3 -
I think it's funny... People can't have their own experience anymore. They have to find the perfect build so they can rule the world. Wheres the fun in taking out a mob in one or two hits? Wheres the challenge? Wheres the blood pumping excitement? I gots a Enrg/Enrg Blaster that most of you would probably laugh at, but I bet I have more fun gettin into trouble and surviving by the skin of my teeth while lvling at a comfortable rate. Is there some prize for hitting the lvl cap quick? Do they give you a Super Cookie or something?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ditto. I went through three En/En Blasters before I found the build I liked. Sure I come here to ask questions on certain powers (after searching) but I've never (I don't think) posted by entire build and said "rate this" or "fix me."
I'm really sick of all the "what do you think of this build" posts and the same freaking questions showing up 10 times a week. It's really bad. How many times do we have to say what the fastest levelling Blaster is? How many times do we have to talk about Stamina and Hasten? How many times are we gonna have to keep repeating that Fire is the AoE king and Devices roxxors your house?
Sorry.In a ranting mood today I guess.
(Crosspost from General)
Level 15 En/En Blaster here, casual player. Got on tonight and grouped.
I hate this patch with every fiber of my being.
Everyone's said it already but I'll repeat. Joined an 18, another 15, and a 13 sidekicked to 17. The other 15 was a Storm Defender. Door clockwork mission where everyone in the mission was 18. Bosses and Lts were HIGHLY COMMON; minions very rare.
We made it through with a couple of casulties but for the most part without too much problem...for the other players. The 18 Scrapper did just fine. He was a defensive machine. The SK 17 Blaster did great too. The 15 Defender used Hurricane constantly; apparently that power doesn't need to "hit" to work because she had no problems.
I, on the other hand, with two Acc slots in my attack powers, was nigh useless. My hit rate was, at best 25%. Using Aim gave me one or two shots that hit maybe 50% of the time. The only time I was useful was when someone killed the Princes' and I got to mop up the level 16 gears.
It was a frustrating evening for me. I made some good XP and worked off my debt from dying but not because I was an effecitve member: *I was a leech the entire night.* I don't feel good about leeching and worse of all, grouping was just a frustrating experience of Miss, Miss, Miss....
I don't mind a challenge or tough bosses but being relegated to being inept isn't fun.
I play CoH to have fun. -
I would like to request the feedback threads be reopened. They were only open for a grand total of 8 hours. With the speed that posts disappear from the forums I would like to provide my feedback directly to the developers in the specially-designated threads.
Closing them prior to allowing some of us to provide feedback denies us the opportunity to voice our concerns. Our concerns which are as legitimate as every other customer.