Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Well all my stuff is basically inactive. I was trying to figure out how to clean the names and such off for a while :P



Okay, Scarf, I think I owe you a (partial) apology.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll take it , Honestly its a well known fact im a hothead but I think my concerns in this are a bit more then "Scarf hates Sockpuppet Admin and Socksoul" and most of my concerns could be quelled with a simple post stating what direction the Wiki is going in .

A state of the union address as it were , im sure a number of people would be intrested in something of that sort .



why do you care, Scarf?

you pulled your stuff completely off and asked me to delete the files. So as far as the server/database are concerned, there is no one by that name.

And I'm no one's sock puppet, my opinions are my own, thank you very much.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Can anybody recommend software, fonts, or graphics to make banners like those on some virtueverse pages?

[/ QUOTE ]

Try this

Cool Text is a free graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work. Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom image created on the fly.

Cool Text also features a free font archive with over 1,200 fonts available.

I also suggest this for the creation of Bruce Timm style art to spruce up a page . its in Portuguese but is very straight forward .

my one good deed for the day now back to tilting at windmills



Well all my stuff is basically inactive. I was trying to figure out how to clean the names and such off for a while :P

[/ QUOTE ]

PM me a list. I can do it.



why do you care, Scarf?

you pulled your stuff completely off and asked me to delete the files. So as far as the server/database are concerned, there is no one by that name.

And I'm no one's sock puppet, my opinions are my own, thank you very much.

[/ QUOTE ]

As for removing my content I generally think its a good idea if I have major issues with something not to be using their bandwidth at the same time I argue against them .

Ahhh so im correct you have no idea whats going on either then ?

*edited in *

Also as this is a Virtue forum dedicated to discussing things that affect Virtue I figure i'll post my mind , if you don't want dissenting oponions you really shouldn't have a stickied thread on a open forum .



I'll take it , Honestly its a well known fact im a hothead but I think my concerns in this are a bit more then "Scarf hates Sockpuppet Admin and Socksoul" and most of my concerns could be quelled with a simple post stating what direction the Wiki is going in.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd threaten to spank you over this, but the whole 'naked lizard dreamt up by a little girl' bit sadly fails to turn me on. Right now, the Wiki isn't going anywhere.

In case you haven't noticed (though I'm sure you have), Scarfie-poo, the Virtueverse Wiki and its crew have always gone out of their way to make the Wiki what the community wants or needs. In fact, I'm currently typing out this very same idea on the ParagonWiki forums.

It's not your Wiki, not mine, not SoulTrain's and not even Kadekawa's. It's the community's project. The Wiki is just a house. It becomes a home due to the people who inhabit it; who make themselves at home. [censored] me, I think I stole that thought from an episode of Gilmore Girls.

I very much welcome the PW crew's idea for a more encompassing Community Hub type Wiki. Whether the Virtueverse will just dissolve into that or not is ultimately not up to the Wiki's admins but up to the people who inhabit the superstructure we provide.

And you should [censored] know that, [censored].

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Considering that Soul has always posted under her own name, I would think it polite to not call her a sockpuppet, regardless of one's feelings about the anonymous admin account.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



<sigh> can I just ignore your post as I don't want and can't bring myself to argue with you ?



<sigh> can I just ignore your post as I don't want and can't bring myself to argue with you ?

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not supposed to argue with me. You're supposed to take my word for it, silly, flippant posting style aside.


Okay. Do me a favour and check when last I posted on the Virtue forums vs. how active I've been on the CoH forums at large. Now consider the possibilities that could make me come back to the cesspit of vanities. Now, do the math.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Last we heard, TonyV and SleepyKitty were looking into putting together a cross-server fan Wiki modeled after ParagonWiki AND Virtueverse, but be a seperate entity from both.

It would be open to any server that wanted to participate.

It would not take over VirtueVerse.

The questions in regards to ad placement/selection/exclusion, ad-free server space, and such have not been answered by TonyV, who's not been back since his last post a month ago.

I asked him to please clarify our concerns before we got into planning ANY "integration" steps, and so far no planning meetings have been proposed. So I'd say the idea is exactly where you left it, as an idea and not a planned change.

As for the unused image purge, this is part of running a large web-driven database, and comes under 'planned maintenance'.

As for the image size exclusion, it's simply common sense, and the fact that it wasn't implemented 'at the start' is simply because we had no one 'at the start' that was planning any sort of maintenance tasks. Virtueverse != Photobucket. It does mean I get to write up (or find) some guides on how to properly resize, crop, and resample images for the Web, and put them up for people to read so they know not only WHY they should limit their images, but also HOW to go about doing it.

I do know that we're looking to script as much maintenance as possible, including redirect cleanup (where links that lead to redirects are changed to lead directly to the targets, and the redirects then cleaned out) and possibly categorization and indexing. The trick is to find repetitive tasks that don't take much brainpower to do, and then script them so the bots can take over... and anything that comes back with an error is flagged for sysop review.

Less work for sysops, and then the only thing that keeps us from doing things we like to do (such as playing games) is dealing with problematic users. But I might be able to script that job too, come to think of it.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



<sigh> can I just ignore your post as I don't want and can't bring myself to argue with you ?

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not supposed to argue with me. You're supposed to take my word for it, silly, flippant posting style aside.


Okay. Do me a favour and check when last I posted on the Virtue forums vs. how active I've been on the CoH forums at large. Now consider the possibilities that could make me come back to the cesspit of vanities. Now, do the math.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay , Okay point taken . I'll step back for a couple of weeks and blow off Steam , Eisregan .

bleh I guess im not allowed to post in the Paragon Wiki thread either then , ah well I guess i'll level up a VEAT then decide where I stand .




Also as this is a Virtue forum dedicated to discussing things that affect Virtue I figure i'll post my mind , if you don't want dissenting oponions you really shouldn't have a stickied thread on a open forum .

[/ QUOTE ]

Dissenting opinions are all well and good.

But your posts are essentially nothing more than passive-aggressive picketing, from your attitude towards me all the way down to your signature. You're extremely free and loose with the naysaying, veiled insults and name calling, but when it comes to constructive posts you come up short.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging anyone from using it, I just HATE it and want it to die, and the people running it as well."

That doesn't make any sense, aside from the hating the people who run it part.

Who by the way are extremely HURT by that attitude. And yes, that's ME talking, not some faceless admin.

See, you've obviously forgotten that people on the Internet are still PEOPLE, and when you attack something they care about, you attack THEM, no matter how "veiled" you make it.

But since I'm just a sockpuppet, I guess that doesn't matter to you at all. Which is really sad that someone would become that utterly callous.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Its funny how Eis asks me to bow out , I state I am and then you want to continue arguing .

Please make up your mind Socksoul .

If you wish to play the "im totally innocent card" I'll be happy to link to both our DA journals , our e-mails and pm's back to each other that shows neither of us have played nice with the other .

Im not sure how my quote should offend as its essentially shia telling me im taking an imaginary wiki too seriously .

So yeah if you really want to scrap let me know and i'll happily oblige but otherwise Eis told me to bow out and I am , if you want me to continue well its easier to get my attention then sitting in a dark bathroom and saying bloodymary three times while spinning around in front of a mirror .



Did I mention I updated Jack Slayton's page!?!



Oi. I didn't ask you to bow out. You know me, I'm all for verbal bloodshed on the forums. It was more that I don't really think this was worth getting all worked up over.

Lemme fully recycle and complete the image I used elsewhere for everyone.:

From its conception, the Virtueverse project was comparable to a Mom n' Pop store. Small, family-run, exists to satisfy a need. The store is so popular for one reason or another that the customer base grows day by day. So the store has to expand. Buy more warehouse space, order larger quantities of goods, renovate etc.

At some point Mom n' Pop get a new accountant who looks over everything and realizes that while well-run, the store isn't being overly efficient. Maybe they overstock food and its spoils or whatever. I'm not House, make up your own reasons. The bottom line is, the new accountant finds a ton of ways to make the store more efficient. And since efficiency is a good thing, Mom n' Pop roll with it.

Now, what happened furthermore was that the local customers caught wind of this and immediately assumed the store was being sold to Wal-Mart. And since it's not for as long as I have shotgun shells, there's no need to worry... unless the customer base decides they'd rather have a Wal-Mart in town instead of the Mom n' Pop store.

(And if anyone wonders, I'm definitely not Mom.)

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Its funny how Eis asks me to bow out , I state I am and then you want to continue arguing .

Please make up your mind Socksoul .

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not asking you to continue. Quite the opposite. And I didn't say I was innocent. I said you're not being constructive with your criticism, and instead are simply being a brat for the sake of attention.

Now, as per Eis's advice, I'm going to stop giving you any more.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



well maybe not bow out but not to get worked up over it (shia told me pretty much the same and I qouted him ) but either way im taking a break from this thread unless someone pulls a beetlejuice and calls for me or unless I find a cool link to post

Anyways your post on the Paragon Wiki forums was very good , Heck I even liked Trains update on everything (which mirrored the one you sent me ) as it clarified alot of the items I had issues with .



Its funny how Eis asks me to bow out , I state I am and then you want to continue arguing .

Please make up your mind Socksoul .

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not asking you to continue. Quite the opposite. And I didn't say I was innocent. I said you're not being constructive with your criticism, and instead are simply being a brat for the sake of attention.

Now, as per Eis's advice, I'm going to stop giving you any more.

[/ QUOTE ]

And yet you still try to continue it , must get that last word in right Socksoul ?

Anyways im a brat and your a backstabber bleh bleh bleh .



Mhmmm. Then lemme toss in one more thing for the 'community' listening.

As I already said above, we're doing this thing for the community. If we just wanted to do our own thing and take along whomever could fit our mold, we'd have done that. If we wanted to lord over people... Gods, you have no idea how many Virtueverse entries I'd love to just delete because they're literary crimes even by US public school standards... or because I just plain dislike their authors (and most often, both). If we couldn't host it anymore, we'd have found a solution that is not Wikia.

Benefit of the doubt. You know this [censored] can turn into hard work. You think we'd want to see that go down the drain?

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Did I mention I updated Jack Slayton's page!?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah? I'm in the process of working through Little Zoe's page, too!

EDIT: Now with hot banner action!

Where do we go from here?



I'd be willing to bet if someone gave Virtue a corkboard to hang notices on we'd somehow find a way to turn it into Drama.



Basically, I'm trying to create an imagemap linking to my characters costumes for turnarounds. For those who don't know what that is, it's where you click on part of a picture to take you to another page, sort of a visual link. The problem is, is that I've tried putting one on Draco Templaris's Page, and it's not working. Does the VirtueVerse support imagemaps, or should I try something else?

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



There's a lot of HTML that is disallowed within a Wiki (so people can't hijack a page, for example) and also a lot of scripting is unsupported, again for the same reason.

You MIGHT be able to accomplish it if you slice your image into rectangular regions, then reassemble them with a borderless table.

The [[Image:]] markup displays the image AND creates a link to the image file's page, so you'd have to use HTML img tags and wiki links around them.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."