Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Hahaha hilarious stuff, man. Nice work.

Started on Outcome's page as well.



Updated... ((It's in the sig! ))

Feedback is welcomed!



Art that isn't half naked girls! Yey!

Not that there's anything wrong with that but it's a welcome change. Awesome character there, Rakeypoo. :3

"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.







Yeah, that looks really good. Nice job.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Original flavored and now, new and improved Bio-Diesel!!!
((Pun intended! It's still under construction, but in the sig! ))



looks pretty cool Diese , like the menu feel , and what no mention of NeverDarke im so hurt <sniffles and cries>

also weee you used the lil chibi diesel I dreweded



looks pretty cool Diese , like the menu feel , and what no mention of NeverDarke im so hurt <sniffles and cries>

also weee you used the lil chibi diesel I dreweded

[/ QUOTE ]

I am adding NeverDarke towards the top of my never ending list of things to add to it. Now if only there was somewhere I could read about ND...

That chibi is so cool Deebs, thank you again!!!

..and Rake, I can share the crack pipe with you if you like!




I am adding NeverDarke towards the top of my never ending list of things to add to it. Now if only there was somewhere I could read about ND...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay im gonna be added anyways the wiki to me is like silver bullets to a werewolf I doubt you'll see me posting stuff there .

But I do read alot of friends entrys if for no other reason if gives you nifty insight and RP hooks provided you don't abuse the knowledge .

I'll see about copypastaing a bio from my email storage bin for you over at those other forums we hang out at Diese :P



Thanks Deebs!



Looking for opinions for Tiny Atomic 's VV page.

Thoughts on the ITF: "What? 600+ men in loincloths running around and you're going to tell me not one of them has had something slip out?"



I am amazed at some of the quality I see on VV every day.

Demon Wing has had some updates, new comics and other pieces added. DW is about to go inactive (for a while). So this will likely be the last update for some time:

Demon Wing (VirtueVerse)

Psycho Boy is a 'new' project, that has gained some traction. I am starting to like him less than I did at first, but I think with some RP, I'll find a voice and get into him...

Psycho Boy (VirtueVerse)

This guy is a gem, he's fairly well built, and is so much fun to RP! He's had some serious updates on several levels.

Cobra Fist (VirtueVerse)

I am looking for an SG for Cobra as of today. He belonged to a great group, but it ran counter to his personality IC. He is a hard-boiled, super-macho and rather violent type. He's more hero than anti-hero, but with a violent streak (Nick Fury, darker interpretations of Batman, Snake Plissken etc. etc.)

If you have suggestions for him, let me know here or on the VV page.

I am also looking for a sci-fi based VG (particularly retro sci-fi, 1950's style). I know, very obscure request, but if anyone has suggestions, I'd really like to hear them.

Thanks. Keep up the great work.



I've become a bit of a fan of your Virtueverse pages and your characters!
I've really enjoyed all of the ones I've looked at.

As for an SG... I'm part of the Paragon Universe, and while we have a few subteams in there, one of those is our Independents and I happen to have a violent archer and explosives user, The DarkRanger (Not to mention we have Carlin)...
And, anyway, it's a great group of role-players and people and you may find that Cobra Fist could fit in there.
I understand it's all about the right fit, but I just thought I'd mention it.

While most of the group are against killing and all... We have a few in there...
Anyway, check out the VV and the guildportal site and consider it!

Paragon Universe VV

Paragon Universe GuildPortal

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



EK - that Paragon Universe page is smooth, really, really slick and impressive.

Thanks for the tip. I think my ultimate solution for Cobra - was to just create my own group for him, which I have done. I had never played with the base editor or anything like that - so it has been fun so far.

I'd like to possibly forge a coalition with the independentst though, is such a thing possible? Should I discuss this in-game with you, or discuss on the discussion portion of the VV page?

Man, outstanding work that the Paragon Universe page. Truly.



I ran into you in the D and commented but another prop for Tiny Atomic's page. I enjoyed it a lot and learned a few tricks for starting my own;

Crimson Vespa

Red Jacket

Any feedback is helpful, I've had some trouble deciding on how in depth I want to go.

Edit: Just read Bubblegums, I remember teaming with you a while back - I like the page!



So my first ever attempt at building a supergroup is underway. Man, building a decent base is hard!

Anyway, fortunately, building a VV page is not here is the group's page...with feedback welcome..

Alpha Squad (VirtueVerse)



Added some stuff to Lagoon's page.



Jinks can you do my page!?

All your pages are great!