98 Sketches!




I think I just missed the cut, but in case I didn't, here is mine.

Cajun Cutie Bio

Cajun Cutie Screenie

And happy birthday to your grandfather! I bet he has some awesome stories to tell.


Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels



First off, a very happy and healthy birthday to your grandfather!

Jonny Icon

Icon: The last name says it all. Cocky, nigh-invulnerable and not bad to look at either. He's trying to be a modern hero role-model for kids and teens while also trying to be one half of the Executive Officers for the Futura Force company. (FUTURA, not futa!)



Its my birthday too ^_^
one of my pics
Blazing Tiger is my Main and shes amazing. Inv/fire tank her powers and costume come from her magical mask.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



Happy B-Day !!!!!!!!, from the Sphere.

Sphere of Light

Pic: Sphere of Light

Sphere of Light is one of the 8 elements of the Sphere, an all encompassing force, that is here on earth for good. In order to bring this place back into harmony and balance.

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Well [censored] yeah! 98 years and still kickin' is awesome indeed! I'll help celebrate!

Bio: http://www.virtueverse.com/index.php/Patty-Sue_Ivanova

Short bio: A Crey project to be a blank-slate body-double for Countess Crey (in case she ever needed a new body to place her mind into), this clone gained sentience and escaped. She now fights the good fight... but with a rather unfavorable dark streak that's a constant reminder of her origins.

Here's a few more pics:




Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Happy B-Day to him

Kegi's Bio
The original Kegi-Bot was created by Scrap Cat to be used as a decoy for Kegan. Scrap attempted to power the small robot she called Kegi with a shard crystal she confiscated from some COT. This crystal was holding the Warshade named Kodie. The process woke Kodie from her slumber and she took over the robotic suit and took the name Kegi as her own. There is, despite popular belief, only one Kegi-Bot. The numbers following her name designate the weapons she is currently carrying.


Photo One
Photo Two



1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16

[/ QUOTE ]dang man, that's awesome, thanks a ton



Gothika is a gothy bookseller at an occult bookstore by day, and hangs out in cemeteries by night. Oh, and in her spare time she uses her magic to catch evildoers! People think that just because she's all gothy she's also emo, but nothing could be further from the truth. Gothika is actually quite happy, and loves to share spells and talk about things mystical with other magicians.

Oh, and happy birthday to your grandpa!

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



Happy Happy Birthday to him!!

Kaijah's Brief Bio:

- One of the twin fairies of destiny, Kaijah destined for light, it was written in the books of old, for one of the twins, will be on the road of goodness, and one on the road for evil, to which destiny cannot be changed, Kaijah proves that destiny can be changed, for her faith and happiness and for the good of her lost sister in darkness Kaenala.

Kaijah Photo 1

Kaijah Photo 2

Thank you!

Edited the URL for bigger and clearer images sorry about the weird size of the first and again thank you.




Poltergyst is effing awesome!!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

and of course, all the others thus far are incredible.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



Jack-A-Lantern is really great from this last batch. This has become a favorite thread of mine to keep up on . And Happy Birthday Blazing Tiger too!

And for those of you not keeping count (which seems like a lot of you) My count is 77 spots currently (counting 2 placeholders at the moment) That means 21 more spots left, unless my counting skills have failed me again.



Wow...looking at those, I REALLY hope I made it in time.



I've got 75 so far in my list.



Longbow Threat Report STLKR EM/Nin - It can be inferred that although the heroes hunted down the majority of Cybrid civilization in retaliation for their genocidal acts towards humainty, Cybrids chose to infiltrate human society, rather than completely retreat from the galaxy. The only known Cybrid through out the galaxy is Mercury. Cybrids are shown to have no emotions or feelings, including pain, sadness, or even fear of death. Furthermore, it is unknown whether they eat, drink, sleep or anything that may be a trait of living. The intentions of this group are unknown, as conclusions cannot be drawn from an individual concerning an entire group, but it is known that those humans who are aware that there are Cybrids among them are naturally suspicious of their motives.

The Ruthless Cybrid Mercury



1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome work as always, Alex!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Congratz to Grampa! Happy 98th

Looks like there are couple slots left for this gift, so here is Forgotten.Son. Thanks for looking.



Action shot



Wow...that's awesome Alex. Celebrated my grandfather's 90th in August here.

Art huh...oh what the hell, this is for your fun too, have fun with Roxy Acetylene, as SFW or NSFW as you feel like :7

Live Action mockup
Some outfits
Usual outfit

Pyrokinetic, hedonistic, rockstar. That's really pretty much it :7



i'd love another pic of milkshakes...i'll edit here in a few minutes with some reference material...i gotta make sure all the links are still working

Edit for linkage

milkshakes one
milkshakes two
milkshakes three
milkshakes four
strawberry bananna shake

So milkshakes is exactly who you think she is...the cat from the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy. Being a mischieveous kitty she got to playing with Grim's scythe and BAM! she was blown away...another of her nine lives gone. minus three others due to various Billy and Mandy adventures. because of the absolute power of Grim's scythe, when she awoke she was no longer a cat but catgirl, with a dreadful wail and the ability to warp space time around her paws, now hands and feet, to unleash dangerous amounts of power and energy. She soon learned to control this new found power and used it to propel herself through the air or smash and shout her enemies down.

Later in life she began to lead other kats and kittens through their lives as super heroes, as one of the primary leaders of the Feline Fellowship SG.

Likes: itteh bitteh kitteh commiteh motivational posters

Dislikes [reads detests]: that stupid "my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard" song and the various jokes and dumb questions it inspires.

oh one more edit
Happy birthday alex's grandpa

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Well, I wasn't going to request anything, but got prompted a bit by a friend, so decided too after all. Leaving the toon choice up to you though I've already got a sketch from you of my main, LadyLiberty in my sig, so a very special thanks (again) in advance.

Arabella Van Helsing, my DB/SR scrapper, descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, but has taken a much more adventurous approach to hunting vampires than he did. Front Back/Side

SpectralStorm, Illusion/Storm controller. Not much of an origin yet for this one, beyond being "Magic" :/ Pretty typical hero I guess at this point, but, with really nifty/flashy powers Front Back/Side



here is my blaster Anubys Psy, I think she is the best of my toons at this point



full side shot

I hope you sketch her, would be nice to see an outside view of her through another person's eyes !!



Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

Note, if the system let me, he would have some tribal tattoos going up from his wrists, along the arm, and connecting across the back.

Allen Rojeck was an active kid growing up. He got interested in some martial styles, eventually settling on duel-wielding swords (okay, also a somewhat geeky kid...).

Between his obsession with things that go bump (slice, punch, etc) in the night, and his natural nocturnal tendencies, he got nicknamed "Rajani Isa" by an exchange student from Asia - India, his memory serves. Or at least, Rajani is what it was by the time the American kids were done with it. Apparently it meant something along the lines of "Night Lord".

When in high-school, when everyone else was choosing what they would do after school ended for the senior class, he couldn't decide. When this was found out by the class clown, he said "Move to Paragon, become a hero! Put your swords to use!" and laughed. Soon the rest of his friends were saying it would be a great idea. And when he tried to refuse, saying he had no powers, his classmates would point out people like Manticore, or Foreshadow who had no power that actually helped him fight (just feel guilty).

The idea stuck, and grew, until after graduation, he hopped on a train and headed East.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.