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  1. Always have a blast at these Nadya! Hoping to log in midway through after mugging neighborhood kids for candy that evening!!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
    i'll likely log in and play but im not gonna go crazy over it like in times past happy EXPing folks


    Hope all is well with everyone, and looking forward to running into you all hopefully.
  3. Happy 53rd Birfday Ara!! Hope you have a great one!

    I got you some Pall Mall's and a free Chippendale dance!!

    Just remember, you'll aways be my Muskrat Suzy!

  4. *Destroys the TGIF in Galaxy*

  5. *Offers Wendy a wheelbarrow for easier manueverabilty*
  6. Trowing mah hat in the ring.

    Looks like great stuff on your DE page, keep up the good work!
  7. Long Island Iced Tea anyone???


    Welcome to Virute.
  8. Dieselmeat

    Bad PUGS

    I wouldn't have even responded.
  9. *Evil laughing ensues as Dieselmeat grows ginormous and busts through the roof of the Rookery while his stomach gurgles and grumbles quite ominously*

    Excellent!!! Now watch as all the weekend beach-goers' scream in horror as I use the public and private beaches, as my own personal litter box!!!! MUAH HAW HAW HAW HAW!!!!

    *Adjusts his now enlarged "cuff", hikes up his leather pants for good measure, then reaches back down through the Rookery roof, and takes the entire coffee machine while proceeding to eat it bit by bit.*
  10. *Tiptoes into the Rookery looking for cawfee*
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Have heart. Somtimes competing networks will pick up a cancelled show.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then there is still hope for BJ & The Bear or C.H.O.M.P.S. to make a comeback!!!!!!!!
  12. "We're all going to be a bunch of little Fonzie's, right Yolanda??"
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    *rolls over a barrel of expresso to Dieselmeat*

    Cover your shame!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Tries to cover all six of his nipples with one hand unsuccessfully while chugging the barrel of expresso.*
  14. *Comes into the Rookery nekked looking as though he has been fire hosed.*

    Morning... cawfee please? Something in a depth charge sized cup preferably?

    *Shivers and yawns*
  15. <--- Is more mesmerized by the amount of bellybutton lint!!!

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Still an awesome piece. Vroom vroom, keep goin'.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy crapola is "awesome" an understatement!!! can't wait to see what's next!!! More-more-more!!!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Here's Lil Miss Goth Girl to start things off with, since it is(was?) Emmi_Blaze's birthday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BRAVO!!! Nicely done!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seconded!!! Huzzah for really cool style!!!
  18. Dieselmeat

    98 Sketches!

    Thanks a bunch Alex! Very cool of you indeed!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    looks pretty cool Diese , like the menu feel , and what no mention of NeverDarke im so hurt <sniffles and cries>

    also weee you used the lil chibi diesel I dreweded

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am adding NeverDarke towards the top of my never ending list of things to add to it. Now if only there was somewhere I could read about ND...

    That chibi is so cool Deebs, thank you again!!!

    ..and Rake, I can share the crack pipe with you if you like!
  20. Original flavored and now, new and improved Bio-Diesel!!!
    ((Pun intended! It's still under construction, but in the sig! ))
  21. Updated... ((It's in the sig! ))

    Feedback is welcomed!
  22. Dieselmeat

    98 Sketches!

    [ QUOTE ]
    NICE! Looking more and more forward to mine when the time comes. Just love the expression there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ditto! Lovin it all so far Alex!!