Who are you really




i see we spend a lot of time playin with each other im curiuos to see who everyone is??? some know i own a used car lot so im on a lot waitin for my next victi.....err customer and i thought it would be kewl to see the real people behind the masks

also i find it better when you deal with people to know who they really are, you tend to have a little more manners when you can see a real face to the toons face
so ill start

who are you



Eh hook a brotha up with a Passat Danggit



i'm a humble servant of Space God Zargon of Omega Prime XACF.

when i'm in the earth realm, my host is a web designer/programmer, with two human children and a wife.

take me to your leader!



lol, I don't know if I would buy a used car from you! Maybe a used harley. Just kidding.
Anyway, I am computer teacher in real life. I work with emotionally and behaviorally disturbed teenagers at a private school. Just took this pic with my camera phone. Please note my flashy new shirt that my girl friend got me v-day.

my g-friend just got rid of her passat POS.
camera phone give me a break =D



I'm 20 and 3 days out of the week i work with autistic people. the other 4 days im either playing coh or doing something stupid elsewhere



i work 5 days a week, have 6 different bosses and they all suck. three are evil, one is nice( so nice she is evil), two are strict. oh yes and i am 13.. middle school. fun!



Barricage UNMASKED! Well I work in the Mortgage lending world, so you could imagine my stress. I have a beautiful 8 month old daughter, who if it wasn't for her I would've never played this game. I reside in the WESTSIDE! CALI BABY! This is my first MMORPG and loving it. as for pics... hah, ready to get scared...


dude with the most pics is none other then my egotistical self.



Eh hook a brotha up with a Passat Danggit

[/ QUOTE ]
im also a auto tech i fix what i sell i wont sell a VW i like to fix cars once an awhile not fix cars every day. VW = expensive parts not easy to diag and not easy to fix.



you...you.....you KILLJOY!!!!




The name says it all...rank and badge #. 14 years on the force, 9 on street credit.
The little guy is Gravanator, my lvl 13 son. (11 in the pic)

Detective2416 and Gravanator



"the easily-annoyed"

From: live by Chicago. From the 313. Yes, i'm a hater from the old school. No, i don't know Kid Rock or Eminem. Red Wings Fan.
Work: i do stuff.

Play:CoH, Hockey



What a great thread topic. Good show!

I am a 28 year old full time student (focusing on human services and writing), on educational leave from my job at a ginormous telecom company to get a degree so I can get out of said company.

I took advantage of the right I have long hoped for (and didn't expect so soon!) and am married (since August) to an awesome guy, also a CoH player, love 80's music and classic games, and volunteer as a counselor on an HIV Information hotline several hours a week.



I love these threads…

I'm a 30 year old print technician/analyst at a large insurance company here in Oklahoma City. Married to a fellow CoH player (who’s gonna transfer over to Champion once we get the new account and computer set up) and fellow comic geek. Aside from CoH and comics in general, I’m a huge soccer junkie. I usually play at least one game a weekend (but have gone up to five games in a weekend in the past), and try to watch it live and on TV whenever possible (big Manchester United fan).

Our only kids at the moment are the feline comedic duo of Spaz and Twitch, twin cats. (Have a picture of Twitch, too, I just need to upload it, but really, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ‘em both)



I ... am. That is all.



Full time university "student". It's in quotations because the word student implies studying at some point... Who has time to study when my Tank is only 33??



The man behind Dongonyei is a father of 4 who does Help Desk work. I recently began Duo'ing with my son who goes by Brass Knuckles. I'll look around and see if I have a photo to post.

Side note
A lot of my characters are named after reporters from NPR.

"Having a level 50 doesn't make you an expert"



(big Manchester United fan)

[/ QUOTE ]

Go Ruud!

Feb 23rd AC Milan (my fav) vs UTD. UEFA champions league



I'm a 14 year old in London, England, studying...stuff. That's really all I can think of to say about me...

Edited because I couldn't get the link to my picture to work at all...guess you miss out on that one.



I'm a 14 year old in London, England, studying...stuff. That's really all I can think of to say about me...

Edited because I couldn't get the link to my picture to work at all...guess you miss out on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, "miss" is the word, certainly not "spared the humanity of gazing on his Medusa-like visage". Nope not that.

Oh and I SMELL! HAH! Beat you to it Mr. Boot-Thief!

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Great idea for a thread by the way...



I have a bad case of OLD. I am a male nurse (RN) from Phoenix. I also have 4 kids ranging from 16 ot 10 (guess my age now) And I play ALLOT of CoH. My first MMOG and I think the best there is. Alwyas loved playing the RPG's. DOnt have any pic's cause I am a lazy [censored] and dont have a digital camera.



I am.... a unique freak of nature

26 year old geek with a long tech background of consulting, bobing, and network design, but somehow ended up as a program manager in our company's marketing division. I also own a motorspots company and tune cars as my other job.

Not married, no kids that I know of, don't expect either for years to come.

I love geeking, gaming, travelling the world, beer, food, [censored] about random [censored], cars, anime, and naughty girls.

I think that about sums it up.

My Blog Page
My Galleries



i'm 23, in graduate school certifying to teach high school math. i only have class 2 days a week now, so i'll be on more frequently.