Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Well, since I'm back...

Updated page for Red Diamond

Mind you, until I figure out how to account for my absence from the game for an extended period and the disintegration of my old VG, the story section will still be out of date...

Edit: Added new page for what is quickly becoming a favorite character of mine... The Smokemeister



I've enabled uploads for

.costume (costume file)
.critter (custom character file)
.cvg (custom villain group file)
.storyarc (story arc file)
.zip (compressed data files)

upload is done by using image tag
[[|My costume]]

path for the file will be

which you can then go back and link in your wiki

Below is an example

and thank you Kerb for allowing me to use you as a Guinea pig



I'm back!

Did some updates for Ms. Shock. More stories, a literary description of her costume, and more have been added.

Links are in my sig.



I think I'll always consider Danger's UHVU page a work in progress, so here it is as it stands today...

Danielle "Danger" St.Clair

Any feedback would be greatly welcome!

- J



Not really related, except that he hosts... What the hell happened to my buddy Shin?

I haven't heard a peep from him in months...

*goes back to lurking*



*looks grumpy*

First off, I'm really amazed at how much material is on the Virtueverse Wiki. You're all so prolific, it's scary sometimes. I think this is the precursor to the MA, or the 'backstory' version of it. Fun stuff.

However, occasionally someone decides to just wander out of their own corner and spraypaint someone else's work, sometimes as revenge, other times just for the 'lulz'.

And when it happens, they discover on their return that Virtueverse no longer likes them, and tells them to go away. Why?

Because we all take a really dim view of page vandals.

It doesn't matter who the target is, or what kind of IC or OOC opinions you have. Blitzing someone else's page is a no-no. Swapping out their images for your own versions is a no-no. Redirecting their page (or even a similar name) to a prank page... yes, sir, it's definitely on The List Of Things We Call Vandalism.

We don't hold a hearing to get everyone's side in the matter, we don't warn, we don't shake our fingers and say "don't do that again". We simply ban your account... and if we find you using a new account, we ban it as well, over and over ad nauseum. Vandals are simply Not Welcome, no matter how 'cool' they might be in the Virtue scene.

If you have a disagreement with someone else's material, TALK to them about it. Ask them to not mention your characters if you can't settle on an equitable compromise. In return, it's best to just edit any mention of their characters off your pages.

Otherwise, the sysops will get involved... and unlike King Solomon, we actually WILL cut the baby in half. You don't want us deciding what goes into your pages, because it's not our job, and we get grumpy when we're asked to play arbiter.

That said, if anyone finds their pages vandalized, drop any of the sysops a PM either here or on the Virtueverse forums (not the Wiki itself, as it's not private). We can find the perp and lock them out, and if necessary, lock your page so that no one can make changes (which means you have to bug us for an unlock when you want to edit again... this is not something I mind doing at all, BTW.)

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Updated Ms. Shock's Virtueverse entry with new pics! Also working on another epic story of her exploits in Paragon City called "They Don't Make Them Like They Used To."

Check it out! Links in sig below.



Hi, so I finally got to start adding things on here... just two characters and a supergroup (which is just of one person so far... *grumbles*) But I hope to add more charactrs and my MA arcs and rp stories in the coming weeks.

admitedly just stubs for now, but gotta start somewhere right?



I added The Rookery to virtueverse but looks a little bleh
heres the page
any fix is helpful

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Got a new story for Ms. Shock.

VirtueVerse entries for my character are in my sig, as always.




Most of what I'd love to add would now be YEARS out of date...

I guess I could still learn and add some of my current stuff?

@Nameless Hero, Insane Sword-wielding Video Game Hero - Also a character in CoH

Yukie Bikouchi, Halfway Lost, and others



My left hand is now sore.


I just cleaned up 36 Spambots. God those things are getting annoying.



They are getting pretty bad. I think I spent about an hour today taking care of the most recent ones.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I'm currently still looking for the name Cyber Dragon and Jinzo

If anyone has those names and wouldn't mind letting me have them I would love that




[/ QUOTE ]
Have you tried "Psycho Shocker"? That sounds like a good name for a character who's themed after a card that basically gives TRAP CARDS the middle finger.

Might already be taken, though. Funny how names work, right?

Also... wrong thread?



Yeah, I think this is the wrong thread to request names.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Just checked it out. It looks great, just the black background is stretched on the right side of the page. Still looks good regardless though.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Just checked it out. It looks great, just the black background is stretched on the right side of the page. Still looks good regardless though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I was a bit worried that was happen. It took some creativity to get a background in there given wikitext doesn't allow CSS that uses url for a backgorund image. Had to use two divs and z indexes to make it work.

Something to fix tomorrow.