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(And here's quickly hacked out history I did for him last night before bed. :3 )
Rogue British was orphaned at a very early age and taken in by the owner of a pie and mash shop in London's east end. Unfortunately, Elsie wasn't the best or most attentive mum, so he was raised as much by the streets as her. One of Elsie's saving graces was that she made him go to school, which gave him the opportunity to get involved in "The Sport". He took to it naturally and when he was 16, he was thrown straight into club "Sport". By the time he was 18, he was MVP for the London Jets, by 20 playing for England, and by 24 he had changed his name and begun playing for the big leagues in America. His advancement was as much attributed to his skill as it was a magical power that was bleeding into him, giving him extraordinary strength and stamina. Unbeknownst to him, he was living within a single dimension of a multiverse, and one of his analogues was an hero whose incredible strength and invulnerability was the result of a powerful magic; so powerful that it penetrated the boundaries of the multiverse and permeated his every incarnation.
As the years passed, Rogue British became stronger and stronger as the more of the magic filtered into his body. He did his best to hide his power, as he knew what it would mean if it were discovered, but that turned out to be incredibly difficult within the sport. As his power increased, so did his penalties within the sport, almost all dealing with "unnecessary roughness". He accrued so many fines, and hospitalised so many opponents that his managers could no longer take it; he was out of the game more than in because of the penalties and becoming nothing but an expensive bench warmer. After several meetings with his and the managers from several other teams, it was taken to the ruling body of "The Sport" wherein he was permanently banned from playing. With nowhere left to go, he donned his old England MVP uniform and went to the Powers Division and confessed to having power beyond an ordinary human. -
Cyber slinger; editing his VV page, now. Got it started yesterday but didn't really have too much time for detail. -
Quote:Perhaps you didn't read the discussion, but it's really not about having gallery images with large pictures. The modern browser can view PNG images in-line, which means that designers have the opportunity to create multi-layered pages that include transparencies. Unfortunately, PNG images can be large (in file size, not dimensions), if they have a lot of transparency. That is what I was shooting for - a design element that utilized the power of the PNG.
From what I can see, the discussion is about adding larger than necessary files to the Virtueverse page. If you want to create intricate, multi-layer, animated, 3D, infra-red, ultra-violet, quantum images that are beyond the limit in VV, put them into DA or imgur instead of slamming the VV's bandwidth. (Just because it's free for us doesn't mean it's free for everyone. Unless I'm mistaken, Kadekawa is the one who's still footing the bill for the bandwidth.)
VV is more of a simple who's who, not a forum for artistic expression. That's why DA exists. This is not to say that you cannot add an artistic rendering of your character, but as we've been asked to keep the file size small, the images should probably be fairly simple. -
Quote:For what it's worth, I agree with Ransim. There's absolutely no reason for adding enormous images to your virtueverse page. If you need a gallery to show off your megapixels, create one on DA or imgur and link to it in your sig, here.We're going to have to disagree on this. Because there really is zero reason for overloading a page with gigantic images. Because even with a high speed connection your just needlessly wasting bandwidth on images that don't need to be print quality for viewing on a profile on a website.
Beyond that its something that someone else is paying for. They're the ones paying for the bandwidth and the server disk space to contain everyone's content.
Its not exactly a simple issue. Even if the server is new you should still try to take some consideration into the fact that you're sharing the space with others. And I will tell you, the new server has three times the disk space and way more processing power. The restrictions however will not change. Because otherwise people will abuse it and just fill up even more space. -
Quote:Nadsat is the term you're looking for, and thanks, now I'm going to be giving them all Yorkshire accents in my mind.Yeah, I was bringing a synonym to the attention of the OP.
Great idea, by the way! I'm having occasional trouble on my hardcore Resistance character myself sometimes, and occasionally find myself defaulting to Clockwork Orange nuspeak.Previously, it just seemed like NCsoft's version of cockney Rhyming Slang, but it makes more sense to associate it with Anthony Burgess' Nadsat.
Quote:At least they didn't just put a period behind their name.Its simple. When they went to make their characters, they found their names taken...probably by some resistance character squatter jerkholes...
So they just used their names.
That's one of the things I like about STO, that you can use any name you want, as the identity is tied to your global. -
Attempting to finish the backstory for Dead the Bunny and, in the process, went through with a bit of a re-write. I'd love some constructive feedback on the flow and writing style in the discussion page. I think I'm getting better... I'm no Heroid, but I'm definitely getting better than I was....
I think.. >.< -
I play Inquisitor Tyrus as on overbearing, overzealous mouthpiece for Recluse, but I always OOCly apologise for being an oaf. I feel that may be one of the secrets to successful (or at least OOC Friendly) bad guy RP. :3
Quote:Such is being human, and there are no rules for that. We take examples of how to assess and resolve a situation from our peer groups and mentors who must do the same with those who do the same, ad infinitum.
His premises and excuses are valid. His conclusions and reactions aren't. In my humble opinion.
Insulting everyone and everything, flaming and ranting in the forums, and reacting with potential anger isn't the solution to the problem the OP and many others are experience. In fact, it's exactly what's fueling it. Jerks eventually get tired of being jerks if they realize no one takes them seriously as jerks.
Unfortunately, there is no universal rule that behaviours A, B, C, D and E are unacceptable while Z, Y, X, W, and V are acceptable. Instead, what we have are unwritten codes of conduct within certain peer groups / cliques / tribes.
I feel that the best thing we can do to make it easier for everyone involved is to simply emulate Bright Shadow's behaviour, here: Understand and offer guidance; otherwise it may be best to simply observe or ignore. -
Quote:Thank you very very much. ^.^ I've never seen much of Giant Robo, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless. ^^That's just amazingly cool. Reminds me a bit of a couple of characters from the Giant Robo anime (if you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.)
Here's another oldie but goodie that I've never bothered adding to the VV :3
Always wanted to create a Directorum Inquisitorum VG, but I'm not so good at managing player associations. :3 -
Quote:In that case, I really do miss the winglets and / or cap'n ears.((Actually, both costumes are the real deal. It's been confirmed on Ain't It Cool News, Comic Book Resources, io9, and several other websites.
I think the Cap suit looks pretty nifty. Thor looks kinda like he's wearing a tricked-out leisure suit wit a cape.
But yeah, those *are* the costume designs you will see in the movies.))
And his torso stripes instead of red harness straps. : / -
>.< My apologies for re-hashing old material.
Oldie but a goodie. New, more interesting costume on a toon I've always found it extremely difficult to play. :3
Always liked his concept, though... But then again I've always been a ninja fan... Goofy, I know, but I still like them. ^.^
Done and done, unnecessary images marked for deletion and large image resized to well below 100kb.
Also added the air speed velocity of an unladen European swallow and the capital of Assyria to my user page. :3 -
So they've released pictures of the new costumes for the Cap and Thor:
I really miss cap's mask winglets. He looks a bit like a bullethead without them. >.< (To me, anyway.) -
Here's a little guy I'm working on now. ^.^
(In case the image text is too small)
When the temple guardian Kabuto was constructed out of gears and cogs by the God Hachiman, it was little more than a mindless clockwork golem. Realizing that he could not always be there to guide his creation, Hachiman eventually bestowed Kabuto with autonomy, wisdom and the ability to self repair and upgrade. As the centuries passed, Kabuto remained a faithful to its temple and never mistook an innocent for anything but. During a great war, however, its temple was destroyed and it was left without purpose. It did not seek revenge because it had never been given the desire for such things, instead it wandered the countryside seeking a new meaning. Eventually it was adopted by the soul society and found new purpose heralding departed souls to the other world.
As the decades passed, Kabuto has upgraded itself to a near futuristic level. However it seems intent to retain its samurai trappings and Tsurugi based sword originally bestowed upon it by Hachiman.
The soul society thing was written in after I joined up with a SG based around the Soul Society from Bleach. It seemed like a neat direction. :3 -
Quote:This sounds like a very good idea. I can start compiling a list according to the entries in this thread according to their main theme and possibly start another thread for the list itself.
So far, I see: OOC, Golden Age, Teen, Female only, Mutants only, Modern
Anything else?Quote:Actually, you could just put it in your OP.
Sort of a yellow pages for the SG directory :P
Maybe like:
etc. :3
Each group name links to their respective post within the thread. Well.. Not this one, this one just links back to this post.
Also, are there any Police / PPD themed SGs recruiting. :3
=edit again=
Or any (Bleach) Soul Society themed SGs? ^.^ -
Added new artwork to the Sir England's profile (at the bottom)
Just play with the buttons, you can't break it ^__^ You'll find out what everything does soon enough. -