Resistance to English Dictionary and Phrasebook
Nice work!
Addition: Slammer: someone who cannot be slammed.And slams others?
Thank you for this, nice work.
Would it be possible for you to repost this in the Roleplay section so Rpers from other servers can see it? Thank you.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

When I first saw that word, from the context, I was pretty confident it means "brain" or "head". You might wanna double-check that. Otherwise awesome list! Thanks! |
This could either mean Tanner's brain/head, or show that the Ministry of Technology is his, as Dr. Tanner is a lead researcher or something. Discuss! In the meantime (?) added.
This could either mean Tanner's brain/head, or show that the Ministry of Technology is his, as Dr. Tanner is a lead researcher or something. Discuss! In the meantime (?) added.
I don't remember off the top of my head, but the one time I heard it, it went something like "let's blow this badger's thinkbox"...and they were referring to me. I don't have an office! xD
But you could be right. I'll try to keep my eyes open in case I come across my version of the quote too.

I can't remember the exact phrasing, but the connotation I got from the word "thinkbox" was computer. I think it was the resistance mission where you break in to steal the test subject list from the Fixadrine chain.
this 1 make me think of:
Seeing Dandelions --> taste the grass --> being dead
But that is out of context, and from a guy who's english is a 2nd language
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

it kind of reminds me of the Hungarian-English Phrasebook sketch MPFC did. ^.^
I can't remember the exact phrasing, but the connotation I got from the word "thinkbox" was computer. I think it was the resistance mission where you break in to steal the test subject list from the Fixadrine chain.
"Badger" added for Policeman as well.
Anyone know what 'glitterbug' is?
This is...amazing.
And here I thought they just made it up on the spot.
Even though my Resistance character doesn't speak Resistance it should come in handy.
My favorite one...
Drinking the Cole-Aid: blindly following Cole's law
(It's a reference to the Jonestown massacre, where the entire group of cultists drank poisoned Kool-Aid in ritual suicide.)
"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman
"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning
Join the Resistance! We have colorful language.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
All we need now is a Clockwork to English Dictionary.
I think Goldilocks is any member of the Powers division. The named boss at the end of the first mission calls you that.
"You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous." - Neil Gaiman
"You know what I love? People who respond with aggression and belligerence thinking it replaces logic." - Blue Mourning
Yeah, I was bringing a synonym to the attention of the OP.
Great idea, by the way! I'm having occasional trouble on my hardcore Resistance character myself sometimes, and occasionally find myself defaulting to Clockwork Orange nuspeak.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

A person may not necessarily have to drink Enriche; if he's a productive and loyal member of Praetoria, he's still one of the "sheeple," and can be told not to drink the Cole-aid... but anyone who does drink Enriche definitely qualifies for the comment, whether they're otherwise seen as one of the "sheeple" or not, in which case the comment becomes a genuine piece of advice, rather than just an exhortation to open your eyes to the truth.
.... If you see what I mean. It's late where I am, so my syntax may be off.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
May be a bit obvious, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyways.
Chortle-snortling - Laughing
In hopes of helping people roleplay Resistance members and use their crazy lingo, or just to help people that can't quite understand it, here is this list.
Disclaimer!: This list is neither complete, nor completely accurate (probably). This is just what I have so far. Some of it is fairly obvious and/or seemingly interchangeable. Please, feel free to point at any inaccuracies, and add some yourself. Also, if there's another post like this that is freely accessible at the moment, feel free to link it.
Resistance to English Dictionary and Phrasebook
Ashtray - Burn
Badger - Policeman
Badger Den/Pot - Praetorian Police building
Bangwich - Bomb
Blueberry - Policeman
Chomp - Fight; Kill (?)
Chomper - Fighter; Killer (Reserved for the Ghouls, or used more generally?)
Chompette - Female combatant
Chortle-Snortling - Laughing
Clapping It - Agreeing
Cogitations - Knowledge
Cole-Aid - Enriche
Concrete Heaven - Ceiling
Division chompstomper - Powers Division officer
'Drinking the Cole-Aid' - Blindly following Cole
Fight-o' Clock - Time to fight
Flippies - Feet
'Getting it Polar Bear-Style Without the Syrup' - To be given a beating
Glimpse - Watch
Glitterbug - High profile person
Golden Boys - Praetorian Police
Honey - Prize; Goal
Jazzercise - Use
Jibber - Talk
Johnny Appleseed - Place; Plant
King's Catch - Big find/prize
Mish-Mash - Meet
Mushroomed - Blown up
My Glitch - My problem
Oggling - Looking at
Pedaling Out - Getting out; Fleeing
Peepers - Eyes
Peepersneak - Look; Spy
Pleasantville - Nova Praetoria
Power Pellet - Powers Division officer
Psycho-Legs - Praetor Tilman
Raspberries - Destroyers
Rattleslap - Hurt
Ring-a-ding - Call, as with a phone
Ringy-Dingys - Alarms
Scamp - Get out/Leave; or Kill/Die, depending on context
Scamped - Killed
Scrimslam this Chompcham - Beat this guy/girl
Seeing Dandelions - Seeing stars(?)
Sheeple - Praetorians (generally)
'Shine this Shamrock' - Beat up someone; Beat this person
Slam - Beat; Destroy
Smashy-Smash - Security; Backup
Smell the Rosebuds - Realize the truth
Spit It - Say it
Static - Resistance communications network
'Swiss this Cheese' - Open fire; Put holes in it
Swoop - Save
Tag Sign - Name
Taps of the Foot - Seconds
Tea and cookies style - Gently (?)
Tearing up the Screens - Showing the truth
'That Reverberates Like..' - 'That sounds like..'
The Deep, Dark, Dim - The Underground
Thinkbox - Office (?)
'This Box Just Lost its Chill' - Situation is heating up
'This is All Sideways' - 'This is all wrong/messed up'
Top-Hat - Leader
Vacuum - Clockwork
'We gotta make a pose and take a picture while we got ourselves a cameraman' - 'Have to act while we have the chance'
'Will get bright eyes' - 'Come to a realization'
Wolverine - Powers Division officer
English to Resistance Dictionary and Phrasebook
'Act while we have the chance' - 'We gotta make a pose and take a picture while we got ourselves a cameraman'
Agreeing - Clapping it
Alarm - Ringy-dingy
Backup - Smashy-smash
'Beat This Guy/Girl' - 'Scrimslam this chompcham'
Beating - 'Polar Bear-style without the syrup'
Big Find/Prize - King's Catch
'Blindly Following Cole' - 'Drinking the Cole-Aid'
Blown Up - Mushroomed
Bomb - Bangwich
Burn - Ashtray
Call - Ring-a-ding
Ceiling - Concrete Heaven
Celebrity - Glitterbug
Clockwork - Vacuum
Come to a Realization - Will get bright eyes
Destroyers - Raspberries
Enriche - Cole-Aid
Eyes - Peepers
Feet - Flippies
Female Combatant - Chompette
Fight/Kill (?) - Chomp
Fighter/Killer - Chomper (Reserved for the Ghouls or used more generally?)
Fleeing - Pedaling out
Gently (?) - Tea and Cookies Style
Get Out - Scamp
Get Killed - Scamped
Getting Out - Pedaling out
Goal/Prize - Honey
High Profile Person - Glitterbug
Hurt - Rattleslap
Kill - Scamp
Killed - Scamped
Knowledge - Cogitations
Laughing - Chortle-Snortling
Leader - Top-Hat
Leave - Scamp
Look/Spy - Peepersneak
Looking At - Oggling
Meet - Mish-Mash
Messed Up - Sideways
My Problem - My glitch
Name - Tag sign
Nova Praetoria - Pleasantville
Office - Thinkbox
'Open Fire' - 'Swiss this cheese'
Plant/Place - Johnny Appleseed
Policeman - Blueberry/Badger
Powers Division Officer - Division chompstomper; Power Pellet; Wolverine
Praetorian Police - Golden boys
Praetorian Police building - Badger Den/Pot
Praetor Tilman - Psycho-Legs
Praetorians (generally) - Sheeple
Prize/Goal - Honey
'Put Holes in it' - 'Swiss this cheese'
Realize the Truth - Smell the Rosebuds
Resistance Communications Network - Static
Say It - Spit it
Save - Swoop
Seconds - Taps of the Foot
Security - Smashy-smash
Seeing Stars - Seeing dandelions (?)
Showing the Truth - Tearing up the Screens
'Situation is Heating Up' - 'This box just lost its chill'
Spy/Look - Peepersneak
Talk - Jibber
'That Sounds Like..' - 'That reverberates like..'
'This is All Wrong' - 'This is all sideways'
Time to Fight - Fight-o' Clock
'To Be Given a Beating' - 'Get it Polar Bear-style without the syrup'
Underground, The - The deep, dark, dim
Use - Jazzercise
Watch - Glimpse
Wrong - Sideways