Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Saw it. Looks good.



Spiffy Zenvious-made banner added to SoulTrain

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Dang that's nice. My competative side wants to try and outdo it.
I'm so shallow... so dammed shallow...

Seriously, though... I wish more people had banners. I should make them and charge a teenyweeny fee.



If it makes you feel better your banner(s) are by far better than mine.

Hell most pages are better than mine. I can toss in facts and story bits till the cows come home but still lack ability to create the ooo pretty! factor.

*checks his watch* Damn cows are late again!



If it makes you feel better your banner(s) are by far better than mine.

Hell most pages are better than mine. I can toss in facts and story bits till the cows come home but still lack ability to create the ooo pretty! factor.

*checks his watch* Damn cows are late again!

[/ QUOTE ]Hehe, I am not exactly good at that either, all I really do is take pictures of what I want and add them in, put captions wher eneeded and go from there. I've revised my page so many times I am sure the database groans everytime I log in.



Yeah, I usually get some random Idea for a nifty screenshot or image I think might be cool. But most of the time I wind up yelling obscenities at the game, or photoshop because what's in my mind doesn't materialize quite as well as I'd like it to.



Kitten America's page has just been updated (link in my sig) with her new costume (and some information about it). Also, a while back I added a bit of writing I did on the forums way back when for Kitten called, "The Girl in the Picture".



Made some minor changes to the page for the Spirit of the Row - mostly adding and updating images.

On banners: they can add a nice bit of flair to a page, but I personally don't care for ones that take up too much of the first page (screen) or stretch my window. Some of us are still running at 1024x768, or even lower...

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I have been asked to inform you:

Night-Girl's profile has been updated with some art by an unknown but awesome artist.



The Kingdom has been updated with a new installment, "The Prizefighter".

Where do we go from here?



Added a new page for my new SG, S.C.O.R.P.I.O.

Will be adding much more to it. Soon.



Question, how does one load pictures into their VV, i want to take pics for my Dusk Chameleon page, for his costumes and such



Hmm... basically...


or for thumbnails


If that doesn't help, click on anybody's character editing page and see what they have done.



Question, how does one load pictures into their VV, i want to take pics for my Dusk Chameleon page, for his costumes and such

[/ QUOTE ]

On the left tab there is an "Upload File" Click that and upload the images that you want to use. Then it will be given a name such as Dusk.jpg That's when you the [[imageusk.jpg]] You can also view other pages to see how the did the thumbnail on the sides of their VV.

Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign



Added a page for my redsider (who is threatening to become my new main character at this rate...)

Red Diamond



Thanks you two, Dusk's page has now been updated much more.



Hey, i've been reading VV alot lately, but how does one do a story on there, im kinda brain dead at the moment >_>



I have the page for my character up, but for a story, do i just open a page, and start typing.

And how do i link to it from my character page?

Sorry for all the questions >_<



The easiest way, IMO, is to start by making the link on your character page, like so:

[[Charactername/Storytitle|Story Title]]

This ends up as a link "Story Title" that goes to a page that's under your character's name (which keeps things tidy). The link will be red at first, indicating that the page it points to doesn't exist - clicking on it will allow you to edit/create that page. Type your story in there.

Last thing: at the bottom of the story page, put:


That'll do it.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Thank Megajoule



Updated THIS page as well as THIS page.
No big whoop.



Hm.. well here's my page on Duality. It's been sitting for a while, and I guess it's time to show other people for a change.
