1425 -
Castle has been a player longer than he's been a dev. Damn good one, too. One of my favorite screenshots from Sunday, April 25, 2004:
Quote:If you look deep enough into the history of the game, Cryptic set up representitives for each archtype in the game. Castle represented stalkers. I don't think the program actually lasted very long but, as far as I'm concerned, Castle IS the patron saint of stalkers.Was it Castle that made EA strong and pretty? I already said he'd be missed, but now I have to reiterate it. My stalkers will miss you, Castle!
- Frangere [BS/EA] & Rose Moll [Claws/Nin] -
Hehe, Smoke Grenade was actually the first ever UBER power, wasn't it? The first guy to hit level 40 exploited it heavily. It had a decimal error making it 10 times stronger than it should have been.
Knockbacks are great as long as you don't play stupid. (And I'm talking about both the player with the power and the allies. You don't HAVE to chase down the mob that got tossed into the next spawn, you know.)
Sleeps are very strong, particularly in smaller groups of smart players.
Dimension Shift is probably the most underrated. That's even harder to use right but again, small groups and smart players can make it work quite well. Especially since we got the ability to change the effects.
(Wormhole? Who is rating Wormhole badly? That power has always been great, even when it was single target.) -
Have you looked through the Codex?
You might also just play the game and, when you get knocked on your back, make a quick demo to see what position you are in. -
Quote:You are forgetting something, ancient one. A real standout feature. AMD/ATI is trying to pull together a hodge podge to get a 3D solution going but NVIDIA is way out in front. And it works with a lot more than 3 or 4 games!
so basicly, If you looking for a brand name, sure get it.
or, if you want the brand name and just want to spend as much money as possible for rendering that only 3 or 4 pc games todate can handle... sure...
A pity it doesn't work with OpenGL games like City of Heroes. <sigh> -
Patch time is always dangerous. All those bugs that one person thought he saw one time in beta testing suddenly turn into monsters that hit dozens every night.
The 258.96 have been working great on my 480, not one crash in game. (Not one crash in any game, come to think of it, except Fallout 3 - and I've modded the behoovies out of that game.) The 460 is brand new so I wouldn't try going back very far.
100C is *hot*. I wonder if the fan on the card is broken in some way? -
Quote:It better not. Aero is supposed to turn off automatically when you pop up a full screen game, then come back on when you quit or tab out.
I think it also lowers the resources usage of the desktop that Aero can have while CoH is running.
Unfortunately, OpenGL support just keeps fading more and more. Cryptic seems to have dumped it for Champions/STO. Vista almost didn't support it at all. NVidia isn't bothering to make 3D Vision work with it. Oh well, at least this will encourage NCSoft to make a City of Heroes 2. -
It would be too long on one thread, IMHO.
Elegant Party Favor - this one had a LOT of bosses when I solo'd it (everything at normal difficulty except my scrapper was treated as three heroes).
I also couldn't quite figure out the dialog from my double in the heroic morality mission. The second paragraph of dialog made no sense at all.
It was very hard to pass up the chance to beat on Phipps! -
Oh man - if it was "attempted CoP 100 times" I would be set.
Sounds like part of the Pinnacle cluster is dying, then.
The non-destroyable object is probably just a flat-out bug. Use the /bug command to report it. Be sure to mention it's a tip mission and the title of the mission. -
Quote:I've been out of circulation for a bit but... what the heck is this??
C:\Program Files\ASUS\GPU Boost Driver\GpuBoostServer.exe -
Aw man, all this nVidia talk and nobody mentioned 3D? ATI users are getting locked out!
Justice has had lag but nothing too terrible. Just some delayed powers and extra-crazy following AI.
If your friends are able to play on the servers fine but you aren't then it isn't likely to be a server problem. Some other problem may just so happened to have started on Monday. Such is the nature of "coincidence".
What does your /netgraph look like? -
Half a gigabyte of memory is going to be rough - really rough. And your video chip is going to be trying to use that memory, too. Turn off everything you can. No email program, no instant messaging, no little programs to tell you it's raining outside, no web browsers... you want the bare minimum.
(HiJack log will tell us what's running. CoH Helper will tell us what your system has and what your CoH settings are.) -
Is there a file called Cityofheroes.old already sitting in that directory? If so, delete it and try again. If not, just delete the cityofheroes.exe and let it download again.
You might try turning off your virus scanner while updating. Do NOT go anywhere on the web or even open email while the scanner is off, though. It would probably be a good idea to hit Windows Update before you try that, too.
That is a bit odd. Bad RAM tends to blow you up pretty fast - like within the first 15 minutes of play. Plus it tends to give you random modules causing the problem on the blue screen instead of just one all the time.
Ah well, if it works, it works. -
Quote:Quoted for emphasis - this thread is for common solutions, NOT PROBLEMS! The last version of this thread grew massive with people posting about random problems, drowning out all the solutions.
Please start a new thread... -
I just had an odd thing happen while updating. The files all downloaded fine but, when the 'applying' step started, it just sat there with no progress and an insane expected time - just like Unknown's screenshot. However, I wasn't very patient. After maybe 15 seconds I popped open AVG anti-virus, disabled the active shield, quit the updater, and restarted the updater. The applying step started changing files in less than five seconds.
I did this on both test and production.
P.S. I did a verify files on the production updater and everything verified just fine. If this were a false positive coming from AVG, wouldn't that have failed? I seem to be able to play the game just fine, too. -
Quote:When hasn't that happened? People are constantly having problems. If the problems just so happen to occure soon after a patch, people blame the patch. It's the very reason the word 'coincidence' was made.
And I know many people with other cards (ATI, nvidia) are having all kinds of weird issues too, so it's not like I'm the only one complaining that my game is crappy after i17.
This particular problem isn't likely to be one of those cases, I'm just saying that the chorus of "OMG Issue X broke my computer!" is downright expected. -
Quote:I'm not quite following that. Are you saying that you are adding NVIDIA's effects on top of the effects CoH is already doing??
If you use the Nvidea control panel to force high settings then run the game, you will find that even if the in game settings are set to the same, you will most likely still get better looking graphics.
P.S. Intel graphics chips have been screwed since Issue 0. It's impressive that the game works on them at all. -
I had an 8800GTX on Windows 7 64-bit for most of beta testing and kept up to date with the drivers. No problem at all. Occlusion would slow me down a lot but there was no crashing.
Now I'm on a 480 and using the 197.41 drivers and everything is great. I can use more of the occlusion options (though cranking them all up to max still brings me down to single digits). Stability is still rock solid.
P.S. I haven't been doing the old uninstall/sweep/install bit for at least a year. NVIDIA seems to be doing a lot better with driver installations lately. Or maybe it's a Vista/Win7 thing.