Discussion: The Rikti Return!




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.

The looming threat of the Rikti Invasion Force still hangs like a dark pall over Earth. Despite the best efforts of humanity, aggressive Rikti incursions still plague the planet. Advance warning systems indicate the Rikti are massing for attacks on the following dates throughout the year:

• March 7th through the 13th
• April 18th through April 24th
• June 13th through June 19th
• August 1st through August 7th
• Sept 26th through Oct 2nd
• November 14th through November 20th

Prepare for a desperate battle to save Earth from the Rikti Invasion Force! Aggressive Rikti forces will attack Paragon City and Rogue Isle with increased frequency at any time during the above dates! Some important items to remember about Rikti Invasions:<ul type="square">[*] When Zones within the cities are under attack, a world-wide alert will be issued by Vanguard. This alert will show up in your Chat window on the System channel, warning you in which zone attack is imminent.
[*] While the invasion is occurring, players do not receive debt while outdoors in an invaded zone.
[*] Those in that zone that do not wish to be at risk of Rikti attack are asked to take shelter immediately. They can do so by leaving the zone, or moving inside buildings or under cover (overpasses, parking garages, etc.).
[*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.
[*] Rikti bombs appear to be unstable and not 100% reliable. Some do not explode on impact and only embed themselves in the ground. These bombs have been noted to detonate after a time, so take caution when you see these. They can be disarmed or delayed by inflicting damage upon them.[/list]To assist organization of defense forces, Vanguard encourages all interested parties to coordinate activities via discussion threads on the Official Server Forums.

• Champion Server
• Freedom Server
• Guardian Server
• Infinity Server
• Justice Server
• Liberty Server
• Pinnacle Server
• Protector Server
• Triumph Server
• Victory Server
• Virtue Server

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Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you




[/ QUOTE ]



sweet now I can get the bomb badge on 2 of my toons



Yay. Thanks for the heads up LH.

Now to convince my brother to change his wedding date in August....

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I don't care what others may complain about. It's stuff like this that make this game fun.

Bring on the Rikti. They won't be getting this planet!

Ok.... I'm done now.

There are 3 kinds of people in this world
The kind that makes things happen

The kind that watch things happen

And then there are those of us who keep asking "WTH just happened!"



about time thanks lh

Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all




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Double yay!

Interesting that they have planned out these events for the rest of the year. Makes me wonder if these are somehow going to tie in with the whole coming storm stuff.

Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector

Cimarron - Protector Mascot
My DA Page



Awesome! Time to get some badges!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Massive Lag...spam team requests....hordes of heroes getting in each others way...SWEET!!! I'm in!! I love the invasions


"Scared of the bump in the night? Then bump the damn thing back!"

"You're a skid mark on the underpants of society."



Funny, for being so advanced, they sure can't keep a secret!

I love the raids and it gives everyone the oportunity to get the acolade (much easier than waiting for the LGTF to be completed).



Maybe if I beat enough of them, Rikti will let me be in his show....

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Thank YOU Devs!

I hoped that you guys would put them on a schedule one day. I really enjoy them.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho




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Now I need to make my list who want the Rikti sword and make sure I take care of them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Thanks, I been needing these badges for a while now. Any chance you can get the invasions that happen throughout the day to happen closer together so we have ample time to get these badges.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Yay, I can finally get the accolade for my redside characters! Stupid heavies.

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