Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




cry moar plz, all.

None of the purges affected any of my pages which is fine with me.

And, life goes on.



**Grabs the reins of this out of control wagon and attempts to steer it back on the road and away from the cliff of doom.**

I had a creative itch that needed to be scratched so I spent all night working on an image that I Just finished for Cyber Knights page titled Re-entry.

Any thoughts, suggestions etc on it or what I can do to spice up my pages would be very welcome.



I done added a buncha junk tuh mah newest character's page.

Take a looksee. Gimme a critique if ya like.

Jack Slayton

P.S. Scarfy... quit being so vindicitve and join SCORPIO.
Cuz I still loves yuh.




P.S. Scarfy... quit being so vindicitve and join SCORPIO.
Cuz I still loves yuh.

[/ QUOTE ]

I honestly actually thought you sent that by mistake !



cry moar plz, all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think I will thanks




P.S. Scarfy... quit being so vindicitve and join SCORPIO.
Cuz I still loves yuh.

[/ QUOTE ]

I honestly actually thought you sent that by mistake !

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually need something to fill my free time (currently causing forum mischief is my free timer hobby ) hmmm hmmm okay im off to go reread the E-mail and look over the site i'll pester you later about it and see what I can come up with that might fit correctly .




Why must there be so much hate? Am I still considered the Sockpuppet Admin, secretly backdoor dealing on Kade's site while trying to consolidate my power and eventually take it from him, making the site plastered with advertisements which pour money directly into my pockets and the pockets of the people I buy Inf from?

I want the drugs you're on, Scarf.



New Template: TopCharBox
Basically this is a spin on the info box, except much smaller, and at the top of the page with the image aligned to the right alone. Using it on most of my pages now, the colors are also completely user customizable.

Character Page Updates:
Cherry 9 - A brash assertive smart alec, ex-USAF combat engineer, Cherry is one of the newest recruits to S.C.O.R.P.I.O..

Callista Roase - In the middle of rewriting content, but working on the overall page style.

Mada Zarifa - Page layout update, going to be turning the Interpol ID into a template for everyone else shortly along with several other IDs.

Damon Roase - Updated content and images completely. Still needs more styling but thats for later.




Why must there be so much hate? Am I still considered the Sockpuppet Admin, secretly backdoor dealing on Kade's site while trying to consolidate my power and eventually take it from him, making the site plastered with advertisements which pour money directly into my pockets and the pockets of the people I buy Inf from?

I want the drugs you're on, Scarf.

[/ QUOTE ]

:P nice try cobalt kook , read again . the eventual move to paragon wikis fan wiki project will get the Virtueverse wiki plastered in ads .

Discussion on Paragon Wiki here
From the same discussion page you can read about the recent ad issue they have been experiancing as well as just looking over ads already found on Paragon Wiki .

You can also find a similair thread in the general forums though you may have to search a bit as its dropped well off the front page as well as a discussion on the virtueverse forums annnd its also one of Sockpuppet Admins stated objectives to open up discussions with Tony V of Paragon Wiki to discuss consolidating .

I have no idea where you got the fact that sockpuppet admin is funneling ad money to his pockets as its amusing but way off base .

As for your idea (not mine) that Sockpuppet Admin is attempting to take over the Wiki from Kadekawa once again amusing but nothing ive stated .

read up a post or three and you'll see the only things im currently complaining about .



Okay, Scarf, I think I owe you a (partial) apology.

I've been having some issues of my own with the wiki (locked out of my existing account and, for some reason, unable to receive a new-password email) and other distractions, so I haven't been paying attention to the thread I started on the discussion forums (which I'm still able to log in to). I was under the impression that the consensus so far was that we did not want to move to "the new Geocities" (as I often think of wikia) and, even if there are no problems with rights or acceptable content, have our pages plastered with ads. (Even though I don't see them myself, thank you Adblock.) I was not aware that "admin" had apparently contacted TonyV about doing exactly that.

Personally, I still don't have a problem with the admin remaining anonymous. But so long as it is feasible to keep VV privately hosted and ad-free, I would greatly prefer it to remain so. (This has nothing to do with wanting to remain apart from the other servers and everything to do with presentation.) If that will not be feasible for very much longer, I would appreciate being informed immediately.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Can anybody recommend software, fonts, or graphics to make banners like those on some virtueverse pages?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Updated Amazing a bit, new piccie too

See sig below! VVV



Okay, Scarf, I think I owe you a (partial) apology.

I've been having some issues of my own with the wiki (locked out of my existing account and, for some reason, unable to receive a new-password email) and other distractions, so I haven't been paying attention to the thread I started on the discussion forums (which I'm still able to log in to). I was under the impression that the consensus so far was that we did not want to move to "the new Geocities" (as I often think of wikia) and, even if there are no problems with rights or acceptable content, have our pages plastered with ads. (Even though I don't see them myself, thank you Adblock.) I was not aware that "admin" had apparently contacted TonyV about doing exactly that.

Personally, I still don't have a problem with the admin remaining anonymous. But so long as it is feasible to keep VV privately hosted and ad-free, I would greatly prefer it to remain so. (This has nothing to do with wanting to remain apart from the other servers and everything to do with presentation.) If that will not be feasible for very much longer, I would appreciate being informed immediately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually what I've seen so far seems to be the admin recommending a group of interwiki links to separate wikis for each server whether privately hosting like VirtueVerse or on Wikia but organized through a central hub on Wikia.

So VirtueVerse would stay private, but would be linked in with the hub and Paragonwiki to share content while still remaining its own page.

Sheesh everyone's panties in a bunch over some people talking about it, its not like someone is flicking the switch tomorrow.

Also the cost for VirtueVerse comes out of Kadekawa's pocket, and I would imagine the site has grown beyond what he can manage and host. Given its size it really needs to be something that is self sustaining whether its with ads or something else.

Its free, least the admin and kade seem to care what users are saying. But there is a point where you need to be realistic about something of that size.



Its free, least the admin and kade seem to care what users are saying. But there is a point where you need to be realistic about something of that size.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm aware of that, and I repeat:
If that will not be feasible for very much longer, I would appreciate being informed immediately.

[/ QUOTE ]

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Megajoule: I've the same concerns. I could see setting up a Paypal "Donate" button in the page header/footer, but not much more than that.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I'd contribute via PayPal, as long as the actual cost of keeping the site going was made transparent.



Usually it's linked to an account that the person running/paying for the site can use. So Kadekawa would have to set that up, and then give us the code for the button. Anyone else having access to that Paypal account would be extremely risky.

Least that's how it's worked with other sites I'm familiar with.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Oh, I know how it works, chum.

I just don't want it to become profitable for anyone, monetarily-speaking.

I'm stingy like that.




Its free, least the admin and kade seem to care what users are saying. But there is a point where you need to be realistic about something of that size.

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Kade has no real intrest in the day to day running of the wiki according to Sockpuppet Admin, all calls are currently made by Sockpuppet Admin .

Kadekawa wasn't the only person in the original thread offering bandwidth for the wiki project and while I think he is keen for doing so if It has become such a herculean task to keep it afloat financialy then he should or his mouthpiece sockpuppet Admin should just come out and say so as opposed to looking to Merge with the Paragon Wiki project which reading through the thread listed in the link you seem to support , Ransim .

I think its safe to say that a simple paypal button or merely saying "Hey guys a lil help " might work wonders in that regards .

As for removing my content I generally think its a good idea if I have major issues with something not to be using their bandwidth at the same time I argue against them .

Hey honestly id settle for just hearing what the plan is at this point , while I have all the time in the world to tilt at windmills im sure my additions to this thread aren't the bumping the wiki wants .

put I find it doubly amusing that SoulTrain , Sockpuppet Admins Sockpuppet dosn't seem to know whats going on either



I'd contribute via PayPal, as long as the actual cost of keeping the site going was made transparent.

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You can remove stuff under the user name @Stomphoof or Stomphoof...

I am gonna be redoing my new active characters. If that helps that is.



thats just it stompy we as users have no idea if we have too much content or if removing content helps .

I know for a fact that Kade has had to increase the server size prior to me stepping down due to the wiki growing past what he has expected but because Admin refuses to state if this is an issue or not but we have seen things like Sockpuppet Soul having a major cleanup in image sizes it does seem that the wiki may be growing past the size Kade can financaly handle or is intrested in handling .

which I have no problems with but would like to know sooner rather then later so that steps can be taken .