Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe
Thread, saved, stickied and re-directed at request of OP.
Recently updated:
The Zenvious Foundation
The Kingdom
Also see:
Mr. Zen
Hero Prime
Psi Monk
Soon to come:
Little Zoe
Will Round 2 give me the impetus to update the Thanner? We can only hope!
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I updated Doctor Crom a bit over the weekend. Much like the Doctor himself, I can't stop tinkering with his armor.
Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.
I've gone through and updated/edited/fixed Thresher Shark's page over the past couple days.
Thresher Shark
@Spydar | Virtue Server
Main Character: Thresher Shark
I may or may not have updated some of my toons recently....
Ok no I just updated Angel Silhouette's level and added his new powers.
*wonders if he should post pictures of Angel in his roman armour on the page*
Ok no I just updated Angel Silhouette's level and added his new powers.
*wonders if he should post pictures of Angel in his roman armour on the page*
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Is he dressesed like a Spartan from 300 ?
if yes please post
if no please dress like a spartan and post
Hello fellow Virtueans.
I am the creator of the 'mediocre but coulda been great' characters The Hornet (now called The Cyphre) + Recoil well as the almost popular SG, The Cerulean Legion.
I will soon be adding a page for my new SG, S.C.O.R.P.I.O.
I hope you'll stop by.
Ok no I just updated Angel Silhouette's level and added his new powers.
*wonders if he should post pictures of Angel in his roman armour on the page*
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Is he dressesed like a Spartan from 300 ?
if yes please post
if no please dress like a spartan and post
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lol there would be very little detail to see. All you would be able to discern would be the gold details on his helmet, his white crest, gold chains and blue glowy eyes. He could be naked and you'd never know it.
For those who like the hero/villainbox templates, Chaoshornet made this little variation, the Anti-Hero box. I took it a step further and made a Playerbox for those who want to spiffy up their user pages.
A lot of people don't have user pages, which is a shame. (insert sadface here).
Backlighting is your own worse enemy Angel. :P
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
Virtueverse is such a great wiki... I'm going to have to learn how to use wikis.
Backlighting is your own worse enemy Angel. :P
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Backlighting, front lighting; with the exception of his hair, chains and eyes, Angel Silhouette suffers from a complete absense of colours. Light just sort of... falls into him. He's almost a hole in the darkness.
Well as long as it's not moonlighting... >.>
Anyway, I just got around to filling out my user page.
This exercice has shown me I need to get my a** in gear and write more - especially with the new yummy slots I'll be getting with I12!
Added Disgruntled Ex. It's not 100% done, and is kinda bare, but mweh.

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
For those who like the hero/villainbox templates, Chaoshornet made this little variation, the Anti-Hero box. I took it a step further and made a Playerbox for those who want to spiffy up their user pages.
A lot of people don't have user pages, which is a shame. (insert sadface here).
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I love having my user page set up, so I can keep all my (lack of finished) character pages organized together. *runs to add the playerbox to it*
@Spydar | Virtue Server
Main Character: Thresher Shark
Added some cheesecake shots of Angel Silhouette kitted out in his Roman armor from test.
Updated Antares because I respec-ed him last night.
Where is this "Hero Generator" that's reminiscent of the Timm-verse?
There you go. ^___^
Is that Spanish?
Just play with the buttons, you can't break it ^__^ You'll find out what everything does soon enough.
Doctor Persona has joined the ranks of my heroes on Virtue, fresh from a very arduous transfer from Liberty.
Updated Antares .
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The Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe (, also known as "UHVU" or "VirtueVerse", is a library of fan created original content for the Virtue server. This original content includes player created character biographies, character stories, supergroups, villain groups, locations, equipment, and more. VirtueVerse is a collaborative fan created and edited project developed by volunteers. It is an ongoing project and anyone who is a part of the Virtue server is welcome to contribute.
Basic Guidelines & Rules for VirtueVerse
How to Get Started
VirtueVerse Forums
Our Team:
Kadekawa - Who graciously provides the hosting and domain for the wiki.
the Admin - A mysterious figure who has stepped in to help during Kadekawa's absence.
SoulTrain - The current head administrator, keeping the wiki free of spam while leading the sysops.
Volunteer Sysops- A dedicated team of volunteers who graciously donate their time to keep the wiki running.
Current Events:
<ul type="square">[*]VirtueVerse is Currently Seeking to Recruit More Sysops[*]Juggertha has extended an invitation to players with VirtueVerse profiles for a chance at free character artwork![*]Many Changes & Updates Coming Soon to VirtueVerse![/list]
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."