Who are you really




Guess I'll keep the tradition going here, heh..

Well. 20 years old. Moved to Virginia around Thanksgiving. I like to write, make music (hip-hop, although I call myself moreso a lyricist than a rapper. My AIM's Halorin314 if you ever want to hear some of my stuff), and Basketball.

Recently got into modelling. I guess we'll see how that goes, and now for the goods.

My Face.



I am a manager in a call center. I have one child around 12 and play a ton of music. I have always ben an RPG fool and I just finished playing Dark Ages of Camelot so I can't wait for PvP! More on battle ground type like what is coming from COV then the arena play.



Software develpment nerd, mostly online games at the moment.



27 year old computer tech ... i do everything but programing...and yeah that includes the co-operate networking... all the way down to formatting a diskette for ppl.... jobs r hard out here in the the caribbean..but i am thankfully self employed ...single sadly... but..cant do much about that...

work with all types... ocasionaly i give myself over to charity ....when they need my hands and legs ....or my car to transport stuff :P...... ..i'm east indian... mixed a lil but 85-90% east indian.... rest is split between chinese and caucasian....

...hm...and i am a coh addict :P



I'm 24 from Canada. I got laid off in November so I'm unemployed and pretty much like it that way. Eventually I'll have to find another job but for now I enjoy being lazy.




I work in a fudge factory, and my job is to place the fudge into the boxes as they move along the belt.

I still don't know why it makes my friends laugh when I tell them that I pack fudge for a living.......

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OMG that's funny

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OMG... That's scary!!



Aight my turn...

I'm 22, staying in Hawaii at the moment...trying to figure out ways to escape it's islandy clutches...in the military(AF) for a little bit longer, then going to NYU in....New York
Born in Jersey, raised in S. Carolina.

I work in the Intel field...doing things....have...trouble....sleeping....at night...

Also attending school, studying aeronautics.
I enjoy reading, writing, and arithmetic...no, I don't. I like to listen to music, make music, see movies, outdoorsy ish, if it could possibly get me in trouble...I might do it....once *sigh*.
Where the heck did long walks on the beach come from anyway...*shakes head*

And that would be me

...fro is gone now though....



I thought i had posted on this thread..but I am sorely mistaken. I'm a 22 year old Lance Corporal in the Marines stationed over on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

Originally from Canada...i figure i'll get my US citizenship sometime soon..just have to wait on the damn gov't to contact me to take my final interview and pledge. you'd think that being a hero in Paragon City would be enough to grant you Citizenship but NOOOOOO.



They let Canadians in the US military? So, I can be a Canadian Mounty if I want?

He comes a new Alt.... Canadian H8ter??

BTW.. I love Canadians tho. I had a girlfriend who lived there when I was in highschool. All the guys were jealous.



Sure they let us in...haven't you heard of operation immigrant shield???

They strap us on the outside of the planes and tanks for added armour...I'm sure you've seen the armour issues on the news



You must be French-Canadain then.



BAHAHAHA no..i'm a blockhead not a frog.....i have a good friend living in seattle now that's french canadian..we have the whole french vs english thing goin on whenever we talk



Born in Hawaii and spent time in Columbia South Carolina.....Ninjin Thats too funny!



Yea...we got a reversal goin on....

I don't mind Hawaii...much. Wish I was back home tho.Never lived in Columbia. Been there but never live. I lived far east coast (Charleston). Now I'm on Oahu



OK OK. I'm a married mother of two girls 7 years and 20 months. CoH was my husband's game and he talked me into playing with him. Never played a game like this b4 the closest I got was FF? the one w/ Cloud, Tifa etc. Anyway, I played so much I got my own acct. Eventually Huz stopped playing and I never deleted other acct. I am a producer at Comcast Sportsnet working towards becoming the next Sportscenter babe. Or at least do something for ESPN.



I grew up in Kahala and hope to make it back to Oahu before end of the year.....Folly Beach is closer to home for you? I spent alot of time there and absolutely love Charleston! In fact my two favorite places in the world to party on Halloween is Waikiki and Charleston.

Ill be on Oahu in about 2 weeks for 10 days. Up for some surf lessons??






I grew up in Kahala and hope to make it back to Oahu before end of the year.....Folly Beach is closer to home for you? I spent alot of time there and absolutely love Charleston! In fact my two favorite places in the world to party on Halloween is Waikiki and Charleston.

Ill be on Oahu in about 2 weeks for 10 days. Up for some surf lessons??

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Yea anyone who rolls thru charleston says that it's one of the more beautiful cities that they have visited. Folly Beach is pretty close. Not too far. I had a friend who would go there to see his mom on weekends.

Surfing...it's that one thing your friends tell you to never do when you go, but know you just have to try it once and then tell them so they can look at like you were the most retarded person in the world. Wouldn't be too far from the truth.

So yea, I'll surf.



Dont worry Ninj, I promise not to take you to the beach I took Fayt to...

Knowing Fayt sometimes lets his mouth get him into trouble....His Baywatch swim abilities were somewhat in doubt (being he is from Oklahoma )...Idont know something told me he might not be the black David Hasslehoff....

Through a long path deep into the jungle..Our Hero Fayt slays wild Roosters trying to steal our lunch...I show him the warning signs....High Treacherous surf...Turn Back Now , This means YOU ! Still the brave Fayt forges ahead to the remote beach....

Where he finds a memorial to the many tourists who lost their lives at this beach, as recently as 4 weeks prior to his visit....Undaunted our hero charges to the beach....Boogie Board in hand ....He turns around flashes a smile at me , as I see a huge mountain of water building behind him...I yell out

"Dont Turn Your back on the Ocean!".....Of course Fayt turns completly around and says "WAT?"...as he is pummled by the brutal surf.....meanwhile his sidekick "Tanker Timmy" decides he will not be outdone by Fayt and rushes in...A short time later the very tired genna must rush into the water and save the 290 pound Tanker Timmy from drowning...

The problem is Genna was trying to be cute that day in her little white bikini instead of a surf suit. So now Timmy safely beached on shore...genna is trapped by the undertow...finally deciding that breathing has become of upmost urgency , genna allows the surf to rip her bikini top off her young body and makes her way to shore....

Fayt who once again has his back to the ocean and yells "are you ok?" and once again disappears in a mountain of water.....Our hero fights his way to shore only to find himself faced with a decision......Leave Genna topless and pouty over her favorite bikini getting washed away....Or Make the effort to retrieve the top....Valiantly Fayt runs back to the water ...as Genna rolls her eyes because there is NO way on hell he is going to find that little top in all that surf....5 Minutes later...Our hero now blonde due to all the sand in his hair drops my bikini top at my feet with a triumphant smile ...says

"Who's your Hero?!"

then collapses....I think the bruising went away before he left??

Next Chapter "The Ninjin Surfer" comming soon to a comic store near you!



Please let me drive it...pleeeeease...LoL..I better not...don't even have a license for a car...only my motorcycle



Dont worry Ninj, I promise not to take you to the beach I took Fayt to...

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been to about all of em...so nothing will be of surprise to me



Couple years old pic of me

I was born in 1967 and am currently married, the mother of an 8 year old, and for work I do object oriented computer programming. I drink a lot of coffee and I read a lot of books, that's my main hobbies besides the obvious (online computer games and message boards). I'm musically un-inclined and you could say illiterate in that art, so I have no favorite music.



I'm 39 (wow that sounds old) and live in Honolulu. I am a deputy prosecuting attorney (this game let's me do what I want to scum ). Grew up on video games and RPG's, but this is my first MMORPG (and I'm sooo addicted )



Dont worry Ninj, I promise not to take you to the beach I took Fayt to...

Knowing Fayt sometimes lets his mouth get him into trouble....His Baywatch swim abilities were somewhat in doubt (being he is from Oklahoma )...Idont know something told me he might not be the black David Hasslehoff....

Through a long path deep into the jungle..Our Hero Fayt slays wild Roosters trying to steal our lunch...I show him the warning signs....High Treacherous surf...Turn Back Now , This means YOU ! Still the brave Fayt forges ahead to the remote beach....

Where he finds a memorial to the many tourists who lost their lives at this beach, as recently as 4 weeks prior to his visit....Undaunted our hero charges to the beach....Boogie Board in hand ....He turns around flashes a smile at me , as I see a huge mountain of water building behind him...I yell out

"Dont Turn Your back on the Ocean!".....Of course Fayt turns completly around and says "WAT?"...as he is pummled by the brutal surf.....meanwhile his sidekick "Tanker Timmy" decides he will not be outdone by Fayt and rushes in...A short time later the very tired genna must rush into the water and save the 290 pound Tanker Timmy from drowning...

The problem is Genna was trying to be cute that day in her little white bikini instead of a surf suit. So now Timmy safely beached on shore...genna is trapped by the undertow...finally deciding that breathing has become of upmost urgency , genna allows the surf to rip her bikini top off her young body and makes her way to shore....

Fayt who once again has his back to the ocean and yells "are you ok?" and once again disappears in a mountain of water.....Our hero fights his way to shore only to find himself faced with a decision......Leave Genna topless and pouty over her favorite bikini getting washed away....Or Make the effort to retrieve the top....Valiantly Fayt runs back to the water ...as Genna rolls her eyes because there is NO way on hell he is going to find that little top in all that surf....5 Minutes later...Our hero now blonde due to all the sand in his hair drops my bikini top at my feet with a triumphant smile ...says

"Who's your Hero?!"

then collapses....I think the bruising went away before he left??

Next Chapter "The Ninjin Surfer" comming soon to a comic store near you!

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lol reading that whole thing over in my head made me laugh my [censored] of babe. Every bit of it was true....and i would do anything to do it again:P....tanker timmy....LMAO