Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe






Added my Super Strength/Energy Aura Brute, Uppercut.

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Poor, poor Charon. SS/EA is full cool, but big on loss.



Added some new powerset templates to Widow's Chain.

We're adding these powerset templates as time allows, but hopefully folks will find them useful. Let us know what you think.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Serrec is up.


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Ick!!! And I mean that as a compliment. lol... Very cool. I've always wanted a shark character too... but... too many alts. Besides... no way I can beat that picture.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Serrec is up.


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Ick!!! And I mean that as a compliment. lol... Very cool. I've always wanted a shark character too... but... too many alts. Besides... no way I can beat that picture.

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Google + CS2 for teh win!



I finally started a VV page for my main, Imitation

Also, I added a location. It's the discount movie house located in the Row. It's one of Imi's favorite places.
The Valentine



I finally started a VV page for my main, Imitation

Also, I added a location. It's the discount movie house located in the Row. It's one of Imi's favorite places.
The Valentine

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You've got a good start, can't wait to read more.






Users should heed the warning regarding uploading images larger then 150k.

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This is ridiculous. Going back, deleting, resizing and reuploading every image over 300k is a huge time sink, not only for me but for a great deal of people on that list. If you didn't want us to upload images over 300k you should have made that impossible, not just frowned upon. People have a way of ignoring recommendations for convenience. It's human nature. So due to the fact that you chose not to enforce this rule from the outset you are causing a massive inconvenience to everybody on that list, and a great deal of them are very talented contributors to the Wiki.

On a final note, I just have to drop in that your warning in bold there doesn't really hold all that much water, considering two site admins are on the list you posted. If a site admin doesn't heed the file size recommendation then why should I?



It isn't difficult to keep an image under 150k, keep in mind that this server and it's bandwidth belong to and are being paid for by someone else, and they are letting people like us use it because they're cool like that.

Instead of complaining that you have to go back and change things take a look at the bigger picture, Virtueverse started relatively small and chances are the people in charge never expected it to get this big or popular when it was initially conceived, so a soft cap was most likely put in place.

But like you said, people being who they are are going to ignore that and do as they what they want. That being said there is a message that is displayed when you upload something bigger than 150k. That right there should raise the flag in the back of your mind, you know, the one that says what your uploading might be on the chopping block when push comes to shove.



But like you said, people being who they are are going to ignore that and do as they what they want. That being said there is a message that is displayed when you upload something bigger than 150k. That right there should raise the flag in the back of your mind, you know, the one that says what your uploading might be on the chopping block when push comes to shove.

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The same one TheImperial and Soul Train saw before they uploaded their images in excess of 300kb?

Yeah, I saw that.



well I figure its a good habit to get into anyway for when they likely merge with Paragon wiki , also get used to ads poping up on your page .



Just expressing my own assessment of the situation here, not speaking on behalf of UHVU.

Users should heed the warning regarding uploading images larger then 150k.

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This is ridiculous. Going back, deleting, resizing and reuploading every image over 300k is a huge time sink, not only for me but for a great deal of people on that list.

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Which would be why we were given one month's advance notice; in fact, well more than a month if one includes the time before an actual date was set for the purge.

If you didn't want us to upload images over 300k you should have made that impossible, not just frowned upon. People have a way of ignoring recommendations for convenience.

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And in doing so they implicitly accept the consequences of their disregard. Furthermore, the cut-off for the purge is actually TWICE the recommended limit -- the people this might inconvenience were not only disregarding the warning but doing so flagrantly, possibly even abusively. Virtueverse is not Photobucket or DeviantArt, the image upload ability is meant to be used to enhance and illustrate pages, and bloated file sizes simply aren't necessary for that purpose. Even large-resolution files can be dropped under 150k by saving them as jpegs with perhaps slightly lowered quality. For example, your largest image on the list, CharonvsStyx.jpg, currently at 869k, could be brought under the 300k limit by reducing the compression quality by only 10-11% -- which has virtually no effect on the visual quality of the image. Combine that with a moderate resizing (say 75% or so of original size?) and it'd probably dip under the 150k mark.

So due to the fact that you chose not to enforce this rule from the outset you are causing a massive inconvenience to everybody on that list, and a great deal of them are very talented contributors to the Wiki.

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Many of them are, but talent does not entitle anyone to special treatment when the issue is one of keeping the server running smoothly for all users. This purge will remove slightly more than 3% of all the images on VirtueVerse, 340 out of about 10,500 that require considerably more resources to store and transmit (and thus more of kadekawa's money) than the other 10,160. I would guess that restricting uploading probably wasn't a priority when the wiki was fired up as it needed to be seen how that ability would be used or what, if any, effect it would have on performance -- or for all I know, it may not even be possible in MediaWiki to restrict uploading in anything more than an allow/disallow fashion. Whatever the reason, it is being enforced now.

On a final note, I just have to drop in that your warning in bold there doesn't really hold all that much water, considering two site admins are on the list you posted. If a site admin doesn't heed the file size recommendation then why should I?

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Because whether or not you heed it, if you've uploaded a file that exceeds the recommendation by double its amount or more, that file will be deleted when the automated purge happens -- an automated purge that selects its targets by file size, not uploader name, and as such will be removing all overlarge files including those uploaded by admins.

For anyone who does not know how or feels they don't have the time to resize their images themselves, shoot me a PM here with your Virtueverse username; I'll check your uploaded images and do it for you. It takes seconds to open an image in GIMP, resize and/or adjust JPG compression, then upload it back in the place of the previous oversized version. Just be sure you have the original stored elsewhere.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



well I figure its a good habit to get into anyway for when they likely merge with Paragon wiki , also get used to ads poping up on your page .

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I consider this highly unlikely, based on previous discussion.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



But like you said, people being who they are are going to ignore that and do as they what they want. That being said there is a message that is displayed when you upload something bigger than 150k. That right there should raise the flag in the back of your mind, you know, the one that says what your uploading might be on the chopping block when push comes to shove.

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The same one TheImperial and Soul Train saw before they uploaded their images in excess of 300kb?

Yeah, I saw that.

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Our oversize images will be purged along with everyone else's, if they're not replaced with smaller versions beforehand. But thanks for calling attention, I figure I can spend ten minutes or so doing a resize, along with the time I already spend maintaining the system.

So far I'm hearing a few people saying this is going to be a Terrible Burden. Trust me, it will NOT be. A bot will run a script, and all of the oversize media will be removed. If people wish to re-upload new versions of their graphics either before or after, they can spend the time to do so. If they don't, then that will be that. End of story.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



It's just something that I feel should have been tackled from the outset if that was at all possible. As evidenced by the fact that even the admins have broken the rules on this one, it was inevitable that people were going to ignore the warning and upload anyway.

Nevertheless, I'll see what gets deleted and may or may not resize and repost it.



correct, and the current admins were once simple users, and (even the eponymous 'admin') are also human, and fallible.

but justifying one's own actions 'because someone else is doing it' is a rather hollow argument. I stopped getting away with that one in grade school, personally.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



correct, and the current admins were once simple users, and (even the eponymous 'admin') are also human, and fallible.

but justifying one's own actions 'because someone else is doing it' is a rather hollow argument. I stopped getting away with that one in grade school, personally.

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That analogy would hold water if the person who was 'also doing it' was your grade school teacher.

The point is, if you're going to set the rules, don't break them.



well I figure its a good habit to get into anyway for when they likely merge with Paragon wiki , also get used to ads poping up on your page .

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I consider this highly unlikely, based on previous discussion.

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Considering Sockpuppet Admin listed as one of his bullet points , opening up discussion with Tony V of Paragon Wiki to look into creating a fan run wiki as part of the Paragon wiki I don't consider it highly unlikely espescially since they seem to be still discussing it .

Also since the virtuewiki is suddenly having bandwidth issue its not to far a streatch to see Kadekawa taking the offer to host as part of the paragon wiki where he wouldn't be paying out of his pocket .

And since sockpuppet Admin is handling all this and we havent heard a thumbs up or down on the idea id imagine it hasn't been thumbed down yet .

Hey im all for you guys merging with Paragon Wikis efforts , I love how the ads add so much to the pages .



All of my oversized images deleted and/or re-uploaded.

All of my unused images deleted.

Took me... about 45 minutes.

Approximately 30 minutes of that were spent resizing and recompressing in Paint.NET (free).

A note on image sizes: Taking a jpeg from 100% uncompressed to 85% resulted in file size drops from 155KB to ~60KB with little if any loss in visual quality, however, I'd not recommend that anyone RE-compress an already-compressed file, you'll mangle it. Also, if you have lineart or simple cel-shaded work, it's actually better to save it as a GIF, which strips out all unneeded colors, and avoids the compression 'artifacts' around sharp edges.

Now... I think this particular dead horse can be safely turned into glue.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



If anyone wants some images adjusted so they're under the limit PM me or just ask in here. I'll be happy to open it up in photoshop and adjust compression, resize etc. or even touched up a little if you want. The whole process wouldn't take me more than a couple of minutes per image.

That and I'm currently unemployed so I have alot of time on my hands.



Sockpuppet Admin

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... I still fail to understand how or why this issue seems to have turned you so completely against the project. You don't know my (real) name either, nor which NCsoft staffer happens to be driving Ghost Widow at any given appearance, but you don't seem to show such antipathy and distrust in those cases. Did you have problems with the wiki before? Were you hoping to become an admin?

Hey im all for you guys merging with Paragon Wikis efforts , I love how the ads add so much to the pages .

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Sarcasm does not flatter you.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I don't need to know anything about you as we don't work on anything together heck as I don't work on the wiki anymore I don't really care who or what sockpuppet is .

and to stem off this line of reasoning I had no intrest in being the big cheese as the way the wiki was set up there was no big cheese aside from Kadekawa who wasn't intrested in day to day affairs .

Ads don't flatter the wiki nor a sock puppet admin or merging with
Paragon Wikis new project .

You will be hard pressed to find me posting anywhere telling people not to use the wiki but I will happily give my oponions on the City of Heroes forums and espescially the Virtue forums .

Currently I think the idea of merging with the Paragonwiki is a steaming pile of poo .

I think gaining ads by merging is a steaming pile of poo

I find Sockpuppet admin and the ....well you get the idea

Anyways if you dislike my line of posting you can just hit the notify moderator button and if I've broken any rules im sure they will tell me .