16 -
Wish i could but im a few thousand miles to far away...
How ever if your willing to foot the plane ticket :P....... -
Red Caps = purple headed warriors?
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Now I know everyone online thinks I'm one of the most perverted people around, but you cant tell me that dident sound perverted to the rest of you.. -
i get a bug where whenever i log on a scrathcy box follows my arrow...
i can be clicking around and i get an annoying little box of scrambled up image that follows and doesnt go away for a long time, i try to log and relog but sometimes it doesnt go away...anyone have suggestions?
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might be direct x and your video card driver...try upgrading em both.... -
Ok.. a couple of things to clear up here...
First of all, it is not Zues. it's Zeus. Zeus is one of the few words in the english language that has the 'e' before the 'u'. Since i've been writing the word "zeus" for my whole life, I now misspell words like feul, teusday... you get the idea. I try not to be a spelling nazi, but over the last 30something years this one has started to get to me.
Secondly, hades was in no way evil. The greeks did not have an evil underworld. They didn't really even have much of a concept of evil. Evil was a primarily christian concept, and that came around long after the greek pantheon had migrated into the romans.... same gods, less cool names. Evil is a relatively modern concept... the idea that any person or action can be "fundamentally, universally wrong just because of it's nature".... kind of an odd concept if you think about it. From what I can tell, Zeus was only an opponent of Hades in that damned disney movie.
That said, I don't think the OP's suggestion is really that far off base however. It has definate merit. If Statesman is an avatar of a god, he could very well be the power of a god incarnate. Lord Recluse could also be an avatar of a god. If indeed the power becomes incarnate by taking possession of a host (in this case, the guy statesman used to be), then perhaps lord recluse is a villian because he was of a villanous nature even before he was granted the powers of a god. In fact, it may be feasable that a benevolent god's powers, being used by a malicious person, would wind up more villianous than benevolent. A good hearted person could do the same with a more maelevolent natured god's powers.
Oh, and Zeus' father was Uranus. Or Chronos, depending on which version you read. Typically though Uranus was the first god of the universe, who was slain by his son Chronos, who in turn was slain by his son Zeus - the last of the titans and new ruler of the universe.
Zeus - god of information and opinion
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you know...that brings an interesting question... if zuse's father was a titan why is he a god...?... send me a pm?... would love someone to argue this stuff with.... kinda lacking where i am from -
Ok.. a couple of things to clear up here...
First of all, it is not Zues. it's Zeus. Zeus is one of the few words in the english language that has the 'e' before the 'u'. Since i've been writing the word "zeus" for my whole life, I now misspell words like feul, teusday... you get the idea. I try not to be a spelling nazi, but over the last 30something years this one has started to get to me.
Secondly, hades was in no way evil. The greeks did not have an evil underworld. They didn't really even have much of a concept of evil. Evil was a primarily christian concept, and that came around long after the greek pantheon had migrated into the romans.... same gods, less cool names. Evil is a relatively modern concept... the idea that any person or action can be "fundamentally, universally wrong just because of it's nature".... kind of an odd concept if you think about it. From what I can tell, Zeus was only an opponent of Hades in that damned disney movie.
That said, I don't think the OP's suggestion is really that far off base however. It has definate merit. If Statesman is an avatar of a god, he could very well be the power of a god incarnate. Lord Recluse could also be an avatar of a god. If indeed the power becomes incarnate by taking possession of a host (in this case, the guy statesman used to be), then perhaps lord recluse is a villian because he was of a villanous nature even before he was granted the powers of a god. In fact, it may be feasable that a benevolent god's powers, being used by a malicious person, would wind up more villianous than benevolent. A good hearted person could do the same with a more maelevolent natured god's powers.
Oh, and Zeus' father was Uranus. Or Chronos, depending on which version you read. Typically though Uranus was the first god of the universe, who was slain by his son Chronos, who in turn was slain by his son Zeus - the last of the titans and new ruler of the universe.
Zeus - god of information and opinion
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you know...that brings an interesting question... if zuse's father was a titan why is he a god...?... send me a pm?... would love someoen to argue this stuff with.... kinda lacking where i am from -
A graphic update might require an entire engin overhaul, depending on how this game was programmed....
either way...your looking at a HUGE download... and possibly a mandatory memory upgrade...
we will see... programming this is definatly gonan be interesting.....
I see signs of construction in certin areas of the city already tho *near subgenetics in SC* so who knows..maybe they are already doing a graphic overhaul...
which brings up another question.... how long b4 someone begins complaining about the massive download they gotta do if and when the updates are released.......im on 56 k dialup so.... ill go first :P
GEEZE !!! 4 GB DOWNLOAD?!?!?!?! ... when will this be done...davali 07?...
oh great..now you guys got me worried.... -
So I was on with my SG on Champion a while ago, and we were doing the Positron TF. At one point, we were ambush right in front of Positron and Valkyrie. So here's all these guys shooting at us, trying to kill us, and Mr. Bigshot "I got my armor upgraded" and Ms. "I have this fancy spear that none of you can get!" are just kinda standing there watching.
Seriously, though, it would be cool if the trainers got some sort of automated power similar to the police drones. There's just something wrong about the eight most famous heroes in all of Paragon city standing there watching you get pounded on.
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All that crap is grey to me, no XP.
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oh jeeze now that i definatly wasent expecting *LMAO* -
this makes alot of sense.
I have my own little theory on this and recluse that i came up of from me reading your theory.
What if statesmen and lord recluse are brothers?
States could be Zues incarnated and recluse could be Hades (Zues brother thats basically the ruler of hell) incarnated.
They would be fighting each other alot cause Zues and Hades never were on good terms with each other and Hades was kinda evil.
The cursed line would make alot of sense kinda cause in mythology Zues Hades and Posiden (the thrid brother of Zues)
drew lots on who would gain control of what part of the world basically. Zues won first so he got the heavens and sky, Posiden got second so he got the seas, and Hades got the bum luck so hes stuck with the underworld.
or the cursed line could just mean that being immortal is a curse unto itself cause as an immortal you will always out live everyone you know and love.
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there is a theory that immortals are detached...and to them time flies by really fast... like years pass by and they feel like its only been days or weeks. They never learn to love wholly casue to them people come and go by fast... they get sad and everything but its all so quick to their minds that its like knowing someone for 3 months... you get to know em but never really feel for them... so love isent a curse...its just unkonwn to em by their very nature...
The cures comes from knowing ppl feel and achieve emotional states they can only dream of and knowing they will never know the debt of human emotional binds simply becasue of their nature.....
...........then agian its just a theory.......... -
after seeing that trailer, all I have to say is...
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Ummm... eeewww!
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I'm suposed to be one of the biggest perverts in paragaon and even i am grossed out by this...
*quickly stuffs wet tissue into the base of a nearby tree, wipes left hand on cape on unsespecting hero* -
ramen eating Europeans.
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What's wrong with Ramen?
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I would LOVE to know..... -
It should be simple to create an IM client that did not execute code sent through it, did not allow opportunities for buffer overflows, etc. The security holes that have been relating to IM clients have to do with links to browsers, sending files, and so forth. Merely opening a chat interface so lines of text can be sent from within CoH to outside CoH and back would not be a security risk if done with reasonable care.
Everquest has had an IM client for a long time (EQIM). It's an unstable, crashing-all-the-time piece of junkware, but I have yet to hear of a security problem it created for the EQ servers or clients running it.
In the workplace, IM clients can allow a lot of productivity gain as people can discuss their plans in a group setting without leaving their offices and computers. It also creates its own record. In many ways superior to frequent meetings.
Stop the IM hate
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main reason external IM clients are bad, just log into diablo 2 and take a look at all the adds that pop up ingame and sometimes flod the screen wiht text....even if it ntoa security risk..do you REALLY want a mass of tells or the broadcast/recuest/sg/whatever challes flodded with "buy HO's From www.sellingho's. and other ingame items, ask abotu our pwoerlevelign services!!!"... alsready saw a few toons with that as their character description... would HATE to have it showing up ingame...
tho seeign adds flashed across bill bords ingame would add a tiny tough of reality tot he game....
so would being able to smash said boards and watch em snap crackle and pop... -
finally..some sanity...
noone said "ok there is pvp now. so you HAVE to fight everyone..
tehre is also the hollows...... i hate that place.. i dont go there..but hundreds of other ppl go...they liek it...they go..thats the wonderfullthign about this game...
you can actually chose what you want to do.....
amazing huh? -
...loot based huh?.... maybe i need to get those flying fiary slippers....yeah...one i loot that i will be unstopable not only in game ..but IRL ... oh yeah baby!! lets hear it for looting!!! WHOO HOO!!!
bmc strikes again
kinda reminds me of the first time everyoens aw rainbow ice cream...heard it was to full of coloring.. was too sweet, fattening..tasted confusing...when i asked all the ppl complaing when they tried it ...I was very suprised to learn none of the *cencored* had even tried it....I tried it..liked it..
NOW the same complainers i see every friday buyingthe same thing a few years back they were bm&C'ing over. -
27 year old computer tech ... i do everything but programing...and yeah that includes the co-operate networking... all the way down to formatting a diskette for ppl.... jobs r hard out here in the the caribbean..but i am thankfully self employed ...single sadly... but..cant do much about that...
work with all types... ocasionaly i give myself over to charity ....when they need my hands and legs ....or my car to transport stuff :P...... ..i'm east indian... mixed a lil but 85-90% east indian.... rest is split between chinese and caucasian....
...hm...and i am a coh addict :P -
Over 4 subsets..and no that not only alts.
Group Activity: extremly high... rare for any hero to be offline for more than 3 days.
Group mood: varied...there is definatly alot of fun in the group
LEVLE: main SG 96% lvl 50's, Subs' Vary .. but gear more towards high lvls except for the newest one that is gradually building levels.
Player loyalty: players do NOT abandon their team mates...even if the sg calls...we will finish a mission unless its a RL situation that cannot be ignored...*kid hurting himself... pizza delivery guy..cat getting its tounge stuck in the eletricity socket again etc.*
I lay the claim that we ARE among the top 5 SG's on champion. I will never say that we are the best however...i leave that for the members and the non members to decide. To each his own opinion.
P.S. ...... Pineapples!!!