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  1. I got my dark/dark dom from 16-41. I usually can't focus on one character for a long time, so getting someone up that high is unusual and awesome for me.
    Not to mention that she crushes like no other character I've played ^____^

    A lot of it was solo, but I ran an really awesome Renault (27-34 ahaha) with a fantastic team and was part of a great kill all ITF!
  2. LoveLife

    FPS screenshots

    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
    Good question, MaestroMavius. I don't have a copy, but when Zwillinger posts the FPS powerpoints next week try asking in that thread.
    It got posted back up on youtube.
    "This is the original, I just put it back up today. I figure it's okay now since it's been officially announced "

  3. ahaha I completely forgot that COHFaces exsisted! I hadn't been on there for years :P
  4. I'm looking for Escape Velocity

    It was a name I really wanted for my fire/time corr, so I ended up making it on Exalted since I could get the name.

    I'll probably end up transferring her over at some point anyway and think of another name, but just wanted to throw this out there in the universe in case whoever has it isn't using it.


    Edit: Request redacted! Sun Sneeze now on Champion
  5. LoveLife

    9 person CoP

    That's fantastic ^__^
    Great job!

    Play City of Heroes through the new NCsoft Launcher and get an exclusive Wisp aura!


    Just logged in and they look awesome ^_^
  7. LoveLife

    solo stf

    Wow, that is fantastic ^_^
    Great job!
  8. I indeed have not.

    Honestly, it was more a "how bad could it possibly be" + "VOMIT ON PEOPLE" thing, for me.

    And I figured it would have to be significantly reworked for corrs anyway, so am more excited for the idea of a poison set based on the MM one rather than a direct port with NG set to a teammate.
  9. I've gone so long without thinking about wanting a /poison corr and now my desire has been reinvigorated.

    *crosses fingers for i20 proliferation*
  10. LoveLife

    Corr or Blastr

    In my experience, blasters are much squishier.

    Also, corruptors are just better in almost every way. So pick them.
  11. I've been playing a mind/cold. I felt like another cold character and had been wanting to try mind control, so figured I might as well combine them - two awesome sets together, what could go wrong?
    She just hit 35 yesterday and getting sleet reconfirmed the amazingness of my decision.

    Great all around support character. Sleet probably doesn't have the best synergy, breaking sleeps and ruining fear, but it does slow and knockdown and is just ridiculously awesome, so I think that it's worth it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    Elec/Earth/Primal Forces

    1-shot minions
    2-shot lieutenants
    4-shot bosses
    I haven't gotten to epics yet, but I was also going to suggest elec/earth.
    Mine's only at level 29 and she is a beast.
  13. LoveLife

    solo Master LRSF

    Very nice! I've only heard of it done with /energy for pb, so great job ^__^
  14. This is one of the best things that I have ever read on these forums.
    Informative and had me laughing insanely hard. You win cookies.
  15. LoveLife

    XXP Results:

    elec/regen scrapper - 43-49
    mind/cold troller - 23-30
    ice/ice dom - 27-30
    Nothing spectacular, but I'm fairly satisfied

    OH, I almost forgot having some kind of weird hand spasm resulting in leaving BMT, only to have it fill to capacity immediately. I may end up becoming annoying asking for invites for a while >>
    Edit: Cobalt is the best kind of person, just sayin'.
  16. I'll be there!
    Either mind/cold troller or elec/earth dom
  17. This is really awesome of you!

    Also, your avatar makes me happy
  18. LoveLife

    Numina tonight

    You gals are beyond awesome; I'll take you up on that sometime
  19. LoveLife

    Numina tonight

    I just wanted to apologize to Amy, Angie and the rest of the team and I think most of you were logged off by the time I got back in and said it in BMT.
    My internet imploded or something, I really have no idea, it was out for over an hour :/
  20. LoveLife

    Remember Pwnz?

    Sounds vaguely familiar.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
    This is strictly a team pve toon. I shudder at the thought of running her solo.
    Granted mine is only on 28, but I'm fine solo. And I figure it would only get better as I get higher.

    But, yeah, I think that rad/fire is a great combo, especially for teams because the aoe damage is really insane
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    It's the hairstyle that comes with the martial arts pack.
    Crap! haha
    I didn't do research on the packs because I didn't want to spend the money, but new hair makes me excited ><
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Uses the wedding pack too. And I love boleros.
    Yes! I feel like I'll end up using them a lot. And I've been using the crap out of the wedding pack options since it came out - the bridal with lace is one of my favorite tops

    One question: What hair style is that? It looks like Mimee, but the bangs look different and my brain hurts, haha.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Hate you!

    I've been so strong, not buying the magic pack, but now I think I have to get it. She looks too awesome ^___^