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Here is a partial shot of the gathering from the back row. Hopefully it will help the short people find themselves in the other shots, since Imageshack love to shrink things.
And for those interested, The Battalion! -
Thanks to everyone who made tonight a blast. Your hard work is appreciated.
It's not over, we're just fighting evil in another dimension! -
Any port in a storm I guess.
Brute Ice Armor was awesome. I just took years before most Broot players got over their obsession with being attacked to generate Fury. There was nothing wrong with the set and plenty wrong with the players.
Thank you for compiling this information, Good Vegetation.
Its City of Heroes. Starting over is sort of its shtick.
I still wonder what in blazes was up with the Coming Storm.
Well, now what do I do with these?
Best of luck on the job search! -
Crud, does this mean Philotic Knight was right too? And Unique Dragon?
Quote:Besides, Victory has two flavors of Hamster: Regular and Goatee!Let's hear why your server should be the destination of choice for character transfers.
Victory is a very active badging and taskforcing server. It has a large community of knowledgeable players and a relatively low idiot-to-signal ratio. Victory Badges and Victory Badges 2009 are very active channels for forming taskforces and groups. (Victory Badges is, sadly subject to the 'full channel' bug). -
Quite true, however, Kheldians do quite well solo. They have far higher base damage than Defenders, and have built in survival tools on par with Stalkers, if not Scrappers overall. I consider their Inherent Travel Powers their solo Inherent, and the Links the teaming inherent.
I still hold by my pre-inherents-for-all position, Defenders should have an inherent that is primarily based on the Blast sets. If possible it should improve the Defender's team support role, and help while solo. -
Nope, no such animal at present. Take a look around in game, any such tech equivalent is part of a larger object, so it sadly isn't even something that could be quickly imported.
It shouldn't be an issue though, the Generator's Health is still clearly visible in the target window. When its endurance drops, its dead for certain. When you see an unaffected message from the head, or spot rikti by the gens, its back up.
An interesting idea, but there are quite a few pitfalls in what you laid out. After all once information is on the net, its there forever, giving out your address is potentially dangerous. Plus singular books are a bit limited in use and appeal.
Why not arrange it as an e-book? Create a domain to host it and set up submission rules. This would include a contract regarding submission use, and limitations on 'publication.' (Online use only, prints for personal use, and not for profit printings by the site.) A standard agreement could be tweaked easily enough, and I'm sure some of the legal types around could help with that.
Format of submissions would follow the needs of the printed version, obviously. But this way far more people could enjoy the collective works, than three books would allow for. Plus you could even expand into secondary articles that would break the page limitation and strictly appear in the online format.
As for titles, what about Paragon Hero Registry for a hero volume and Ledger of Destiny for a villain one? Region can be denoted by the publication information, or could be done away with if submission numbers are low enough. -
Nice thread with some nice (or even funny) letters.
None of my characters were heroes at the time of the war, but one could have been of use...
Funny at a time like this my first thought is 7 years is an awful long delay in calling in dead for work. I hope you figured out what happened years ago.
You know I've spent every moment since the war began working to outfit the heroes with the enhancements they need, and of late, Omega Team. Its been nice having my one gift put to such good use for once. I even managed to perfect a few new ones. You've surely found my notes by now, if not Azuria has a copy... Which probably means it was stolen before I started writing this. Damn.
My Aunt Petunia just died of a heart attack, and no one else is available to replace her on a minute's notice. Thankfully, the barrier spell is mostly within my one talent of enchantment. I only hope I can do the job, gods help you all if I can't. ...It occurs to me the Old Warhorse probably foresaw this coming. Why else would she have insisted I go with her when I could work better in the shop? She knew it was the only way to get me to believe I could be more than a magesmith, after all I never even managed to master the Apprentice Charm. This war has made heroes out of the most surprising people, and that just might include me.
Ah, time to go! Check out the Hellions, they've been getting into things they shouldn't.
Unto the breach-
Eric Magnusson. -
I'd do it. It would be nice to have a chance to have a lasting impact on an MMO for once, even if it was just as a plaque somewhere.
The trick would be to tie it in to a game event so everyone can participate in part. That way even those thousands of us who don't get to be on Omega Team part Deux get to have fun too! -
Which one? There are quite a few scattered about, identical to the one used for the Woodsman Trial. When Hamidon spawns, all the Monsters head right for them to bug out. Its been a while, but I believe the Abyss has some too for the same purpose.
Thunderous Blast is great to have for a Kin. Unlike everyone else, a Kin can use a nuke willy nilly, and can even make great use with just the default slot! Make sure to have a Catch a Breath insperation on hand, and a full load of Fulcrum Shift buffs on you. Then its "push button to destroy enemies," pop a blue pill, and refuel with Transference off any survivor.
I don't use it as a regular power, and thus didn't find the need to slot more than an extra recharge in it, but its great for showing off or wiping out an extra spawn of enemies in an emergency. It takes mere seconds to turn a potential catastrophy into xp and get back to whatever you were doing before. What's not to love? -
Quote:Other features that have been announced before their time:There's been a lot of things that have been stated over the years, that have been mentioned by dev's here and there, about things that would happen but never did or has yet to come to fruition and is actually planned. I'd like to list them here. I don't think I have 10. Please feel free to add to this....
In no particular order....
1. The Vault
Announced twice, canceled twice. As stated before, the system caused too much lag on the internal server.
2. Tearing Down/Removal of the War Walls
A comment from Lighthouse pre I10. In I10 the War Walls did come down, as the Rikti invaded. Since that time Lighthouse confirmed that is what he was talking about. The eternal construction in Steel Canyon only exacerbated the confusion.
3. Cathedral of Pain
Announced as a CoV feature, and actually went live for part of a single cycle. Removed due to massive xp exploit, that allowed someone to click their way to 50 at no risk. SG Bases are on the schedule, expect to see this revisited someday, particularly as multi-group trials would open up a whole new type of content.
4. Working Arena Tourney's
In every Arena Kiosk as of I4, nonfunctional since then. While I have no idea if the scheduled matches are working now, there are new player tournament options as of I15. As a bonus, the Arena badges that had art in I4, finally work.
5. Arena Wagering/Gambling (I really thought this was a feature of i4, but looking at old notes, I swear things have been truncated)
Player request, I can't find or recall a single Developer comment on the subject. It could be used as another inf. sink if done right though.
6. Incarnate EAT
Commentary from Statesman, along with Avilians, and Blood of the Black Stream. Avilians were made superfluous by the awe inspiring skill of the animation department making wings available to any character. As of I12 the implication is that Incarnate is a lost Origin. Watch for developments, it isn't forgotten, just not important to the story yet.
7. IoP's
See Citadel of Pain. No CoP, no IoP. Note that these are not truly gone from game, as some SGs on Shibboleth/Test still have them.
8. Resetting the Chess Style Ranking System
No clue what you are referring to.
9. Working 75 vs 75
The original reason given for the 75 member SG cap. If Hamidon raids have taught us anything, its that having 150 people fighting in a small area isn't one of the game's strong suits. With most SGs, even with the 150 character cap, having far, far fewer than 75 players, don't expect this to ever happen.
10. A reason why HO's reduced to 33% even though ED was eventually put into place, even though the reason for reducing it was because there was no ED.
E.D. or no, Hamidon Enhancements are still quite powerful at the strength of two SOs. They are still stronger than any other enhancement for that role. And to be fair, this really isn't a feature, like the other items on the list.
S.S.O.C.S.- The Super Secret Out of Combat System. Teased repeatedly in the game's early days. Several ideas were tossed around internally for a skill system and discarded as being to boring or difficult to use. We have every indication that this is what eventually led to the Invention System.
Epic ATs- Avilians, Coralax, and Blood of the Black Stream, were all mentioned once, by Statesman. Avilians are obviously now superfluous. Coralax, from what we have seen in game, could probably be dealt with by use of new costume options. I don't expect to see any of these EATs unless the Devs have story material that makes introducing them work in the larger part of the setting. -
Guides aren't missing, the links are just all invalid. (Still 52 pages of guides in the default setting.) Even the newest links in the Guide to Guides are awol, heck the Dev Digest links are all dead too. I suspect they're all pointing to the old forum's organization rather than the new forums. We'll probably need to organize an effort to dig up the new links.
Edit: Reading comprehension for the loose. Your right, there is a huge gap in guides now. While the oldest on that section of the forum is from 5/15/04 there is a huge jump to 06. Looks like it wasn't only PMs that were purged past 3 years. This is something I wish they had mentioned (or I had seen) I would have archived everything I could. -
If the forum's hadn't gone AWOL, I may never have looked at a twitter in my life. Glad its back, now if only id didn't look so funky.
Well, like the old forums and the apendix, some things just don't work. Then again, its day one, you may have a point and its not working. I prefer the old look too, this color scheme is just so blah.