17 -
NCsoft Europe's MD, Geoff Heath
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What does MD stand for? I presume its not Medical Doctor.
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I would guess Media Director. -
According to the CripticAR forum it integrates itself into 3D max at install.
there are many free alternatives to 3D Studio Max but unfortunately it is a requirement for CripticAR.
That's cool to bad I don't have 4 grand to drop on 3D studio max to use it.
Go play the Best. Game. Evar.
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I second that. If it wasnt for Homeworld I would have never gotten into PC games and never found the joy of CoX. -
The main reason I think it a Jericho is it has a similar silhouette at the Deagle (it's made by the same company) and has a one peice slide with an ejection port. The texture for the MM pistol looks like they have ejection ports on them. I wish I could log on to take a closer look, I only thought to take one screen shot last night its hard to see for sure. You my be right but the only person that knows for sure is the artist that made the model.
So far so good. Just please make the pistol sound like a heavier caliber. It looks like a desert eagle and sounds like a .38
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Going by the length of the slide I think the pistol is modeled more after the IMI Jericho 941 more than than the Desert Eagle , but I could be completely wrong. -
I really like the Pistol powers. They have a nice style and flow to them. Heroes need pistols too, I dont care what AT gets them. After messing around with a thug MM I so want a run and gun pistol Hero.
Sorry but I have to call shenanigans. I cant help but feel a bit disapointed (nad a little cheated) that a game that I have loved and been loyal too since beta is getting pushed to the side because of the new kid. Does CoV need attention? Yes. CoH needs love too, and giving CoH the left over crumbs makes me feel that CoH is less important it the "devs".
Will I cancle my account over this? Hell no! I enjoy being a hero to much to leave but just remeber there are many out there that either don't own or don't like CoV. We may be in the minority but we are still out there, and we got the brush off this issue and it hurt us (or at least me).
Oh and on a side note if Issue 8 is a hero heavy update be ready for the same kind of reaction from the villans that you are getting from the heroes this issue. -
There you have it folks! Synapse is the Red Shirt of CoH.
Always getting killed, but never dead.
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He's not a red shirt he's CoH's Kenny. -
Captain Mako is definitely not a Coralax.
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With that said lets try a little fever induced speculation. Seeing that Kheldian are "good guys" this means the Nictus will be in their place for CoV. That mean the race that Captain Mako belongs to will is the "evil" counterpart to the Coralax. -
And the second thing (something I just noticed)...
I don't think this was a PREVIEW. I think this was the ENTIRE FIRST COMIC.
Look at the last panel. Notice the "Disconnecting in 5... 4...")?
That's the same message we get when we log out of CoH.
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No States is just upset that he got pwned and is logging out in disgust. The comic will pick up a few hours later when he logs back in, after he walks off the hurt of the crappy team. -
Take a look at this, I can't wait.
For a game less than a year old? That's not nostalgia that's a few weeks ago.
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For any other MMO I would be inclined to agree, but CoH has evolved so much since it's launch we can be nostalgic. -
Just a short question: At which lvl can I try to take down the the guy in DA? I saw its a lvl 29 monster, I am 30 now. Possible for a blaster?
Thx, for your help.
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My question exactly! I'm level 31 blaster.
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Not sure . I solo'ed him with my 32 DM/DA scrapper but it took a good long while and a full tray of insperations to do it. -
3.) Someone WILL reply to your ticket in a timely manner If you do not need or wish a reply, use /bug.
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Timely manner? Timely manner you say? I don't know what you consider timely, but I have waited HOURS for a response from a petition. I have actually gotten an e-mail more than a day later telling me that they could not help me because I was not online. Well, of course I wasn't online after an entire day!
If it is at all possible, it's quicker to simply restart the mission than it is to wait for a response from a petition.
When I do not have that option, I simply crawl into a fetal position and sob uncontrollably.
I scoff at your timely manner, Sir.
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lol a few hours is nothing, with other MMOG's you'll have to wait longer than that. As an example in SWG i was hit with the vanishing harvester bug, it took nearly a month before a CSR showed up to help me and by that time the harvesters had gone away because i couldn't pay the upkeep on them.