Reporting bugs in game




From time to time you may come across a bug or oddity in the game. This may be something simple like a floating box or as complex as a mission that breaks at the very end. So if you find yourself face to face with an in-game bug what should you do?

You have two options…

The first is the simplest to use. /bug When you type this command in game, you’ll be able to give a description of the bug you have found. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using /bug.
1.) Type a description – Tell us what’s going on with the bug.
2.) Type /bug from the location of the bug – The report includes your character’s location. So if you run off or finish your mission then report the bug, the QA team isn’t getting an accurate report or location of the bug.
3.) You WILL NOT be contacted by a member of QA – Keep this in mind when using /bug. If you feel the QA team needs important information, provide it in your description.

The second option you can use to report bugs is /petition. When using this command in-game, it will create a ticket for customer support. Unlike /bug, this command DOES NOT provide us with any information about your character. Keep these things in mind when using /petition.

1.) Tell us about the bug – Make sure you provide us with all your information such as;
a. Account name (not password)
b. What bug you are seeing or experiencing
c. If it’s a mission bug tell us the mission name, the contact that gave you the mission, which zone.
d. If it a power bug tell us which power sets you have, origin and archetype of your character.

2.) Make sure you provide us with your system specs.
3.) Someone WILL reply to your ticket in a timely manner – If you do not need or wish a reply, use /bug.
4.) Give us a step by step account of how to reproduce the bug.

The QA team is constantly working to ensure your game play runs smoothly and bug free.




Submitted a bug report on a memory leak I've been having (causing major performance issues in game). Hopefully the dev's get around to fixing it.

This space is intentionally left blank.



So should we not be using Menu->Support for this, then?



thats what ive been using, since i didnt know there was a /petition hehe



i also run out of room 99% of the time, because some bugs are pretty technical and i want the QA team to be able to reproduce it easier. can you at least double the length? sure you might get some rambling, but wouldnt it help in the long run?



lots of people like me are having probs with character generation and only dark green silhouette's appearing when you try to design your costume.



I have bugged mission now and I waited between 2 and 2.5 hours for in game help..

Now I will get a flood of useless e-mails telling me to re-petetion
next time I am in game..



lots of people like me are having probs with character generation and only dark green silhouette's appearing when you try to design your costume.

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It might possibly be your video card. i had a similar problem until my dear Hubby brought home a new video card for me (Isn't He sooo sweet??) VOILA!! New card, no problems

Artic Flower {Magic Blaster-Infinity}



lots of people like me are having probs with character generation and only dark green silhouette's appearing when you try to design your costume.

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If it's not too old a card, make sure both your DirectX and video card drivers are up-to-date. I had problems on my Dell laptop until I updated both.




Ummm...can we get the max size of a petition increased if you'd like all this info? I ran out of space just describing the problem.

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just type /bug, error in mission, or something then type the rest in the box that pops up.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



be nice if they would reply to a /bug even in email to say thanks for letting us know or we are looking into this already etc.

I have submitted an xp abuse bug (no I will not tell anyone here how it works) that can get some people 3x the xp they would normally get on a kill. I would love to know if they need more help on it.. (since I can reproduce it easily for them to watch) I don't use it to level or work off debt, I do play normally..



I had the Oscillator problem as well. I /bugged, then Petitioned, stood around for a while, and then thought I wasn't going to get a response. I decided to call all of my contacts, since I only had the one mission, and no one else would give me any until I got to 10. One of them decided to give me a new contact, allowing me to get a new mission, thereby clearing the bugged mission. I reselected the Clockwise mission, and was no more than 3 enemies into it, when a Police Drone showed up. I explained my situation, the mission was checked for any more Embedded 'bots, and I went on my way. The next day, in Perez Park, a Police Drone flies up behind me, asking me about my 'Clockwork problem'. "Sorry, officer. I don't have a Clockwork problem. Someone helped me with that yesterday." (I didn't actually say that. ) I think they blackballed me, because I had one other Petition after that, and haven't heard back on it at all (Talos Black Hole).

BTW, is it some weird coding that requires a GM to pop in behind you? Freaky! lol

WinXPPro @ GF7800 @ SBLive! @ Copperhead @ Cable
Who am I? Check here.



What should I do about the Map Server Disconnects that I get sometimes?



I don't think there is anything you can do about being disconnected from the mapserver.

Seriously though, the /bug dialog box is too small. U have 2 typ in l33t spek in ordr 2 get ur point across most of the time. At least give us the standard 255 characters.



I've only encountered a bug where enemies get stuck in pillars at times, other than that, just a few minor ones.



We got victimized by an ugly one. We were doing Synapse's TF mission to kill the Clockwork King, and we were on about the 8th mission. Long, fun fights for great xp. The group reassembled yesterday to finish out the missions. We knew there were TF bugs and that we might not get the mission reward, but we weren't prepared for this ...

About 90% of the way through the first of the three warehouses, our leader dropped connection and we were all kicked out to the Steel Canyon street. (!) We re-entered the warehouse (as and our ex-leader returned), and found it stocked with clocks for about one hero ... not six. When we finished the mission ... it was over, as if it had been a regular mission instead of a TF series. No 2nd/3rd warehouse. No Clockwork King.

Now Synapse won't talk to us, because he thinks we're done, even though we didn't fill up his confidence bar and we didn't find the CW King. All he'll do is thank us for our help.

All I want is for my contact with Synapse to be reset so that I can restart that TF mission series with another group at a later time. I hope that can be arranged. The xp was so great, that I don't really mind having to go back for a second attempt.


Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Not sure if this is a bug or not, but as a level 20 on a tsoo mission I somehow came up against a level 26 boss. I did the mission solo start to finish and would like to know if this is a bug or not.

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Also got that mission. Did it with 2 ppl and there was the lvl 26 tsoo and a 21 warrior boss. a bit hard for a lvl 20 mission.

Sometimes the "missiongenerator" does some very strange things but i think that one must be an error in the "mission description".
Also had a 5th mission that started out with all yellow and orange con mobs and went straight to grey con mobs no white/blue/green mobs at all.

Bragir DM/Regen scrapper



3.) Someone WILL reply to your ticket in a timely manner – If you do not need or wish a reply, use /bug.

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Timely manner? Timely manner you say? I don't know what you consider timely, but I have waited HOURS for a response from a petition. I have actually gotten an e-mail more than a day later telling me that they could not help me because I was not online. Well, of course I wasn't online after an entire day!

If it is at all possible, it's quicker to simply restart the mission than it is to wait for a response from a petition.

When I do not have that option, I simply crawl into a fetal position and sob uncontrollably.

I scoff at your timely manner, Sir.



I would like to request the feedback threads be reopened. They were only open for a grand total of 8 hours. With the speed that posts disappear from the forums I would like to provide my feedback directly to the developers in the specially-designated threads.

Closing them prior to allowing some of us to provide feedback denies us the opportunity to voice our concerns. Our concerns which are as legitimate as every other customer.



Using /petition to report bugs just doesn't work. I can only assume nobody's briefed NCSoft's Customer Support on just what the hell they're supposed to be doing. Basically the boards tell you to report it that way...then some CSR tells you to go to the boards.

Somebody needs to make a definitive answer and sit all parties down and let them know what the hell it is, because running your customers in a loop is just bad business.



language filter needs a little tweeking. if you wanna say some rate M words just add "!!!!" to it.



I had a problem with a TF mission the other day. We had 1 Spectral Daemon Lord stuck in the wall and we couldn't hit him. We petitioned and about 5 minutes later we had a GM come and fix it for us.

How can anyone fault that? The group of RL friends that were doing that TF were ex-EQ fanatics like myself. We were so used to it taking DAYS to get a reply that we were honestly just standing around discussing if we wanted to just go exp while we waited. None of us imagined we'd get help that fast. This game rocks; anyone who thinks the CS sucks should go play EQ and see what suck is all about.



I had a problem with a TF mission the other day. We had 1 Spectral Daemon Lord stuck in the wall and we couldn't hit him. We petitioned and about 5 minutes later we had a GM come and fix it for us.

How can anyone fault that? The group of RL friends that were doing that TF were ex-EQ fanatics like myself. We were so used to it taking DAYS to get a reply that we were honestly just standing around discussing if we wanted to just go exp while we waited. None of us imagined we'd get help that fast. This game rocks; anyone who thinks the CS sucks should go play EQ and see what suck is all about.

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I'm glad you got such a fast response..but our experience was different. We were fighting the Tsoo and had a MOB stuck in the ceiling. We petioned..then sat there ALL night with our toons waiting for a response (It was late and after awhile, we simply went to bed, but our toons stayed in game just in case). We only did this so that they could get the info they needed at the mission itself since we had seen it posted they appreciated this. Well, we came back to keys and had recieved an email saying they were sorry we were OFFLINE and that to email them again when we got back online. A couple hours or so later (We had replied to the email) while STILL in the instanced zone, maintence for the day occurred and we got kicked out. about 2 mins later, we recieved an email where they told us they couldn't help us now because of maintence and to please contact them again when we got back in the game so we could show them the problem. Unfortunately...maintence wipes the instance..the problem no longer existed in that particular zone.

I don't know what time of day you did your petition, and it may have something to do with that, but I don't know. Perhaps they have just gotten faster since the day we ran into our problem. Who knows. Apparently there are good and bad experiences with GMs, as with anything else. No, you can't fault a 5 min response, but not everyone gets a response that quickly

Artic Flower - Forsaken HEROs
Infinity server

"I always get what I want"



3.) Someone WILL reply to your ticket in a timely manner – If you do not need or wish a reply, use /bug.

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Timely manner? Timely manner you say? I don't know what you consider timely, but I have waited HOURS for a response from a petition. I have actually gotten an e-mail more than a day later telling me that they could not help me because I was not online. Well, of course I wasn't online after an entire day!

If it is at all possible, it's quicker to simply restart the mission than it is to wait for a response from a petition.

When I do not have that option, I simply crawl into a fetal position and sob uncontrollably.

I scoff at your timely manner, Sir.

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lol a few hours is nothing, with other MMOG's you'll have to wait longer than that. As an example in SWG i was hit with the vanishing harvester bug, it took nearly a month before a CSR showed up to help me and by that time the harvesters had gone away because i couldn't pay the upkeep on them.



Had my first good experience with CS today. I was running solo on a defeat Tsoo mission given to me by NPC Adrew Fiore. I defeated all the Tsoo in one building and got the Ta-Da "Mission Complete" message in the NAV window. I also saw the mission complete message when I opened the mission window and expanded the mission brief. however, my contact Andrew would not give me any missions and stated "Get over to the second building and defuse the situation" but there was no new mission objective target in the NAV window or on the map. Woe unto me, I was stuck. I immediately filed a petition and a bug report. I left my toon right there in game in Independence Port and went to grab a bite and take a potty break. When I returned, I was greeted by the one and only GM_Chief Wiggum policebot. He teamed with me and tried to do whatever GM's do to get the mission's next target to appear but no joy. So he finally just had to credit my toon with a mission complete and send me on my way. I was disappointed that I didn't get to actually finish mission but I was happy that I was no longer hung up on a dead end mission objective. thanks to Chief Wiggum and Cryptic for prompt and very courteous service.

FreezeBurner 50 Blaster-Fire/Ice
Paragon Destructor 50 Brute-En/En