Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Which browser are you using, Soul?

Cuz I'm not seeing it when I change res.




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I will be tweaking.
I am shamed.



no shame, just figured you'd want to know, right?

And ... linked a screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Looks like Ransim went and tweaked it for me.

What a good pal.




Gotta set this out for folks to know.

It's one thing to put an in-character comment on your page about an adversary. But there comes a time when it turns into OOC sniping.

If you wish to engage in that kind of behavior, please, go start a blog someplace. VirtueVerse is not for that kind of OOC player versus player nonsense.

If you can't settle such things amongst yourselves, then the sysops will step in... and we won't be kind, we'll just remove references wholesale. And, if our edits are reverted... we'll simply lock the page once we 'fix' it again.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Yay! for drama! w00t.

'grats on 10k Posts, Soul_Train!




Gotta set this out for folks to know.

It's one thing to put an in-character comment on your page about an adversary. But there comes a time when it turns into OOC sniping.

If you wish to engage in that kind of behavior, please, go start a blog someplace. VirtueVerse is not for that kind of OOC player versus player nonsense.

If you can't settle such things amongst yourselves, then the sysops will step in... and we won't be kind, we'll just remove references wholesale. And, if our edits are reverted... we'll simply lock the page once we 'fix' it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? People can just ignore the page or the comment. Just seems like more work for the Sysops to police that kind of trivial stuff. There is a page that refers to someone eating Grae Knight's brain. I found it kind of funny. IMO someone should have the freedom to include whatever RP they desire on their page even if it is not very good (within the bounds of the terms of use of course).

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company




Gotta set this out for folks to know.

It's one thing to put an in-character comment on your page about an adversary. But there comes a time when it turns into OOC sniping.

If you wish to engage in that kind of behavior, please, go start a blog someplace. VirtueVerse is not for that kind of OOC player versus player nonsense.

If you can't settle such things amongst yourselves, then the sysops will step in... and we won't be kind, we'll just remove references wholesale. And, if our edits are reverted... we'll simply lock the page once we 'fix' it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? People can just ignore the page or the comment. Just seems like more work for the Sysops to police that kind of trivial stuff. There is a page that refers to someone eating Grae Knight's brain. I found it kind of funny. IMO someone should have the freedom to include whatever RP they desire on their page even if it is not very good (within the bounds of the terms of use of course).

[/ QUOTE ]

While I'm not privy to the reason behind this decision, it's very likely for legal reasons, Grae. Sad as it is, in many states a bit of flaming text deriding another person or a personal attack of some sort or another can be considered grounds for legal action - which means anyplace hosting such comments has a degree of culpability and is therefore subject to being on the receiving end of any potential lawsuits.

Where do we go from here?




Gotta set this out for folks to know.

It's one thing to put an in-character comment on your page about an adversary. But there comes a time when it turns into OOC sniping.

If you wish to engage in that kind of behavior, please, go start a blog someplace. VirtueVerse is not for that kind of OOC player versus player nonsense.

If you can't settle such things amongst yourselves, then the sysops will step in... and we won't be kind, we'll just remove references wholesale. And, if our edits are reverted... we'll simply lock the page once we 'fix' it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? People can just ignore the page or the comment. Just seems like more work for the Sysops to police that kind of trivial stuff. There is a page that refers to someone eating Grae Knight's brain. I found it kind of funny. IMO someone should have the freedom to include whatever RP they desire on their page even if it is not very good (within the bounds of the terms of use of course).

[/ QUOTE ]

While I'm not privy to the reason behind this decision, it's very likely for legal reasons, Grae. Sad as it is, in many states a bit of flaming text deriding another person or a personal attack of some sort or another can be considered grounds for legal action - which means anyplace hosting such comments has a degree of culpability and is therefore subject to being on the receiving end of any potential lawsuits.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I misunderstood it. I was thinking the comments were IC stuff. I suppose if someone was calling another player not character a [censored] I can see a problem with that.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Off-topic, but I fiddled with Eisregan's HeroBox to make it more cusomizable. Check out the ColoredHeroBox if you're curious.



Off-topic, but I fiddled with Eisregan's HeroBox to make it more cusomizable. Check out the ColoredHeroBox if you're curious.

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Very cool.

I've gone and updated Jack Slayton ...again.




Gotta set this out for folks to know.

It's one thing to put an in-character comment on your page about an adversary. But there comes a time when it turns into OOC sniping.

If you wish to engage in that kind of behavior, please, go start a blog someplace. VirtueVerse is not for that kind of OOC player versus player nonsense.

If you can't settle such things amongst yourselves, then the sysops will step in... and we won't be kind, we'll just remove references wholesale. And, if our edits are reverted... we'll simply lock the page once we 'fix' it again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? People can just ignore the page or the comment. Just seems like more work for the Sysops to police that kind of trivial stuff. There is a page that refers to someone eating Grae Knight's brain. I found it kind of funny. IMO someone should have the freedom to include whatever RP they desire on their page even if it is not very good (within the bounds of the terms of use of course).

[/ QUOTE ]

While I'm not privy to the reason behind this decision, it's very likely for legal reasons, Grae. Sad as it is, in many states a bit of flaming text deriding another person or a personal attack of some sort or another can be considered grounds for legal action - which means anyplace hosting such comments has a degree of culpability and is therefore subject to being on the receiving end of any potential lawsuits.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I misunderstood it. I was thinking the comments were IC stuff. I suppose if someone was calling another player not character a [censored] I can see a problem with that.

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That was exactly the problem. We had a few people who were using their character pages to sling insults at each other OOC'ly. Sadly, they did not honor requests to remove said insulting passages, and one even went and created a new page with the code from his existing (locked) page, so as to reinstate the offending text. So, uhm, yeah, big mess.

Don't get me wrong. I HATE having to edit people's pages for content. and having to do so because the authors refuse to edit themselves... I get grumpy when I have to do that.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Why? People can just ignore the page or the comment.

[/ QUOTE ]
Unfortunately, this requires a level of maturity (and self-confidence and self-restraint) that some people do not possess. The recent incident on the Virtue wiki is just one of countless examples.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I know i probably shouldnt do this, but i want to.

The incident on VV is my fault. I took the wrong action by doing vandalism to the person who had a character's name of mine on his page and a very rude description which i did not like.

I did not think of reporting it to the syops at the time, my mistake. It shot out like wildfire with various pages attacking my character, and my page having to get locked again after the assult via the picture and messed up VV, but this one couldn't be settled and done with as fast.

In the end, i am sorry for causing the problem

I had no intention for the people to bring it to VV




Updated Payback in Spades now that he's 50. Still not a ton of content, but I promise I'll add more in the future. Now I just need to write more and convince Londer to draw more.



I created a new template for those interested in adding a little color to their sections on friends and foes...

Behold, the AllyBox!



I created a new template for those interested in adding a little color to their sections on friends and foes...

Behold, the AllyBox!

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I love the AllyBox! I just added it to Little Zoe's page and will probably be doing it to others after I finish up the other headings on her page that aren't quite done yet.

Where do we go from here?



Yeah, it's good stuff.



Currently working on my virtueverse page for Tiny Atomic. Any tips, critiques, or advice is welcome.

Thoughts on the ITF: "What? 600+ men in loincloths running around and you're going to tell me not one of them has had something slip out?"



Ooh, De, How fancy.

Mine are all so bland. *shrug*

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Currently working on my virtueverse page for Tiny Atomic. Any tips, critiques, or advice is welcome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite nice.



Really enjoying some of the new pages and updates!
Everyone is doing a terrific job.

Edited for clarity.



I just began a page for my new main Planet Smasher. New to the whole thing, but I think it's going all right so far. Will be looking to add more in the future.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!
