Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




It's on the page I created for my main character,

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Fixed, there were stray periods in some of the reference closing tags so large sections of the page were getting ignored, since the wiki just rolled everything after those into the reference until it encountered the next reference's closer.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Ooh, many thanks.

Only now I wonder why my references aren't showing up. Meh.

Anyhoo, I thought I'd checked the tags? Guess not. *Fail*

(ETA: Wait, just read your Discussion addition. THANK YOU. *Bestows Christmas hugs and epic Eggnoggage upon you*)

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



I've been dinking around with a bunch of webstuff the last couple weeks with an eye towards building my own sites and moving the groups I lead off GuildPortal, but I'm way out of my depth yet. So, I decided to give a very simple idea I had a try to get started, and it appears to...well, work. So here's a little Christmas present for the wiki.

Meet All it does is redirect every page request it gets to the article of the same name at Virtueverse, transforming the "" part of any link using it into "". So anyone can just punch in and it'll shoot them right to it.

Examples (and pluggery): (takes you to the Main Page)' Broccoli

Etcetera. Like a ghetto tinyurl just for us to save a bit of space in bios and sigs, or when linking someone to your page in-game, without the hassle of setting up an actual tinyurl for each page you've got. Hope it comes in handy.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
Etcetera. Like a ghetto tinyurl just for us to save a bit of space in bios and sigs, or when linking someone to your page in-game, without the hassle of setting up an actual tinyurl for each page you've got. Hope it comes in handy.
Very cool! It's proving useful already, thanks!

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So what's the etiquette on 'editing' an existing VV page. I recently grabbed the name Ruby Rocket to make a Dual Pistols blaster when GR hits. The name does have this VV page already made. I would assume completely deleting this wouldn't cause much issue, since the name is now mine and there's not much there, but what about if there was a much more detailed page. In-game tells, and forum PM's?

I'm just really excited about this character and want to get working on a VV page. Which is odd since I won't be able to actually even play the character for a good many months.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
So what's the etiquette on 'editing' an existing VV page. I recently grabbed the name Ruby Rocket to make a Dual Pistols blaster when GR hits. The name does have this VV page already made. I would assume completely deleting this wouldn't cause much issue, since the name is now mine and there's not much there, but what about if there was a much more detailed page. In-game tells, and forum PM's?

I'm just really excited about this character and want to get working on a VV page. Which is odd since I won't be able to actually even play the character for a good many months.
Haven't encountered the situation yet but I've always figured if I did, I would use the Move button up top to move the old page to a sub-page of whoever made it according to the page History, to be courteous (technically you don't really have to, if they want to salvage their work to recreate the character under another name sometime their version will still be in the page history). In this example, move the current Ruby Rocket to User:CptHooks/Ruby Rocket, then go back to the Ruby Rocket page which is now just a redirect and edit it for your character.

It's always most polite to attempt to contact the user first, though, to give them the opportunity to move or delete it themself.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Didn't know about the 'move' function, thanks. Mostly curious because in the past I picked up a name for which there was an extensive VV page, with stories, commissioned art, the whole nine yards. I never did get anywhere with the name myself, and it has since been picked up by another. Being just a single sentence, this case is a little different, but it is nice to know your options.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Um, did VV just break hardcore? I was trying to update my user page and after one minor edit posting, I couldn't post any more edits ("save changes" would just bump me to the "preview" page). I tried logging out and then was told that my account doesn't exist any more?! I know it's been a while since I updated anything, but did I just get banned? I did get an unexpected popup after the first edit requesting name/pass again - I didn't look at it long enough to see what it was.

Tried going to the VV Forums, but since I haven't posted there in even longer, I had no idea what my password was (or which ancient email account I used to set it up). any help here?

btw, VV user name is same as here

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
Um, did VV just break hardcore? I was trying to update my user page and after one minor edit posting, I couldn't post any more edits ("save changes" would just bump me to the "preview" page). I tried logging out and then was told that my account doesn't exist any more?! I know it's been a while since I updated anything, but did I just get banned? I did get an unexpected popup after the first edit requesting name/pass again - I didn't look at it long enough to see what it was.

Tried going to the VV Forums, but since I haven't posted there in even longer, I had no idea what my password was (or which ancient email account I used to set it up). any help here?

btw, VV user name is same as here
Hmmm its working for me, I just made a ton of changes on the page for Kinetic.

Looking at the Recent edits it seems you made one just recently on your user page. So I doubt you've been banned or that change wouldn't have gone through. I'd say may there is something wonky with your cookie? Try closing the browse and reopening/logging in and see if that helps.

Weird I just logged in and got to view two pages then I was suddenly not logged in. Maybe something is being worked on. I would suggest saving anything you're working on off line.



Well tried again once I got home and made the single edit I was trying to make, but I'll let it settle down before doing serious work on anything.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Just about finished with my base outline forXeden's page. Pictures, and full history are now just about finished up to current.

I don't wanna dig around through the near-30 pasges of this thread, but does anyone know where one such as myself can find info for borders, tables, et cetera? I want to spice my page up a notch, but I'm terrible with html and all that.



Originally Posted by Edenfire View Post
Just about finished with my base outline forXeden's page. Pictures, and full history are now just about finished up to current.

I don't wanna dig around through the near-30 pasges of this thread, but does anyone know where one such as myself can find info for borders, tables, et cetera? I want to spice my page up a notch, but I'm terrible with html and all that.
My best suggestion?

Look at the wiki text behind a page with a style you like for an idea. Most of the more colorful design work is done with a combination of Wikitext, HTML Tags and Inline CSS.

If you have HTML and CSS experience you'll probably pick it up just by looking at what someone else has done. If not, well practice makes perfect. Feel free if it helps to use any of the layouts on my pages for practice. They aren't fancy and are fairly straight forward without tons of style images. There are links to a couple pages of mine in my signature.

I'm also happy to help if you have specific questions.



Oye. After sleep I shall have to spend six hours on writing a page that is ambiguous with the character's gender, despite the picture being clearly female. I do sometimes wish I could use the sliders from CO in this - makes for a far more androgynous model.



Once again the VV server has gone down. Considering this is the only way I know to get anyone's attention that is heading it, since it has changed hands so many times.



FYI: VV looks like it's up again.



I hope I'm doing this right.

If anyone can add tags they think I might have missed that'd be great; not sure how many of the damn things there even are. I'll also add a full history to the page later on, as right now I'm really not in the mood for even more writing. D:



Thanks for the prompt notice. I was wondering what the heck was going on before I panicked that the info I put there was forever lost. XD



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
Whups, look like VV's domain registration has slipped. I've shot off a message to the admin about it, in the meantime you access the site via , and I've tweaked the redirect to point there as well.
Hey guys I just want to drop a secondary note here.

I sent Kadekawa a text message to let him know something was up, I know he's been incredibly busy with some projects and was out of the country for awhile as well so its highly likely he forgot.

So hopefully it'll be resolved soon ^_^



Yeah, I figured that was the issue. I'm sure VV will be back up soon enough.

"Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgment."



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
Thanks for the prompt notice. I was wondering what the heck was going on before I panicked that the info I put there was forever lost. XD
As a note, I generally back my stuff on UHVU up periodically using the Export Function:

Seems to be back up now.