Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Looking forward to the finished product :P


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I just finished Webspider's page yesterday. It's really the only page I've fleshed out because he's the first character I'm really getting into enough to do so with. I'm pretty excited about the page - kinda hard to believe I actually did one, heh.

Tell me what you think.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



I don't normally post here, but what the hell. I have been watching too many cartoons and this is my most fangirl-bait character yet. I still can't believe his name wasn't taken.

The Girl Your Mother Warned You About

Primary Virtue ~ Secondary Guardian



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Just checked it out. It looks great, just the black background is stretched on the right side of the page. Still looks good regardless though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I was a bit worried that was happen. It took some creativity to get a background in there given wikitext doesn't allow CSS that uses url for a backgorund image. Had to use two divs and z indexes to make it work.

Something to fix tomorrow.
Amazing work on the page and the SG.

I'm fairly new to the server, and I soooo have to look you guys up.

Shyft - Gravity/Kinetics Controller - Virtue and Pinnacle - write up at virtueverse
Vigilant Eye - Sword/Shield Scrapper - Virtue - write up at virtueverse
October Star - Energy/Energy Blaster - Pinnacle

and a bunch of alts....



Originally Posted by Shyft View Post
Amazing work on the page and the SG.

I'm fairly new to the server, and I soooo have to look you guys up.
Thanks, though really most of the credit has to go to Cyphre. He makes some amazing graphics and logos. I'm just the code jockey.

Feel free though to check us out, we're always open to new people joining us.



I actually finished (more or less) my articles on VirtueVerse. Still have lots of characters not up there, but the ones with the best stories are.

Eiko-chan should be obvious as my main. I swear she isn't weaboo.
Stacy Wu is my attempt at tackling the lack of diversity of character models in the game.
Lapin Lazuli is a character that started out comic (I wanted bunny ears) and grew into someone actually interesting and fun.



This'd be my primary character, Sarge, as I refer to him.

There's a fair amount in there I'm not too happy with and I feel a fair amount is weak at best...

Its a work in progress and its still got a way to go.

Its also geared more towards the mature side of the house. Just a quick warning. Its more of an exploration of the emotional response to war rather than the historical, cut-and-dry facts. And he's one mentally messed-up dude.



I am up to my usual schlock, in anticipation if i16. Some new content to peruse and mock:

Because, I simply haven't found a sci-fi camp character I like yet, I try again:

Because, I foolishly bought the magic pack and felt like I had to something with my wasted money:

And because a stunt like this, can explain my latest discordant creations in one fell swoop:

And because the new "change your colors" feature in i16 is simply too much fun for Stone/Super Strength characters, and because I have never fallen in love with a tank:

Pretty cheesy stuff, as usual, but I do like my cheese. Feel free to hold your nose while you browse, the limburger is very old.



I browse VV randomly sometimes when I'm eating out of my lunch pail at work.

I come across gems all the time, and I think it is nice to recognize other people's fine work:

This I thought was a great page and character, too good not to highlight:

Backtrack VV Page

One thing to note, is this a redirect, but it will take you to where you want to go.

Check out "Step" as well, a descendant, and then check out the page on time threads as well.

Virtue, you do great stuff. VV, we all owe you a debt of gratitude.



Originally Posted by ChaosRed View Post
I browse VV randomly sometimes when I'm eating out of my lunch pail at work.

I come across gems all the time, and I think it is nice to recognize other people's fine work:

This I thought was a great page and character, too good not to highlight:

Backtrack VV Page

One thing to note, is this a redirect, but it will take you to where you want to go.

Check out "Step" as well, a descendant, and then check out the page on time threads as well.

Virtue, you do great stuff. VV, we all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Hey, that's me!

I guess it's important to note that Step is probably getting a retcon (if I decide to keep him at all).

Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate

For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709



After months of playing City of Heroes, I've never really tried dabbling into anything Role Play. Well, I did a while back, before I got my three month vet badge, but the times I went through on Virtue were more disturbing than I'd like to remember. Now, with a little push from accidentally stumbling on, I've come around to playing on Virtue again (on a trial account for now since I can't afford to reactivate my old account) and I've seen that it's really a kick-butt place to hang out.

Back story aside, I've gotten around to making a story for a character I've been thinking up for a while. I've been blasting for so long, I've decided to switch the end of the spectrum a bit, and that's how Shinra Motorhead was born. I was wondering what the rest of you seasoned role players think about'm.

I'm afraid his profile isn't as wicked cool as everyone else's, I'm not all too keen with coding and role playing and what not, but I wanted to give it a try.

/em goes back to reading more character profiles



I love VV!

I reworked the Alpha Squad page, tried to give it some more color and splash, comments welcome. The image below will take you to the page by just clicking it:

Also, the signature below points directly to my user page on VV if you click it:



Well, the person who runs the shindig hasn't said much since mentioning looking at a possible "reboot" for the site, to get it working with a new version of MediaWiki with more features and flexibility, since there were difficulties applying such an upgrade to the current site (apparently it wouldn't be possible to auto-port over all existing content when upgrading from the current version). Haven't seen any word on that for a couple months now tho'.

Sysops are still around, tidying up and stabbinating spambots as needed, if there's any questions or help needed. Nothing's been changed on the front page mainly because there's nothing new going on, the site's pretty low maintenance and there's not really anything in the way of cool new **** that can be added until the wiki software gets upgraded.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Sounds like we need a parallel beta-site with the new software installed. This way we can migrate our content over on our own progressively.

Just a thought.

Not that its urgent in my view, the site works wonderfully, as is. My only worry, is that if the admins ever decided to pull the plug that we get some notification so I can archive my stuff and push it to a server of my own. I'd hate to lose all my stuff without backing it up somewhere.



Originally Posted by ChaosRed View Post
My only worry, is that if the admins ever decided to pull the plug that we get some notification so I can archive my stuff and push it to a server of my own. I'd hate to lose all my stuff without backing it up somewhere.
Hmm, us European roleplayers from Union are twinned with the Virtueverse Handbook, so obviously I have a vested interest in this. Long live Union, long live Virtue! PS, I need to have a word with a Virtueverse admin, who can I send a PM to?



Can shoot a PM to admin at, or e-mail at

The parallel beta-site idea sounds about exactly like what the plan was, don't know what complications may have arisen in getting it set up. The current wiki isn't going anywhere. Always a good idea to back up your wikis as .txt files though, only takes a second (and there's also Ouroportal out there).

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators




Here's the latest:


Re: VirtueVerse Moving Forward

Post by admin ยป Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:00 pm
Sorry guys, Kadekawa stole me for a fairly large project so I've been swamped. I did set up the install settings but I'm at the logistical cross roads now of finding space on the server to set everything up. Virtueverse is quite large so I'm concerned that we won't be able to run the site in two places for an extended amount of time. Its stalled at figuring out the logistics of getting a new host or purchasing extra space. The site currently uses about 12 GBs of disk space and database space, we only have 20 GB total on the server, and the same server also hosts Union Verse and two other websites.

Soul is also going to be stepping down as the public administrator for the site.

But this is basically stuck until space can be figured out and that ball is in the court of more then just myself, its not my server. What I would like to do is set it up on a new host, with a temporary address, start the migration and eventually move the domain names over, but this needs approval from Kade once we're sure there is money to cover a new hosting account.
Note the second to last paragraph.

I've not had the time to manage the site of late, and a LOT of people have stepped up to fill in for me, so it's only fair that they be given the mantle/scepter/crown of thorns/etcetera. I'll still keep my pages up, and if I find time I may fiddle with Wiki concepts and occasionally help folks with stuff, but... yah.

Have fun, y'all.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
Can shoot a PM to admin at, or e-mail at

The parallel beta-site idea sounds about exactly like what the plan was, don't know what complications may have arisen in getting it set up. The current wiki isn't going anywhere. Always a good idea to back up your wikis as .txt files though, only takes a second (and there's also Ouroportal out there).
I don't personally recommend Ouroportal myself. Their article restrictions are far more stringent then VirtueVerse. Also judging by their guidelines they don't really understand what T for Teen means. But if they're going for that rating, well a good portion of my characters and stories wouldn't fit.

T for Teen means minimal violence, minimal blood, crude humor but -infrequent- use of foul language.