Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Just finished creating a page for my newest level 50, Astrology. Comments welcome! Now just to get some commissions of her to fancy up the page!

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



Attempting to finish the backstory for Dead the Bunny and, in the process, went through with a bit of a re-write. I'd love some constructive feedback on the flow and writing style in the discussion page. I think I'm getting better... I'm no Heroid, but I'm definitely getting better than I was....

I think.. >.<



Here I've been misreading the file size limits all this time...
I thought the limit was 300, hehe...
I have a few over 100 (Though only one [an animated gif] over 200).

Not too many, but I must fix that tonight!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Here I've been misreading the file size limits all this time...
I thought the limit was 300, hehe...
I have a few over 100 (Though only one [an animated gif] over 200).

Not too many, but I must fix that tonight!
Well I think you're good with the over 100 but under 300 stuff for now. Looks like the wiki is going down tonight at 11 for maintenance. I saw this pop up a few days ago:

Unused & Large Image Purge This Weekend!

Looks like a bunch of stuff is going under the axe tonight. But sheesh 1 and 2 MB image files on a website.



Wow, yeah... I thought I was skirting things when I allowed my files to stay over 100kb... but 1-2 MB is blatant disregard for the stated (And reminded any time you upload a file) 300kb limit.
C'mon, people... this is what community is about. Think of the whole picture a bit, eh?

Anyway... I'll stop myself from saying more, hehe.

Glad to see things are getting better and that people have been fixing their own stuff.
We have to take care of VV

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I have some images over 100 but under 300 myself (wiki user: Tyranno). I'm moving much of the content to a private Wiki to avoid possible problems for the larger stuff. So if - and when - you need to machete the content, feel free to do so.

I totally understand the need for the image purge and will happily comply with whatever is asked in terms of content moving forward. It's a great site and a great source of entertainment to me. I want to thank all who have helped keep this site such an amazing resource.



Spoke too soon. Carry on.



Did Ransim breakses it?
It is up now though, so maybe Denji is just trying to sabotage us!
EDIT: Aha, Denji is trying to make me look weird...
Wait... I've never had any help in that regard before... Not sure what that might do! I'm plenty weird all on my own.
Maybe it will make me seem normal!!!
Yay! Do I look more normal than usual in this post??

Umm... now maybe I should type something in on topic...
You can check my unfinished User page... And check out the few pages I have up and/or throw me suggestions.

Also... I assume we can't embed youtube videos on VV, is that correct?

And lastly... If you're walking down the street and the wheels fall off of your canoe, how many pancakes does it take to lift your house back up?

Thanks, Denji!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



It would seem that VirtueVerse is down as we speak. I believe it's been down since last night.






VirtueVerse is currently down, presumably because we have a user who seems to be vandalizing page after page after page.

I have not received any word from any other sysops or bureaucrats or admin.



Ah well. Gives me more time to rework Janet's page. :|



Think "Looking for Contacts" needs a complete reset. Plus timestamp.



I started reworking the page for Hero Prime this afternoon. It's not done, and some of the text needs to be rewritten, but I like how it's feeling so far.

Where do we go from here?



So I have been working pretty hard on Seri's VV page and cant seem to get her custom art down to the cap, I know the answer to this is somewhere buried deep in this thread but the gods didn't bless me with alot of patience and I could really use someones help. HELP!



Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
So I have been working pretty hard on Seri's VV page and cant seem to get her custom art down to the cap, I know the answer to this is somewhere buried deep in this thread but the gods didn't bless me with alot of patience and I could really use someones help. HELP!
I'm with you there. The main piece for Hero Prime's page - the cropped in-game screenshot in the upper corner - has a transparency and was HUGE. The first iteration was 250k, which is way beyond the limit. The current one is still 145k, which is probably too big, too. To drop that 105k, I posturized the image down to 32 colors, dithering the colors to maintain gradients. It's still not as small as it should be, but I can't manage to get it any smaller and keep the look decent.

If they'd enable $wgAllowExternalImages or $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom, I could host all my own images off-site. With unlimited bandwidth, I could go with images as large as I'd like. Same with the $wgRawHtml tag. *shrugs*

Editing to clarify: This is not an attack or criticism, but rather just an observation, and I understand the dangers involved in enabling any of those functions, so I don't blame them for not having them available.

Where do we go from here?



Theres no way I can crop the images anymore without degrading the image, I wish we could host them else where as Prime pointed out above. Does anyone know how to keep the image integrity and lower the size?



Use a different format. If you're using PNG or GIF images, try JPG and lower the image quality to around 60 (which should still be pretty good quality).

If you want to send the images to me, I'll see what I can do with them.

Where do we go from here?



Originally Posted by Hero Prime View Post
I'm with you there. The main piece for Hero Prime's page - the cropped in-game screenshot in the upper corner - has a transparency and was HUGE. The first iteration was 250k, which is way beyond the limit. The current one is still 145k, which is probably too big, too. To drop that 105k, I posturized the image down to 32 colors, dithering the colors to maintain gradients. It's still not as small as it should be, but I can't manage to get it any smaller and keep the look decent.

If they'd enable $wgAllowExternalImages or $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom, I could host all my own images off-site. With unlimited bandwidth, I could go with images as large as I'd like. Same with the $wgRawHtml tag. *shrugs*

Editing to clarify: This is not an attack or criticism, but rather just an observation, and I understand the dangers involved in enabling any of those functions, so I don't blame them for not having them available.
Per your edited comment, yes it is in fact a risk to the site and the people who pay for its hosting. Its very hard to control what people include on pages using a hotlink. Forcing people to upload means that each image can be reviewed to make sure it doesn't violate the hosts TOS.

I've never had any issues with decreasing my file sizes to the necessary size, and I do it without major degradation.

If you use Adobe Photoshop I'd suggest checking out the save for web/devices function under the file menu.

There are some good tools otherwise here you can use to do it.

You can also try including a lower res version on the UHVU page and link it to say Deviant Art or photo bucket with a full rez larger version.

There is absolutely no reason to ever include a file inline in a HTML page that is over 100 KB unless its an art website like deviantart and you've chosen to do a full view.

Let me just give you guys a snap shot from what I know. The images folder for UHVU is 4 GB of data, the database itself is 4 GB of almost all page text. I'm actually lending a hand to Kadekawa and the Admin to try an migrate the data to a shiny new server. Problem is its too much data, especially in the database, so its not playing nice with the migration tools.

So that is why the file restrictions are in place, the site is too popular for its own good.