Demo Help Plz
Have you looked through the Codex?
You might also just play the game and, when you get knocked on your back, make a quick demo to see what position you are in.
I've done that. Still nothing. I see stuff about ragdolll but I have now clue lol. But the main thing I was neding help with is repositioning the mercs. So far I can change mov so I am still looking trying to find good ones.
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Introductions, Obey,
See if this give you the effect you're looking for:
for each Merc you want face up:
Adjust the Pitch in the PYR to 3.14
Lower the Z axis in the POS XZY to -4
add +/- 3.14 to the Yaw in the PYR
so for instance Merc #455 changes from
0 455 POS 52.671875 4 -577.421875
0 455 PYR 0 2.294835 0
0 455 POS 52.671875 -4 -577.421875
0 455 PYR 3.14 -.84 0
If you want the mercs on the ground, hit the Codex for the 4 or 5 DEADGUARD MOVs. Try those.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Cool. That should help witht he MOV. But I am still having trouble with the POS of them. The entire map keeps disappearing, no baase and they are just hovering in mid air...
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
If you want the mercs on the ground, hit the Codex for the 4 or 5 DEADGUARD MOVs. Try those.
Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
Thank you. Testing out those MOVs moved the figures enough so that they werent ontop of each other. so in the end I didn't need to move them.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
Working on the seventh issue of my comic. I have 100% of it done cept for one... one and only one shot. I am having trouble editing it because its in a base and using the main editor I use, it gets wanky in bases... So I am hoping for some help here.
I am trying to have it so that all of these guys are knocked out around Stalkling, all except for the General who is standing back in fear. I am having trouble repositioning them. I was also trying to figure out how to have some of them on their back but I can't seem to find any MOV for that.
If you want to know what happens before this, they had Stalkling on his knees and about to shoot him. He was able to "rez" himself off of the mercs, so there energy was sucked out while they screamed bloody murder. This is the shot of them after that. Stalkling will rising up and the others are on the ground around him... cept for the General who is in fear a few steps back.
I'd greatly appreciate any help on this.
Thank you.
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,