152 -
Rofl! These are great! I especially like "El Supernatural Mexicano". You have GOT to keep this up.
I assume you're referring to this tutorial of Juggy's. I've yet to try it, but it's so very far from what I usually do, I imagine it would feel pretty odd.
Blue is the new tan? Didn't you hear?You slide by though because of your inherent awesomeness
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Off topic a bit, but are you really a "Cake Decorator" as your profile says, cause you know that would be so awesome...
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Yes indeed, Larissa, inquiring minds would like to know. ' -
Sweet! It really brings Ourea to life! Thanks for finishing it up! I'll try to get to inking it as soon as I can. On that note, if you don't mind, go ahead and send me the full scan. I like to work big.
Excellent! That's a really dynamic shot. I like it a lot! If you like, feel free to finish the leg, that way it maintains your style.
That's great dude! I'm glad you like it! If you decide to re-color it, lemme know, and I'll email you the PSD file, that'll make it even easier.
Well here ya go, I hope you like it!
Also, I'm emailing you the high-res version as well.
Jacobi Law -
Wow, that was freakin' incredible! I can easily rate this as the absolute best CoX video I've ever seen!
I thought it over a while back. I ultimately decided that between Myspace, the CoH Forums, drawing, playing CoH, and the fact that I actually have to work for a living too,
...there was no way I was creating a new profile on another social networking site.
Not that that really has anything to do with anything. Just that you won't see me around.
So, it's probably not worth it. -
I'm sorry, I had planned to respond several minutes ago, but I had to pick myself up off the floor, walk back to my chair, and spend several minutes thinking of non-funny things in order to regain my composure.
Well done, LJ! -
Cool, do you have a larger scan of it?
I started working on an info sheet for you, but then my PS crashed, and I decided I was putting way too much time into it.
PM me with your email address, and I'll send you the info. -
Man that's a really great piece, Jessup! I really like your style! I'd be happy to toss my inks on it if you like, but I don't think I've the time to color it.
Lemme know if you're interested. -
The one that's going on my Christmas list is the "Canon LiDE 90 Color Scanner". You can get them for about $75-$80 at probably any big-box electronics store (Best Buy, Circuit City, Etc). While I've never used one personally, I've taken the time to do some research on them, and they sound like one of the best scanners you can get for under $100.
Granted, I'm sure it's not the same quality as a $300 or $400 scanner, but for my purposes, it would be pretty much ideal. -
On second thought, I'd like to re-reply to Dandy1 in the proper respectful way...
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Rofl! If this is the usual response, I really should offer critiques more often!
EDIT: Btw Dandy, send me the toon you want drawn, I wanna try that color first line after bit...
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Okies. No time now, but I'll hit you up when I get home this afternoon. In fact, if you wanna PM me with your email address, I'll send you some nice, high-res images. Or at least as high as my monitor is big. -
I was thinking though, what if I splapped the color on first, then drew black line over it... Someone wanna be my guinea pig? First one gets the worm, uh art worm.
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*raises hand*
In all seriousness LJ, I think I can totally see what you're looking for in the so-called "watermarker" look. It's quick, simple, and lends itself well to an immediate sense of the picture being "more complete". However, I do agree with whomever it was that mentioned the importance of the shapes suggesting volume. I think that particularly when you're working with colors low in saturation (like these) each "section" of color should really convey a specific shape. By that, I mean that the colors should mostly stay within the outlines, and be applied so they capture shadows, even if still light.
All that being said, I don't really care for it (not to come off as rude). I have several reasons for that, so I'll try to sum them up for you.
First and foremost, they feel unfinished to me. While I recognize that the entire intent is spontaneity, simplicity, and speed, the result doesn't feel that way to me. Instead, they feel rushed, and a bit sloppy, if you'll forgive me for saying so.
Secondly, while I think most artists want to be diverse in their abilities, they just don't feel like they were done by the same artist. When I look at them, I have the notion that someone else has colored over your lines. I guess I mean that they lack cohesion with the rest of your work; like a different style. Granted, if you work with them for a while, then they may begin to pick up attributes from your usual methods, but I still don't think they'd represent the caliber of artist that I know you are.
Which leads me to my third and final point. I feel that if you intend to offer these as commission options, you're selling yourself short. Why? Well, as an artist myself, I don't want to be known as that guy that does lots of things, but is only so-so at them. I want to be Mike, the artist who is exceptional at one or two things, and pretty decent at some others.
That kind of sounds like I'm suggesting you try NOT to grow as an artist, but what I really mean is know your strengths, and market those. Kind of a "do one thing, and do it well" sort of mentality. Personally, I absolutely want to broaden my abilities, but I focus on one core area. I don't really want potential clients coming to me and asking me produce Dali-like surrealism, or Monet-esque impressionism. Why? It's just not me. It's not what I do. I figure, there are millions of other artists that are especially gifted in that kind of look. If a person wants that kind of work, they should go to one of those artists, not me. However, if someone wants a really kickass illustration or comic book inspired image, I want my name to be the first that comes to mind.
I guess it almost sounds like I'm selling MYSELF short with that sort of mentality, but I know what I'm good at, and I know what I'm not. I'll continue to work on the things I want to improve on, but in the meantime, I market my strengths, not what I'm still improving on. If someone comes to me asking for something else, sure, I'll do it; I just make sure they understand that I'm a McFarlane, not a Manet.
*sigh* Now I feel like an [censored]. Please don't be mad at me LJ, I love your work! -
I especially like the parts where the drummer repeatedly gets his face incinerated by the laser blasting out of his tom tom.
Pure creative genius! -
What would he wear if he found himself in a situation where he needed to protect his identity, but for some reason couldn't transform into his sentai version.
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And that is precisely why we need "Brown Paper Bag" as a helmet option. -
*hugs and pie*
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Mmmm..... I like pie.
Great work Juggy! I really like the green guy. -
I wish that happened to me each time I have a birthday.
Gratz! -
Thank you all so much!
And echoing another thread:
Your not LJ?... hehe
Edit: Oh wait! nevermind! 2 different LJ's!
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LJ, the other LJ's recent pic of your toon "LJ" is pretty awesome! I'm sure you're quite pleased.
Man, I'm gonna have to start calling you "LJ 1" and "LJ 2". -
That's some awesome art, dude!