23 -
Hibernate needs a sound for when you're breaking out of the ice. Like the Ice Block transformation.
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for good people that enjoy RP, written stories, and writing a few of their own.
RP Level: A moderate to heavy RP SG. Established May 2008. We are a group of mature players that enjoy specialized and themed teaming.
PvP Level: While not PvP centric, we occasionally run arena nights or excursions into the PvP zones just because.
Theme/Concept: What is S.C.O.R.P.I.O.?
Whether you're the:- Tough as nails rifle toting spec-ops sort
- Or the talented and beautiful spy
- Perhaps you're a versatile and offbeat pyrokinetic,
- Or your an iconic costumed superhero looking to get the job done.
- Or perhaps A wielder of powerful magic.
- But really you might just be the guy who gets called in when all other avenues have been exhausted and it needs fixing.
The Strategic Command Objective for Research, Protection + Interdictive Operations (S.C.O.R.P.I.O.) is an international, extra-governmental intelligence and security organization formed to meet the rising storm of exceptional threats beyond the usual scope of normal law enforcement and military forces. SCORPIO is dedicated to protecting the nations and peoples of Earth from terrorists and all technologically-advanced, extraterrestrial, psionic, superhuman, occult, paranormal and supernatural menaces, and often assists such organizations as Longbow as well as other 'super'hero groups in apprehending threats to national security and world peace.
Inspired by:
SHIELD, The Ultimates, Psi-Corps, StormWatch: Team Achilles and The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense.
OOC Details:
We are an establish strongly themed SG with Uniforms. SG Ranks are replaced by divisions and units all agents are broken into.
We currently have two main divisions, Special Operations (Spec-Ops) and Covert Operations (Operatives):
Special Operations -
Spec-Ops agents make up the bulk of SCORPIO personnel. Charged with protecting the world from terrorist and 'extra-human' threats. Spec-Ops Agents are mostly specially-selected agents trained for handling and mitigating meta-human, arcane and extraterrestrial threats, Spec-Ops remains more secretive in it's operations and can be at times somewhat more ruthless in it's field duties. Agents within this division can be either weaponed field agents or Power Armor Agents.
Within Spec-Ops are three specialized Divisions tasked with specific areas of importance. These agents are as skilled as all spec-ops agents but at times can be a bit more rough arounds the edges and take various forms.
+ Psi-Ops Unit: Created to identify and protect telepaths, but also to defend humanity from all threats of a telepathic or other para-psychological nature. All Psi-Ops Agents are themselves endowed with psionic abilities.
+ Arcane-Ops Unit: Tasked with protecting the world from the occult, paranormal and supernatural through research, investigation and intervention. It's ranks maintain the services of noted arcane researchers and specialists, as well as several supernatural persons and entities.
+ Special Agents Unit: A strike force consisting of meta-human (super beings) Agents specializing in the nullification of meta-human menaces, though they have proved invaluable in battle against any type of foe. They are the muscle of SCORPIO.
Covert Operations -
Covert Operations within SCORPIO are a wholly separate operating division, consisting of largely autonomous solo and/or deniable Operatives, along with Special Agents and attachments from other organizations. Operatives primarily work alone or on teams consisting of other SCORPIO Operatives, though they are also utilized within Special Operations field teams as deemed necessary. Covert Operatives report directly to either the Executive Director and/or the Deputy Director, and to the Covert Operations Liason if the directors are unavailable.
Activity: We Currently 15-20 active players spread across timezones from PST-EST peak times are generally evenings and weekends.
Requirements for Membership: Minimum player age is set at 17 due to mature themes.
Leadership: Director: Cyber Knight, Deputy Director: Psychic Fox, Chief of Operations: Triton Supreme, Spec-Ops Captain: Dark Justicar, Arcane-Ops Captain: Violet Darkmoor, Special Agents Captain: Roughshod, Covert Operations liason: Greythorn
In-Game Contact(s): @Cyber-Knight, @RPAngel1, @Bru'Tal, @mcscrewgunn, @VagaB0nd, @Baronesa, @Generilisk
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Questions? feel free to drop by our site listed below and either post your questions on the forums or send a PM to me there.
Coalition(s): SCORPIO is very proud to be in coalition with the Shinsengumi 6th Squadron, PPD 3rd Peregrine Precinct, and The Temple of the Wilted Lotus.
URL: www.agentsofscorpio.com -
Holds, and more holds.
I've done this TF several times and that fight can range from easy to frustrating depending on what you have in the group. My Demon/Dark MM with Petrifying gaze and Soul Storm each with full sets of Lockdown slotted has had the easiest time taking him down in groups. 2 holds (up to 4 with Procs) and any that others pile on and he was dropped like a bad habit without ever getting a single call for an air-strike.
Otherwise, Tenacity, thinning out the adds, And *not* standing on the air-strike markers helps. -
So far all I'm seeing is Ascension armor that is.. Valkyrie-esque. Did they not bother to do anything tech related?
Currently Recruiting: Always looking for good people that enjoy RP, written stories, and writing a few of their own.
RP Level: A moderate to heavy RP SG. Established May 2008. We are a group of mature players that enjoy specialized and themed teaming.
PvP Level: While not PvP centric, we occasionally run arena nights or excursions into the PvP zones just because.
Theme/Concept: What is S.C.O.R.P.I.O.?
Whether you're the:- Tough as nails rifle toting spec-ops sort
- Or the talented and beautiful spy
- Perhaps you're a versatile and offbeat pyrokinetic,
- Or your an iconic costumed superhero looking to get the job done.
- Or perhaps A wielder of powerful magic.
- But really you might just be the guy who gets called in when all other avenues have been exhausted and it needs fixing.
The Strategic Command Objective for Research, Protection + Interdictive Operations (S.C.O.R.P.I.O.) is an international, extra-governmental intelligence and security organization formed to meet the rising storm of exceptional threats beyond the usual scope of normal law enforcement and military forces. SCORPIO is dedicated to protecting the nations and peoples of Earth from terrorists and all technologically-advanced, extraterrestrial, psionic, superhuman, occult, paranormal and supernatural menaces, and often assists such organizations as Longbow as well as other 'super'hero groups in apprehending threats to national security and world peace.
Inspired by:
SHIELD, The Ultimates, Psi-Corps, StormWatch: Team Achilles and The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense.
OOC Details:
We are an establish strongly themed SG with Uniforms. SG Ranks are replaced by divisions and units all agents are broken into.
We currently have two main divisions, Special Operations (Spec-Ops) and Covert Operations (Operatives):
Special Operations -
Spec-Ops agents make up the bulk of SCORPIO personnel. Charged with protecting the world from terrorist and 'extra-human' threats. Spec-Ops Agents are mostly specially-selected agents trained for handling and mitigating meta-human, arcane and extraterrestrial threats, Spec-Ops remains more secretive in it's operations and can be at times somewhat more ruthless in it's field duties. Agents within this division can be either weaponed field agents or Power Armor Agents.
Within Spec-Ops are three specialized Divisions tasked with specific areas of importance. These agents are as skilled as all spec-ops agents but at times can be a bit more rough arounds the edges and take various forms.
+ Psi-Ops Unit: Created to identify and protect telepaths, but also to defend humanity from all threats of a telepathic or other para-psychological nature. All Psi-Ops Agents are themselves endowed with psionic abilities.
+ Arcane-Ops Unit: Tasked with protecting the world from the occult, paranormal and supernatural through research, investigation and intervention. It's ranks maintain the services of noted arcane researchers and specialists, as well as several supernatural persons and entities.
+ Special Agents Unit: A strike force consisting of meta-human (super beings) Agents specializing in the nullification of meta-human menaces, though they have proved invaluable in battle against any type of foe. They are the muscle of SCORPIO.
Covert Operations -
Covert Operations within SCORPIO are a wholly separate operating division, consisting of largely autonomous solo and/or deniable Operatives, along with Special Agents and attachments from other organizations. Operatives primarily work alone or on teams consisting of other SCORPIO Operatives, though they are also utilized within Special Operations field teams as deemed necessary. Covert Operatives report directly to either the Executive Director and/or the Deputy Director, and to the Covert Operations Liason if the directors are unavailable.
Activity: We Currently 15-20 active players spread across timezones from PST-EST peak times are generally evenings and weekends.
Requirements for Membership: Minimum player age is set at 17 due to mature themes.
Leadership: Director: Cyber Knight, Deputy Director: Psychic Fox, Chief of Operations: Triton Supreme, Spec-Ops Captain: Dark Justicar, Arcane-Ops Captain: Violet Darkmoor, Special Agents Captain: Roughshod, Covert Operations liason: Greythorn
In-Game Contact(s): @Cyber-Knight, @RPAngel1, @Bru'Tal, @The Spellweaver, @mcscrewgunn, @VagaB0nd, @Searing Ashes, @Baronesa
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Questions? feel free to drop by our site listed below and either post your questions on the forums or send a PM to me there.
Coalition(s): SCORPIO is very proud to be in coalition with the Shinsengumi 6th Squadron, PPD 3rd Peregrine Precinct, and The Temple of the Wilted Lotus.
URL: www.agentsofscorpio.com -
SG: Shattered Star on Virtue
Thanks, you're awesome =) -
With as busy as I've been recently I hadn't had the time to really share these with anyone. And because the work on both of these was simply phenomenal and the fact that these were gifted to me by Friend and SG mate Ransim I'd share them with the community.
Cyber Knight and Delta By John Becaro Ransim went so Far as to actually get this made into a print for me. It'll be hanging in my office as soon as I can finda suitable frame to contain the awesome of this art.
Celtic Arrow by Jess-o Ransim surprised me with this a couple of days later, from one of our more talented SG mates.
I don't think I quite thanked Ran enough for these. And I hope the Virtue community enjoys them as well. -
So far I like what I've seen, my only issue is that energy morph, for something that is going to leave a crater in the ground certainly lacks a little.... Oomph. I was expecting something that was going to sound and feel powerful and in that aspect, it really didn't deliver.
I think its worth the effort. Given the removable of bounding block restrictions and pathing restrictions it could open them up to do decorative things that would previously have been too restrictive (walls, for example). Here's a list from me.
[*]Pinball machines, such as in Pocket D
[*]Delivery truck, such as the one parked in Pocket D
[*]Portals, like the CoT demon portals, and tech versions similar in size but looking more like the portal corp portals
[*]Pool tables. See the easter egg area in faultline for example
[*]Bars and Barstools. Again, pocket D.
[*]Target Dummies, as in the Vanguard base in the RWZ. Could also be functional like those, or purely decorative.
[*]Decorative walls. Basically, take the lateral file and double the height and length, change the texture to one that will fit for tech and one that will fit for arcane. Add another variation of each with a standard sized doorway cutout. Add as many colors and textures as you can afford to, resource wise. Add the ability to stack, if possible.
[/ QUOTE ]
Our SG briefly had a shooting range in it, great for RP when someone can lay down an Oil slick I'd like to see these as functional items that can't be destroyed like what is in the Vanguard base. I would limit how many could be placed in a room to say.. no more than 4-6 so they couldn't be as an exploit in raids. -
I haven't made an entry to the Virtue Universe but have been thinking about it. Anyone have a guide on how to put one together? If anyone wants to help me do it even better!Send me a PM!
It's a great feature. I think they should do it for all toons on all servers - any toon above a certain level should get in. Maybe just do smaller bios. Anyway, it's really neat stuff!
[/ QUOTE ]
TheJazMan, Best thing to do is start ->Here<- This should help you get started. Then the easiest thing to do is to take a look at what other people have done by looking at the code on their pages. Don't change anything, but you are can copy and paste then edit something to your liking.
If you have any other questions about something specific feel free to ask. I'm sure someone here can point you in the right direction -
Just added a story that wound up being a 3 part project to torment everyone in S.C.O.R.P.I.O. with to Cyber Knights page.
Be forewarned there is *some* mature language. I'll correct formatting and such later. -
I have updated the main character image on my Scarabeus page.
Question to those with mad aesthetic skillz... did I do myself a disservice by making the backgroud grey? Does it wash him out?
[/ QUOTE ]
It looks good, I'm tempted to steal some of your code for my guys =) -
Good to hear and thanks for the update Soul.
On a side note, I added a few details to Cyber Knight's page to flesh some stuff out. -
Or a bad soap opera at least.
**Grabs the reins of this out of control wagon and attempts to steer it back on the road and away from the cliff of doom.**
I had a creative itch that needed to be scratched so I spent all night working on an image that I Just finished for Cyber Knights page titled Re-entry.
Any thoughts, suggestions etc on it or what I can do to spice up my pages would be very welcome.
If anyone wants some images adjusted so they're under the limit PM me or just ask in here. I'll be happy to open it up in photoshop and adjust compression, resize etc. or even touched up a little if you want. The whole process wouldn't take me more than a couple of minutes per image.
That and I'm currently unemployed so I have alot of time on my hands. -
It isn't difficult to keep an image under 150k, keep in mind that this server and it's bandwidth belong to and are being paid for by someone else, and they are letting people like us use it because they're cool like that.
Instead of complaining that you have to go back and change things take a look at the bigger picture, Virtueverse started relatively small and chances are the people in charge never expected it to get this big or popular when it was initially conceived, so a soft cap was most likely put in place.
But like you said, people being who they are are going to ignore that and do as they what they want. That being said there is a message that is displayed when you upload something bigger than 150k. That right there should raise the flag in the back of your mind, you know, the one that says what your uploading might be on the chopping block when push comes to shove. -
I finally started a VV page for my main, Imitation
Also, I added a location. It's the discount movie house located in the Row. It's one of Imi's favorite places.
The Valentine
[/ QUOTE ]
You've got a good start, can't wait to read more. -
Yeah, I usually get some random Idea for a nifty screenshot or image I think might be cool. But most of the time I wind up yelling obscenities at the game, or photoshop because what's in my mind doesn't materialize quite as well as I'd like it to.
If it makes you feel better your banner(s) are by far better than mine.
Hell most pages are better than mine. I can toss in facts and story bits till the cows come home but still lack ability to create the ooo pretty! factor.
*checks his watch* Damn cows are late again! -
I haven't read every post in this thread. So I don't know if anyone suggested this yet, but if not everyone that reads this should go to this link, sign up and use the resources they provide.
Video Game Voters.org -