98 Sketches!




1-4 , 5-8, 9-12

[/ QUOTE ]

Those are awesome! And since I forgot to say it earlier, massive gratz to your gramps! 98 IS a pretty big number, after all.

So, wait. You're trying to tell me that Brutes and Scrappers arn't the only AT in the game?



Tom turned out awesome! The energy effects from the suit are jaw-droppingly fantastic. Excellent work as always.

[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage
Blueskin, Inc. ~ Champion
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle



Not sure if you are at 98 yet ... but ... your Grand'pa still gets a Congratulations ... because it is very cool and quite an accomplishment ... and if you have room I have


to propose (I will get you more and closer screeshots when I get home)

He is a dual blade / willpower scrapper.

Simon Starling was not an average teenager. Eventhough he was an aspiring drummer and loved sitting in on the kendo class at the club downstairs from his appartment, Weird tensions at home pushed him to keep to himself and watch too much tv. Big fan of MTV and all kind of crazy shows where people try to pull off crazy stunts, Simon got into this crazy stuff but was too much of a wimp to jump off buildings. But physical pain was only a state of mind, so he basically became a guiney pig. He offered his body to science and did alot of tests for pharmaceutical companies. His limits where further than most in that line of work and he made a reputation for himself. That made its way to people with less than honorable things to try. So had intresting offers.

He ended up trying all kind of weird things and sticking all sort of probes and gadgets under his skin and in his body. Some had interesting effects (like that hair growth system that made him loose hair on his head where it normally never falls and rapidly grow where it normally falls) and others went awefully wrong (like loosing all of his pigmentation (hair and skin) during a selftaning lotion test). But, he did meet very bright people and made influential friends. With time he moved away from chemicals and got more into bionics. The goal was to help those that lost control of their limbs but they couldn't always remove the things they put in. So, as time went on, the more "useless" hardware he had in him.

( to keep this short )
An accident severed the tendons in his wrists. A doctor had to replace them with experimental "active wires". Another test showed that an external source could increate the precision and speed of his hand movements. This made him a great drum player until he remembered the kendo classes. Pulling many favors and surrounding himself with a great team (funded by an unknown interest) was the birth of a hero.


Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Tom turned out awesome! The energy effects from the suit are jaw-droppingly fantastic. Excellent work as always.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably the best one of the set so far.



1-4, 5-8, 9-12

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow! Man, these just keep turning out great! I really love the angry expression you gave Seraphimel. (He looks really really P.O.ed, hehe)

Can't wait to see the rest of these

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



great stuff I can't wait to see mine



The list is at 53 for those of you wondering how many spots are still available (give or take a couple I might have miscounted). And I'm jumping on the Dewgirl bandwagon saying that's my favorite so far, but they are all really turning out nicely. Can't wait to see mine come up.



I'm calling dibs on a spot, if alex will let me.

Now, off to work. Photo and bio when I get back

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I would be honored to be included in this with a sketch of my favorite character, The Grower!

Kimberly Elen Bowne, daughter of Howard and Leana, has always had mystic ability. As a child possessed of the second sight being able to read auras, see the flow of energy through the world and seeing ghosts puttering about were all normal to her. It was not until she entered public school that she realized not everyone had that gift.

The daughter of a physics professor and librarian, Kimberly was raised to be a bookworm and that has stuck through her whole life. Always eager to analyze a situation thoroughly before acting, a long study of tai chi and other forms of martial art has given her the drive to act swiftly and decisively once she has determined the proper course.

The sudden Rikti attack forced her to employ her mystic talents in battle. Having previously only studied magic in recreation, she now had to learn to fight with it, and quickly. She chose to employ weather magic to strike down her enemy with tempests of thunder, lightning and freezing cold equal to the emotions she felt as she watched the attacks. In the years since these abilities have become her specialized weapons, creating a sorceress with extremely powerful control over moisture and temperature, able to create ice and minor weather phenomenon, from delicate ice sculptures at a party to coating an entire park in frost and pelting it with golfball size hailstones swung around in a cyclone of fierce wind. But even without her magic, she is a skilled martial artist and fighter, sometimes preferring to close with her enemy rather than finish them from afar simply for the satisfaction.



<birthday hugs and kisses for your grandpa from cute gamer girls everywhere!>

Hm.. now I have to dig around all my Mary Sue's and pick one before #98 posts! Ohs.. this is easy, one of my faves in File 1.

American Anthem

And her in-game biography.



Happy birthday, Grampa!

I'd love to see some Agge sketchy goodness! Screenshots in my scraps, finished pieces in my gallery - link in sig! (the only requirement is that she have her bow or part of it somewhere in the sketch, though she doesn't have to be shooting or even holding it)

Bio: Aggelakis (which is technically a Greek SURNAME, but I loved the sound) anyway

Aggelakis suffers from a curse. Every time she sleeps, most of her memory is wiped clean back to a certain date in late 2005, when she first manifested her Empathetic powers...when her hands began glowing. She has no idea where her powers came from. She often goes days on end without sleeping in order to recognize her friends and family, during which she steadily loses touch with reality. It's a good thing she's not violent, or things might get scary.

(Psychics cannot follow her thoughts, as they are clouded, jumbled, and occasionally completely incoherent. She doesn't seem to realize this; it may be a symptom of the curse.)

((Aggelakis is an original character that existed prior to CoH...her story has been modified minimally to fit the CoH universe.))

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Very happy to hear about your grandpa!

And what a wonderful way to honor him by giving to the community! Thank you!



"Princess of the Ashim, Queen of the Wind Rose, Countess of the Cardinal Points.” – de Obscuria, 23rd vol.

So intense was Amy Stewart’s desire for answers to life’s imponderables that she meddled far deeper into the Obscuria than mortals ever should.

Gifted with great powers of the mind, and access to even greater knowledge, her journey took her where few had traveled before. No one knows if she ever achieved success in the ritual summoning of The Guide, Sandolphan, but in her desperate attempts Amy sacrificed her sanity.

Now what is left of her wanders this world in a state of sublime madness, believing she is the incarnation of that great being from beyond the Subtle Planes. Though clearly insane, her caring spirit and righteous might have saved many. She is held in both high regard and great pity by the mystical community, who often benefit from knowledge she seems to possess well beyond her abilities.

Sandy screenshot1
Sandy screenshot2

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




Oh, good. I was half expecting my internet to hate me so much that I would get everything, and then show up at number 100!

Anyway, this is my main, Dinah:


Vengeance. This is why Dinah spent years and years learning how to use her sword. Her brother, Matthew, was also one of her closest friends. Their parents had died in an unfortunate accident years ago. They were both bright people, and had been working for Crey. Both Dinah and Matthew knew what had happened, and while everything on the outside had shown it was a true accident, somehow they both knew that was not true. Revenge. Matthew had been working late that fateful night of the Rikti attack. It was a case of "wrong place, wrong time." As she watched the portals open, Dinah knew that something was about to go terribly wrong. Payback. They'll get what's coming to them. And nothing will stop her. One down. The Countess Crey has been taken into custody by the sword. Dinah engraves the prisoner number of the Countess into her blade, as she did the scars on the face of that evil woman. But did Dinah take down the real mastermind behind Crey?

And happy birfday to your grandpa!!!



*sings* Happy birth day to grandpa!

Happy birthday to grandpa!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to grandpaaaaaa!

*spirit fingers*

Twilight Ward

And his bio. Which, currently, I'm not in love with. I want to rewrite it.

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Happy birthday to grandpa!

Her name is Vivace.


Short version of her bio is that she's a cowgirl from Montana who lost control of her powers when they manifested, and killed her parents in an electrical storm. She came to Paragon to learn to control her powers, and to "make up" for her parents' deaths by fighting evil.



Happy 98 Birfdays gradpa....hope i get there too

Vallen "V-Tron" Thompson
I can provide some better images for drawing from if they are needed

Actual In game Bio

Vallin Thompson Known to Paragon City as the Owner of V-Tronix and the Inventor of the V-Tron series of Battle Mechs. Even though Vallin has taken the name V-Tron as a nick name he maintains publicly that himself and V-Tron are not one in the same. Even though the only time V-Tron and Vallen were both seen together was when Vallen annouced that V-Tronix had reopened and introduced the V-Tron series with the debue of V-Tron.

V-Tron: Classified as a medium weight mech by V-Tronix weighs about 460lbs and can generate large amounts of electricity and is equiped with Special high energy gauntlets.

Vallin "V-Tron" Thompson: An Ex-Longbow Agent registered with G.I.F.T as a mutant with an ability to generate large amouts of electricity and has a great talent for inventing complex mechanical and electrical devices.

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



What a nice gesture...can i reserve a spot til i can edit this and add my later...stuck at work? If so save me a spot...Gratz to your Grandpa 98 is awsome...i bet he can tell some stories!!

Ok lets try this agian... here is mah girl http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/r...CoX/MazzyV.jpg Mazzy V ...thx again for your generous offer and again happy b-day to your grandpa!!



Very cool.

Here is mine:

Darwin's Chainsaw: Katana Superreflexes Scrapper

There are dregs in every society, they naturally fall into the gutters. When the gutters get full they clog the system and someone has to clean them out. Natural selection works, but it is slow, Darwin's Chainsaw is not.



Sydney Willams was born to a poor family in the ghettos of Detroit. Her father was a sanitation worker and her mother a nurses aide. They didn't have much but her parents made their own humble way without any government assistance. Sydney was always taught to pull her own weight. When she wanted new running shoes for the track team, she took a paper route to pay for them, when she wanted to study ballet, she took a part time job to finance that. It was a humble but happy home and when Sydney got a full scholarship to Michigan State her parents were incredibly proud, and saw the chance for the family to pull itself out of the ghetto.

Things were looking up and Sydney was enjoying her first semester in school when tradgedy struck. Her father had seen mobsters dumping a body at the old city dump and called to report it. A mob informant at the police headquarters tipped off the mob and they sent a gunman to take care of the witness. Both of Sydney's parents and her baby brother fell victim to a spray of bullets.

Sydney was devasted and left school. As she gathered up her family's belongings her eyes fell on the old Japanese katana that her grandfather had brought back from World War II. Her father would not allow a gun in the house but kept the old sword in good condition as a trivbute to the memory of his father. When her eyes locked on the blade, something in the 18 year old girl changed and a voice inside her head told her "Only the strong survive!".

How she learned to use the blade is uncertain, but 5 years later the Detroit press began to report a strange series of grisly deaths of men believed to be affiliated with the mob. All of them having cuts from a very large blade of some sort, some also pushed from rooftops, crushed beneath heavy objects, etc. The only thing eyewinesses reported seeing was a female figure in a dark trenchcoat leaving the area of the deaths. After 6 months of investigations the police had still not been able to find the vigilante but gangmembers had joined the list of victims. The local people and press began referring to the vigilante as "Dark Justice" and many petty thugs retreated from the streets. Then came the Rikti.

The Rikti invasion saw millions die and "Dark Justice" was put on hold. Sydney used her abilities to fight the invasion where she could but her blade was no match for Rikti technology. Humanity was being pushed back and exterminated. She was lost without hope or direction until she heard word of Statesman and his achievements in the fight, and knew if there was a rallying point for humaanity, it would likely be found in Paragon City. Sydney joined the fight against the Rikti but was assigned by the Paragon City officials to work as an ambulance driver and she began to realize the value in saving lives and not just executing criminals.

During one of the final Rikti onslaughts of the initial invasion, Sydney watched her medical evacuation team survive attack due to the sacrifice of the hero Musashi, who held off a platoon of Rikti after a Rikti blast had damaged their ambulance. He refused to retreat and held the Rikti off until help could arrive, but suffered mortal wounds. Never had Sydney seen such brilliant swordsmanship or bravery and she refused to leave his side. The medics could do nothing for him as he had only minutes left after Sydey carried him off the battlefield. Musashi was aware of this and although in great pain he managed a smile as he looked upon Sydney. "Continue the fight" he implored her, "continue to surive". With that he held aloft his Impervium Katana and she took it and promised him that the fight to survive would continue.

Sydney then unsheathed the sword and was no more, Sydney Williams was gone, "Dark Justiuce" was gone, Darwin's Chainsaw remained. She took up the fight against the Rikti and those elements that made human society weak. To survive the Rikti humanity must be strong, only the strong survive. Her past experiences had fused into an overriding purpose, protect society to make it strong, and show no mercy to those who would weaken it.

Her resolve and her efforts were noticed by the Angry Angels as she made headlines by defeating streetgangs that preyed upon the citizens of Paragon City. And although more grim than most of the group, they saw the compassion that lay hidden beneath that she had developed working with the medics during the war. Decidining it was better to take her under their wings and nurtue that rather than let her return to being a vigilante, they offered her membership in the group. Darwin accepted the offer and now has something she hasn't had in years, a family.




Who can say what she really is?

There are times she will wade into the middle of a fight, wreaking havoc on all those that would oppose, with as much subtlety as a bull laying waste to a china shop.

But she is equally at home moving silently through the shadows, like an invisible wraith, seeking whatever objective she may. Then with a precision comparable to that of a watchmaker, she plucks out just her target, leaving those that would guard it totally oblivious to her presence.

But always she fights for what is just. If someone or something threatens Paragon City, she will eventually turn her attention to it, and deal with it in whatever manner is needed.

And a very happy birthday to your grandpa.

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



Ok I found my Sceneshots of Gold Weaver.



She's an acrobatic, Dual Blades/Willpower Brute, and I got one "Fluffy" picture of her.
