Shameless Self-Promotion...
I especially like the parts where the drummer repeatedly gets his face incinerated by the laser blasting out of his tom tom.
Pure creative genius!
I always liked music videos like this. Wish they added more emoted to add more movements like air guitar, now that would be cool. But still great vid.

yeah, I was pining for an air guitar emote the whole time I was working on this one. Even jumped onto test to make sure there wasn't one in i11. heh.
A Guide to Champion Drama
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Ashcraft been published.
Nice video! But i dont like the music too much... (the editing is good though!)
I liked the music AND the video- well done Ash!
"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett

..Of my new video!
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A Guide to Champion Drama
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Ashcraft been published.