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  1. Global: @Kurai Karasu


    Kurai Karasu---50 Dark/Dark Defender
    Kurai Neko --- 50 Warshade


    Neko Akki--- 39 Ma/Nin Stalker (be 40 in 3 more hours of grinding)
    Kurai Kishi--- 4 Dark/Dark Brute
    Nekoori --- 7 Ice/Ice Dominator
  2. and there was much rejoicing...

    *screams and moans of terror*
  3. What happens when the firecracker goes off?
  4. forgot the spoons marut...AND MY COOKIE!!!
  5. uh...i look horrible in green upsen..so...uh...can we change it?

    didn't think so
  6. *grumbles about wearing green*

    I want a drunken stupiditious thingydoo....I shall hold him and hug him and name him george.
  8. HAHAHA...I'll have to get a pic for gits and shiggles
  9. BAHAHAHA no..i'm a blockhead not a frog.....i have a good friend living in seattle now that's french canadian..we have the whole french vs english thing goin on whenever we talk
  10. Sure they let us in...haven't you heard of operation immigrant shield???

    They strap us on the outside of the planes and tanks for added armour...I'm sure you've seen the armour issues on the news
  11. I thought i had posted on this thread..but I am sorely mistaken. I'm a 22 year old Lance Corporal in the Marines stationed over on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

    Originally from Canada...i figure i'll get my US citizenship sometime soon..just have to wait on the damn gov't to contact me to take my final interview and pledge. you'd think that being a hero in Paragon City would be enough to grant you Citizenship but NOOOOOO.