Unofficial Handbook to the Virtue Universe




Okay... went and updated the page for The Zenvious Foundation. I think I'm gonna have to revamp it soon to make it look better.

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I agree with _Antares_ .
Your UHVU page is really very good.
I shall eventually steal some of your ideas.



Updating Tiny Atomic 's page. Once again, any advice, comments or thoughts are welcome.

Thoughts on the ITF: "What? 600+ men in loincloths running around and you're going to tell me not one of them has had something slip out?"



Updated John Talbot's page a bit. Much more to come...



Upadted John Talbot's page a bit. Much more to come...

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I erupt into flames if I attempt to edit someones wiki but this obviously needs a quick fix

"At age 26, John was approached by his old friend, Jean-Luc, come come work for him at Daedalus, Inc., the company he started with the earnings from the sale of their earlier invention."

Very eye catching entry



Fixed. Thanks.



I started up on my profile for Alruna's Sword, i have a question however

How do people get that black background and such?



Relying heavily on the Anti-HeroBox and S.C.O.R.P.I.O.'s ScorpioBox, I have created two new hero info boxes.

The first is for use by members of The Zenvious Foundation. You should be able to see the influences involved in making it. Here is the ZenHeroBox.

The second was just something I did for fun, for my first (and sometimes forgotten) 50, Little Zoe. I present to you, the FlowerBox. (Pardon the incomplete page for Zoe, if you check it out. I really need to get back and finish it...)

Feel free to use the FlowerBox on any of your pink-and-light-blue, rainbows-and-unicorns, clear-sky characters. *grins*

Where do we go from here?



Those new templates are great!
Love Little Zoe's page, btw.



The Flowerbox is awesome!!
I am supremely jealous of your skill!
And the skill of anyone who can create such cool templates.
If I had the chops I'd create one for Imitation. Hmmm...maybe I can....maybe....
Very very cool stuff happening on the Wiki.



Thanks, guys. I learned a little bit about templates doing that - I'm gonna have to keep digging and learn more, of course.

If you need help with one for Imitation, lemme know.

Where do we go from here?



Possiably of use to spiff up pages

This allows you to easily create Magazine covers from pictures

so find a cool screen shot and follow the easy to use directions to create your very own Paragon Voice magazine showcasing Captain Amazings 10 tips for losing your love handles ...or something heroic



Made a minor update to Hero Prime's page. I did a custom-layout thingy for his Discussion Page, too, should you feel inclined to comment. *grins*

Where do we go from here?



Made a minor update to Hero Prime's page. I did a custom-layout thingy for his Discussion Page, too, should you feel inclined to comment. *grins*

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Sweet! Used it in my Huntsman Antares page!



Finally made a page for Terra Skye. Go me.

Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow

Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red

Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar

All on Virtue



Made a minor update to Hero Prime's page. I did a custom-layout thingy for his Discussion Page, too, should you feel inclined to comment. *grins*

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What happened to the Red Circle font?



Just added a story that wound up being a 3 part project to torment everyone in S.C.O.R.P.I.O. with to Cyber Knights page.

Be forewarned there is *some* mature language. I'll correct formatting and such later.



Made a minor update to Hero Prime's page. I did a custom-layout thingy for his Discussion Page, too, should you feel inclined to comment. *grins*

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What happened to the Red Circle font?

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Er... it's still there when I look at it...

Where do we go from here?



Er... it's still there when I look at it...

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I just figured out that you have to have it installed on your PC to see it.



Yes, you do.

I get some weird serif font that subs for it on my work system.

Altho' I'm tempted to download and install it. you know, for those spiffycool Powerpoint presentations. The ones my boss is always dishing off on me to put together.

Yeah, those. The ones with the TABLES.

.... on second thought, there's no font in the world that can save those...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Hey there.

I have a lot of Virtueverse pages. Little Miss Vagary and Jade Ohm being two of the main ones.

However this post is about the one I've put the most effort into.

Winsome Blue

Thanks to Zenvious's help.. thanks hubby!.. It's now got quite a few pictures! I've even added themesongs to different sections!

I'm really excited and I'd love for you guys to check it out. There are more songs to find and add still. Stories and new sections are always coming up too.

For any of you out there that know her IC, feel free to add your character's words about Blue on the "Say what you will" section at the bottom.

Hope you like it!




Hey there.

I have a lot of Virtueverse pages. Little Miss Vagary and Jade Ohm being two of the main ones.

However this post is about the one I've put the most effort into.

Winsome Blue

Thanks to Zenvious's help.. thanks hubby!.. It's now got quite a few pictures! I've even added themesongs to different sections!

I'm really excited and I'd love for you guys to check it out. There are more songs to find and add still. Stories and new sections are always coming up too.

For any of you out there that know her IC, feel free to add your character's words about Blue on the "Say what you will" section at the bottom.

Hope you like it!


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That would be...
<ul type="square">[*]Little Miss Vagary [*]Jade Ohm

-and-[*]Winsome Blue[/list]

Where do we go from here?



Thanks, YOU! *hugs Zenvious a whole heck of a lot*
