :/

So, I'll just add in my tag line.

If you know what I mean, nyoro~n. ;3c



98...wow...the things he's seen...I'd -love- to hear some of those stories....

Oh yeah; I'm in on this....

I know Alex does some amazing female art, and I've been considering getting some done of my 1st female alt so...:


MakoType-824 is not only not of this world, she's literally not of this -dimension-; created on CapeMike's homeworld, itself an amalgam of every anime cliche in existence given physical form, her original purpose was as a training opponent for CapeMike in one of his holosuites, but a misconstrued order caused the holosuite's system to create a REAL opponent(an idea swiped from a classic Star Trek: The Next Generation episode) that took on a Technorganic form...neither human or machine...and yet, -both-.

While she physically appears to be a very attractive woman in her early to mid 20's, she's actually only about 4 years old; bright almost to the point of being 'bubbly', her trinary-coded A.I. is still developing and 'learning', giving her the approximate personality of someone in her late teens; she loves to tease CapeMike, often calling him 'dad'(which he technically is), much to his chagrin!

-Reference pic courtesy of Turbo-Ski-



Oooooh! Hooray! Happy Birthday Grampa Alex! Alex Grampa? Alexampa? Grampalex?

Here is some sexy, sexy American Dreamgirl!

American Dreamgirl

Another American Dreamgirl!

More American Dreamgirl!

Yet Another American Dreamgirl!

Oh. Em. Gee! Can you believe it's finally the last American Dreamgirl screenshot? Cause I can't! I need to take more pictures of this hawtness!

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Wow, that's awesome! Go ahead, take my Invuln/Battle Axe Tank Sierra Sphene on.



Oooooooh!!! I really hope I get in on this one!


I apologize if the bio is too long, but its what I previously had on hand.

"Neurotika" began her career with Arachnos as a research scientist, mostly in soldier tech, weapons, and getting the most bang for the buck from the cannon fodder. She always pushed the envelope (and went through many test subjects as a result) to keep her devices on the cutting edge. Her fervor eventually brought her to Prof. Nebission, a brilliant scientist in the realm of mechanical augmentations to the human body. Though she was willing to pay, Prof. Nebission had no use for cash or really cared about anyone but himself. He quickly dismissed the eager young researcher. Consumed by her desire for the technology, "Neurotika" tried to take what she wanted by force, but was woefully outmatched. Prof. Nebission, never one to waste something that could be used for his own benefit, gave the foolish girl just what she wanted. He augmented her with a few brain implants and took complete control.

Now reborn as Neurotika, she's a more than willing slave of her master. She can now draw upon Prof. Nebission's dark power and her technology to protect her overlord. But more importantly, she keeps Prof. Nebission... entertained.

She's a Dark/Traps corruptor. Her outfit is made to be sexy, and the chains are to show her slavery. The receivers are VERY important to the character. She's programmed to love this slave role, and she's a consummate smouldering temptress type.



Can I save a spot while I pick out some Screenshots?

If not someone else can have the slot >_>



Happy birthday to your grandfather, Alex.

And could you maybe make a sketch of my ma/sr scrapper Sheline?

Sheline: lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
Thor's Kitten: lvl 50 ela/mace tanker
Hellfrost: lvl 50 ice/rad corruptor
And many more. What can I say? I'm an alt-o-holic.
EuroCore SG - Victory server



You're the best Alex! Gratz to your Gpa on level 98!




Roger Stevens wasn't too bright but he loved his country. When WWII began all Stevens wanted was to serve the USA in it's battle against the Nazis.

At 17 he faked his way into the army in an attempt to aid the US.

A small division of the service was tasked with seeking out new recruits who showed unusual potential and unlocking said potential for military use. Surprisingly the armies psychics identified Roger as a possibility.

After volunteering for the extensive treatment he was deemed unsuccessful. But the money was spent. The hero was needed. Told that his power would manifest when he needed it most Roger, newly christened "The American Man" was sent into action with his 12 year old sidekick "Rascal".

The disaster that followed was almost totally expunged from military databases and only recently became public knowledge over 60 years later.

Captured on his first mission by the 5th column, America's Greatest Patriot watched in horror as Rascal was murdered before his eyes. The 5th column had plans of their own for Roger. Their scientists also identified him as having great untapped potential.

The lead scientist was a man name Dr. Oktober. His methods of unlocking Roger's potential were cruel at best and torturous at worst. What happened to Roger during the following 7 months has never been disclosed.

When Allied forces finally located Roger what they found shocked them. Stevens was a cripple, physically and mentally, but his assailants were all dead or worse. The survivors had literally no mind. Their psyches burnt to ash. Dr. Oktober was nowhere to be found.

Stevens was given an honorable discharge and admitted to Riverside hospital for ongoing Psychic evaluation and physical therapy. He was released after 4 years.


The American Man, now age 83, lives a life of near poverty in King's Row. Quiet and forgotten Roger looks surprisingly well for all he experienced in his youth. His few acquaintances say he doesn't look a day over 50.

The sudden appearance of the costumed villain Dr. October in King's Row coincides with the arrival of the vigilante Psilocin.

Roger, however is completely unaware of this.

At least while he is awake.



These look awesome! I knew Reverse-Turkey would look great in your style. I'm digging Dewgirl's pic as well, very amusing.




First batch: Tava, Dewgirl, Ninja Bee, and Reverse Turkey

Sorry about the lack of costume on Dewgirl, that was Felicia's idea, I was gonna draw her in her original outfit

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you so much, I love it!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Happy Birthday to your grandfather...

If you got time here is my cold/ice def



Watered Down Biouring WWII a scientist a known as Michael James was working on developing a suit to harness the power of cryokinesis for the American government. During the first two testings the suit ran purfect. The suit was not only allowed the user to control cryokinesis as well as super strength and some degree of durability. The goal for the third test was to see how far you could push the suit before it became unstable. During the test there was a horrible accident in which they couldnt turn off the suit and with a explosion it froze the entire area. The US called it a failed program and to cover up the accident they reported that the scientist Michael James was a traitor.

Many years later the son of Michael who always knew his father was not a traitor decided to do everything in his power to free his fathers name. He had his father's journal which all the information on the suit and the where abouts to where his fathers tomb may be. He spent many years in attempts to find this location from the hints from the journal but had no success. He soon had a son of his own named Maxwell and always told him stories of how wonderful his grandfather was. When Max became of age he decided that it was time for him and his father to start looking for the place where they believed his grandfather died. Many months pass and finally they found the site. To much of there suprise the entire place was encased in ice. Over looking his grandfather, his father and him knew even if they reported this to the public the government would still do what ever they can to bury this whole situation.

The two decided to just take the suit and Max's father would do all the work to upgrade the suit. The wanted to do this so that they could use the work that the grandfather did to save the world even though his name is tarnished in the history books. Max decided to take the name IceTomb because the suit itself turned the entire area into a frozen tomb were the innocent scientists lost there lives doing something for there country.



Grats to your family! Not everybody gets to ding 98 and share their company with others for so long .

Nike IX
After receiving what should have been a fatal polonium overdose, Nike IX was instead turned into a living doorway to a pocket dimension of life-energy. A bubbling green field of this life-energy constantly flows from the other dimension into our world, enhancing her fitness and even allowing her to regenerate from serious wounds. Focusing her field, she can also heal others or produce dangerous green blasts.

Other Images



Joe Cactus

Joe Cactus was one of the first prototypes of Crey's Augmented Anthropomorphic Agave Amalgam project. Though he was well cared for by the scientist attending to his development, his craving for sunlight exceeded his tolerance for captivity. He quickly manifested plant-control capabilities which he used to escape the facility where he was developed, and made his way to paragon city.

Additional to his mysterious plant-controlling ways, he's capable of launching his needles in a manner surprisingly similar to archery. The experimental chemicals and proteins within him allow Joe to create a variety of unusual effects when launching his needles as arrows, effectively emulating the abilities of Trick Arrow users.



the first batch was great good work man



Congrats on your Grandpa getting one step closer to the century mark. My Pop passed away a smidge over a year ago. Not saying that to be a downer, just saying cherish the moments.

Thanks a ton for this most generous offer. Here is my hero - Cosmic Sentinel.




And the bio:

For eons, Xo’ah Shardaa protected the cosmos from insidious onslaughts from far reaching worlds and multi-dimensional evils as the Cosmic Sentinel. While battling Garak the Unraveler, Cosmic Sentinel deemed it wise to destroy the great threat of Garak by obliterating the two inhabited worlds they were fighting between, killing many, but saving many more in the process. Cosmic Sentinel barely escaped the destruction he himself caused only to face the Cosmic Tribunal which did not agree with his decision. They stripped him of his powers and launched his prison capsule toward a small planet called earth. It is on earth where Cosmic Sentinel would slowly regain his former glory while learning what it meant to be a hero, a protector, a Cosmic Sentinel.

Thanks again. And I agree, the first batch was awesome.



Go Granpa GO!!!

Yeoman Medic

Close Up

Yeo lived a quiet life as a nursing student...in an alternate reality where the 5th Column was actually winning, and the last of Earth's heroes (the Yeomen) were fighting a losing battle against them.

She got caught up in an epic battle while on the way to school, and as she was trying to help an injured Yeoman, an explosion threw her into an open portal which transported her and a dozen other Yeomen to our world. This transportation also activated her latent mutant powers, and she became a hero here.



posting for this person as it seems EU folks can' post on the US boards.

Sapphic Nekko



posting for this person as it seems EU folks can' post on the US boards.

Sapphic Nekko

[/ QUOTE ]

woot a new person to watch!

Btw i love the mountain dew sketch lol! Awesome!




Not much bio written for her yet, just an elec/stone armor brute

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



What the heck. Birfday felicitations to your grandpa!

I wish I could provide a shorter bio than what's listed in the VV link. I'm working on it.

Wiki http://www.virtueverse.com/index.php/Parzifal
Story http://tarosvan.deviantart.com/art/Cats-62532862

Parz is fairly tall and athletic, with something like a boxer's build (middle-weight range or so). His hair is auburn, though more on the brown side than the red. It's kept clipped neat and fairly short, as if it's allowed to grow longer than an inch or so, it tends to become unruly and matted, due to the number of cowlicks he has, and the fineness of his hair (though it does grow rather thickly for all that). Even as short as it is, though, it tends to be slightly mussed. Eyes are a dark green, and he wears a beard and moustache, the same color as his hair and also kept neatly clipped and short.

He's rather shy, though it's more of the 'distant' type of shyness. Still, he tends to be very kind, self-effacing and humble. I sometimes refer to him as my 'sweet doormat', as his tendency to put others first has led to him being walked all over, on more than one occasion.

He prefers to wear things that are casual, a little loose, but not balloony or puffy. A few shirts are included in the reference gallery linked above. He also favors t-shirts and sweats or jeans, with sneakers. Sweats tend to be mostly around-the-house wear, though.

Links to my Virtueverse crap